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5 Home Risks to Eliminate This Spring

Spring is here. As we look forward to longer, warmer days, it’s a good time to look around your home or apartment and identify the elements that might pose a danger to you or others. You might also eliminate conditions that could cause unnecessary damage. Here are...

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12 Easy No-Prep Formative Assessment Strategies

Formative assessment is meant to monitor student learning and provide teachers information to help guide instruction during a lesson or unit.  It can help teachers target areas of weakness, identify strengths, and differentiate.  Using appropriate formative assessment...

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7 Ways to Protect Your Teen from Distracted Driving

https://youtu.be/Z69B9nassdI April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month. It’s a good reminder that we all need to be more aware of what we are doing as we motor along America’s byways and highways. However, you’re not alone if you get a pit in your stomach every time...

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4 Easy Ways to Stay Healthy After Retirement

Now that the day-to-day job is in the past, you can look forward to a life afterwards. So you maybe asking yourself, what to do now? It's a new chapter in life and the opportunities are endless. Here are ideas to consider for your new life in retirement. Staying...

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