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7 Easy Free Math Websites You Can Use in the Classroom Now
I enjoy teaching out of our math textbooks and using the nifty manipulatives, cross-curricular centers, leveled readers, and other integrated activities which come with our math series. However, sometimes, it’s nice to shake things up a bit and jump on the computers...
California Casualty Supports Firefighters and Future Firefighters
The National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) named Parker Ketler the 2017 Junior Firefighter of the Year at its spring board meeting April 7. California Casualty is a proud sponsor of the Junior Firefighter of the Year award and we were pleased to present Parker with...
5 Home Risks to Eliminate This Spring
Spring is here. As we look forward to longer, warmer days, it’s a good time to look around your home or apartment and identify the elements that might pose a danger to you or others. You might also eliminate conditions that could cause unnecessary damage. Here are...
12 Easy No-Prep Formative Assessment Strategies
Formative assessment is meant to monitor student learning and provide teachers information to help guide instruction during a lesson or unit. It can help teachers target areas of weakness, identify strengths, and differentiate. Using appropriate formative assessment...
7 Ways to Protect Your Teen from Distracted Driving
https://youtu.be/Z69B9nassdI April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month. It’s a good reminder that we all need to be more aware of what we are doing as we motor along America’s byways and highways. However, you’re not alone if you get a pit in your stomach every time...
Roadside Assistance – You Can’t Afford Not To Have It
Express Road Service from California Casualty is just another way we're there for you when you need us. Check out these amazing benefits for around $1/month.
6 Things Firefighters Need to Know About Modern Cars
Emergencies happen daily, and firefighters are the heroes to come to the rescue. As technology is constantly changing, it’s important that firefighters stay updated on the newest vehicles that have lithium-ion batteries and alternative fuel. Here are some...
4 Easy Ways to Stay Healthy After Retirement
Now that the day-to-day job is in the past, you can look forward to a life afterwards. So you maybe asking yourself, what to do now? It's a new chapter in life and the opportunities are endless. Here are ideas to consider for your new life in retirement. Staying...
17 Innocent April Fool’s Jokes Teachers Can Play on Students
Looking for some harmless jokes to play on your students in observance of April Fool’s Day? Look no further! I’ve compiled a list of innocent tricks teachers of all grade levels can pull off, because sometimes a good prank is just necessary. List all the...
4 Reasons Why Staying Hydrated Should Be a Top Priority in Law Enforcement
Coffee and donuts are a cliché associated with cops. But much like surgeons and pilots, officers are needed for their immediate detailed focus and alertness. The lack of either can make a difference between success and failure, life and death. Along with physical...