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Classroom Technology to Increase Student Engagement

Are your students truly engaged during your instruction? Getting, and keeping, students academically engaged may be one of the most difficult aspects of teaching.   The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) says the number one way to increase...

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Suicide Prevention- First Responders

By Mark Goldberg, Communications Specialist with California Casualty September 10th is World Suicide Prevention Day, and many people don’t like to talk about it, but it’s time to start. The topic of suicide got a lot more personal for me four years ago when a good...

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Self Improvement Month – Tips for Self Improvement

Fall is around the corner and with the changing of the seasons comes changing of mindset. September is Self Improvement Month, aka time to get back to the basics, set goals for yourself, and really focus on your well-being. Whether you are caught up in your day-to-day...

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Covering 9/11 in the Classroom

Our Education Blogger is a public school teacher with over a decade of experience. She’s an active NEA member and enjoys writing about her experiences in the classroom. "Never Forget." Americans associate this saying with the attacks on September 11th.  However, many...

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16 Easy No-Cost and Non-Food Student Incentives

Whatever your classroom management style may be, you probably use some sort of student reward or incentive system. Student incentives can become expensive, but motivating and rewarding students does not require a heaping stash of fun-size candy bars or a treasure...

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Disaster Preparation for Pets

Our pets are precious members of the family. We take them on adventures and shower them with treats and love. However, when it comes to disaster situations, our fur babies are often an after-thought, and sadly, many suffer and are left behind when a natural disaster...

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