In a world where you can be anything, always be kind. There a million different ways to make someone smile, but the easiest way is to just simply be kind. When you show someone an act of kindness like, tipping your server generously or even just striking up a friendly conversation, it can change a person’s entire mood.

It is important for us, as people, to recognize that we don’t know what someone else is going through in life or how they are feeling; but we can make their day a little better by simply showing them kindness. That is why we should always be kind to everyone we meet.

Showing kindness is easy and can even put you in a better mood! Here are 10 Random Acts of Kindness that you can do today and every day:

  1. Give a Stranger a Compliment
  2. Volunteer or Donate to a Fundraiser/Charity
  3. Hold the Door or Elevator
  4. Pay for Someone Else’s Meal
  5. Write a “Thank You” or Encouraging Note
  6. Do a Favor Without Asking for Anything in Return
  7. Send a Care Package to a Soldier
  8. Donate Blood
  9. Visit a Nursing Home
  10. Bake Cookies for Your Office

Want some more ideas? Click here.


Related Articles:

10 Kindness Week Ideas for Schools

Random Acts of Kindness Resources for Educators


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