Welcome to the California Casualty Blog
#ThisIsMyMoment – Kelly Michale
https://youtu.be/VWpJxQ9bwEY Kelly is an NEA member and teaches highs school theater and drama. She strives every day to encourage her students to work hard and believe in themselves. Check out how she helped one student achieve his dream of a dance career. ...
5 Proven Tips for Fighting Winter Fires
Firefighters say that house fires increase in the winter months. Most the fire starters include food left on the stove, candles left near flammable items like decorations or curtains, or space heaters left unattended and close to flammable objects. As firefighters...
Why Teachers Should Take Mental Health Days
Our Education Blogger is a public school teacher with over a decade of experience. She’s an active NEA member and enjoys writing about her experiences in the classroom. Teachers are some of the sickest people I know. And I don’t mean the modern slang...
Teaching Financial Literacy: The Breakdown
Our Education Blogger is a public school teacher with over a decade of experience. She’s an active NEA member and enjoys writing about her experiences in the classroom. Teaching financial literacy doesn’t have to be complicated! We’ve got you covered with a...
Easy Websites for Free Teacher Lesson Plans and Resources
Our Education Blogger is a public school teacher with over a decade of experience. She’s an active NEA member and enjoys writing about her experiences in the classroom. I’m always searching for supplemental lesson plans and resources to accompany my prescribed...
7 Steps to Take After Hitting a Deer
Fall is a glorious time to take a drive and enjoy the changing colors. Be careful, it’s also a dangerous time for wildlife. Accidents with deer and elk spike across the United States from October through December, with November the top month for deer-car crashes. The...
Join California Casualty in Thanking First Responders
The words “incomprehensible,” “terrible,” and “devastation like we’ve never seen or imagined” continue to be used to describe the impact of the fires that ravaged and changed the face of Santa Rosa and areas of Sonoma and Napa counties in October. The images of the...
Quick and Free Thanksgiving Resources for Your Classroom
Our Education Blogger is a public school teacher with over a decade of experience. She’s an active NEA member and enjoys writing about her experiences in the classroom. We’ve got you covered for Thanksgiving teaching resources! Check out our favorite videos,...
11 Online Communities for Teachers
Our Education Blogger is a public school teacher with over a decade of experience. She’s an active NEA member and enjoys writing about her experiences in the classroom. Many educators turn to Facebook or Twitter for the latest in teaching strategies, materials,...
Student Privacy 101: Using Social Media in the Classroom
Our Education Blogger is a public school teacher with over a decade of experience. She’s an active NEA member and enjoys writing about her experiences in the classroom. Social media can be a powerful instructional tool. However, many teachers avoid social...