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10 Things You Need To Know As A New Teacher

You’ve spent long hours preparing for your career in teaching, but researching, studying, student teaching, creating lesson plans, and interviewing can only prepare you for so much. Your biggest lessons will come from experience. We’ve gathered some tips to remember...

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Soft Skills To Teach in Your Classroom This Year

Soft Skills are very important non-academic skills that kids need to learn to help them throughout their lives. There are many ways teachers can incorporate soft skills to teach in the classroom. This can range from problem solving exercises, practicing mindfulness,...

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5 Classroom Design Tips for the New School Year

It's August, which means it's officially back to school season, and many teachers are working hard in their classroom to get it prepared for that first day!  An organized classroom is an integral part of the learning process. Did you know that the way you structure...

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Discounts for Nurses

Nurses work long hours around the clock to save lives and provide patients with the best level of care; however they do so much more than just physical care. Nurses provide emotional support and educate patients and families on conditions, they create high-level...

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Wildfire Preparation Tips

Wildfires seem to be burning faster and more intense than ever. The past few years have seen the largest and most destructive conflagrations in US history. Wildfire preparation tips are more important than ever. Too many people have come back to find melted remnants...

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Simple Ways Educators Can Ease Back Into School

heading back to school Summer break is winding down. Your mind is becoming consumed with thoughts about heading back to school. For some, it’s an easy transition, but for others, it’s a shock to the system. As the calendar flips to August, get yourself refocused on...

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Are You Helping a Car Thief?

Car theft and robberies spike in the summer. Why? Because many vehicles are left for long hours in parking areas, restaurants, tourist attractions, and even at home for days at a time while many families go on vacation. That means, during these next few months, we all...

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