Welcome to the California Casualty Blog
Preparedness- How to Build an Emergency Kit
When an emergency or natural disaster strikes, it's important to have an emergency preparedness kit stocked and ready to go with basic items that meet your family's particular needs. Building an emergency kit is quick and easy. Plus, it could save your life. It is...
If Disaster Strikes – Are You Ready?
Disaster can strike at ANY time during ANY season. So, each year we are here to remind you to prepare for disaster situations in your home and communities. BE PREPARED: Before an emergency or natural disaster strikes, here are 10 things you can do: Plan and...
7 Fresh, Meaningful Cooperative Learning Strategies
Our Education Blogger is a public school teacher with over a decade of experience. She’s an active NEA member and enjoys writing about her experiences in the classroom. Cooperative learning strategies Tired of using the same cooperative learning strategies over...
8 Podcasts for Teachers
There is a podcast for just about everything these days. Podcasts for teachers or education professionals is no exception. Whether you are looking for support from other real-life teachers, want to brush up on your skills, or have a good laugh from someone who “gets...
7 Exclusive Insurance Benefits for First Responders
California Casualty provides you exclusive benefits that are not available to the general public.
Bullying Prevention – 10 Tips For Educators
With all of the new technology and apps that are continuously being developed, it is easy for bullying to go unnoticed by parents and teachers. According to the American Federation of Teachers, 15-25 percent of all American students are bullied to some degree; 40 and...
ID Theft Protection- The Worst Passwords
Keeping track of all our security passwords and codes is a pain. There’s one for the credit cards, a few for work, and a half dozen others for everything from the online bill paying to our social media accounts. Since it’s become such hassle, all too many of us are...
College Students & Renters Insurance
The rush is on to get everything ready as students head back to college. If yours are moving into a place of their own, don’t forget to purchase renters insurance to protect all the special items that make their new place their home away from home. Here are some...
Know Your Insurance: Climate Change Protection
While there may be some debate about the cause, more and more people are accepting the fact that a changing climate is leading to extremely erratic weather with more intense storms, prolonged drought, and rising temperatures. This has led to some of the most dramatic...
Back to School Safety Lessons
The hustle and bustle of the first days of the new school year can get a little crazy. Kids are racing to see their friends, buses are crisscrossing the area picking up and dropping off students and hurried parents are trying to drop their kids off before they have to...