How to Get Rid of Bugs Indoors

How to Get Rid of Bugs Indoors

Creepy, crawly, and flying insects are okay outdoors, but you don’t want them in your home. Yet sometimes they make their way inside.

We researched tried-and-true methods to remove bugs indoors. Follow this handy guide to get rid of what bugs you this summer.

Common bugs in your home

Crumbs of food and a reliable water source can attract ants to your house. When it’s too warm or wet outside, spiders may venture in, especially if there are other bugs in your home to eat. Flies, bees, and wasps love rotting fruit, and flies flock to garbage. Light, trash, and food also attract beetles. Weevils hitch a ride in your groceries, via eggs laid by adults in products like rice. Other common bugs include earwigs, firebrats, centipedes, silverfish, cockroaches, bedbugs, termites, and if you have pets: fleas and ticks.

Steps to take to combat bugs

While these buggy visitors may be common, they’re certainly not welcome. Here’s what you can do about it.

Step 1: Seal cracks and openings.

Bugs often crawl in through tiny cracks or holes in window screens and around windows and doors. Carefully check all these potential openings.

  • Close up holes by replacing screens, caulking openings, or applying weatherstripping.
  • Caulk is generally used for cracks near stationary items, while weatherstripping is for things that move such as doors and windows.
  • Don’t forget to check where electrical lines and pipes enter your house. Canned spray foam can help to seal these openings.

Step 2: Clean the kitchen.

Bugs feast on your crumbs. They eat flour, cereal, baking mix, crackers, dried pasta, dried fruits, nuts, popcorn, and pet food. Ants especially like sweets.

  • Wipe down cutting boards and counters after food prep.
  • Keep food in sealed containers and/or in the fridge or freezer.
  • Put a lid on your garbage can and empty it regularly.
  • Clean the crumbs from your microwave, stove, toaster ovens, and other appliances.

Step 3: Beware of hitchhiking bugs.

Some bugs come in with items that you bring into the house, such as groceries, or even your pets.

  • Meal moths, weevils and beetles love the grains and cereals in your pantry. Store those items in glass, metal, or sturdy plastic containers with airtight lids.
  • If you notice bugs in your pantry in one container, check the ones next to it. Throw away any boxes with bugs. Remove all items from the pantry and clean the shelves with soap and water.
  • Pro Tip: Freeze any items for 3-4 days or heat them in a 140F degree oven for an hour or two to kill insects and eggs.
  • For those bugs getting a free ride on your fur babies, keep pets up to date on flea and tick Check them for fleas and ticks regularly.

Step 4: Clean and declutter.

Bugs look for shelter, and they will find it among your clutter. Vacuum and keep your home neat to help keep bugs at bay.

  • Avoid piles of newspapers and stacks of boxes where spiders and cockroaches love to live.
  • Even piles of dirty laundry can be home to bugs. That’s a good reason to put clothes away.
  • Make sure to declutter and donate items that you no longer use.
  • Store firewood outside and away from the house. Check any wood for bugs before you bring it inside.

Step 5: Dry areas that are damp.

Bugs also look for water. Some prefer damp places, such as drain flies that live in your kitchen sink and bathtub drains. If you can dry the areas that are damp, that will help eliminate bugs.

  • Fix leaky faucets, drains, and pipes as a first defense.
  • In areas where it’s typically damp, like a basement, use a dehumidifier.
  • Make sure washing machines and dishwashers are working correctly and not leaking.

Step 6: Use the scents that bugs hate.

Certain scents repel bugs. Fortunately, these same scents usually smell pretty good to humans.

  • Peppermint repels ants, mosquitos, and spiders. Put some essential oil on a cotton ball and adjust the strength as needed.
  • Tea tree and citronella oils also work well in keeping away a range of pests.
  • Spiders don’t like onions. Slice some and put them in a bowl of water.
  • Many brands of fabric softener sheets contain a compound, linalool, which has a scent hated by mosquitos and other flying insects.

Step 8: Place bug traps.

You can find bug-specific traps on the market, or you can make your own.

  • Sticky flypaper will trap flies and gnats. Be sure to hang it up and away from your pets.
  • Ant bait traps use various insecticides. Keep them out of reach of pets and toddlers. For a nontoxic ant remedy, sprinkle some cornmeal. Ants like to eat it but cannot digest it.
  • For fruit flies, put apple cider vinegar in a small bowl. Cover it with plastic wrap and punch holes in it. The fruit flies will be attracted to the vinegar and get trapped beneath the plastic.


Your home is one of your greatest investments. Perform regular home maintenance and insure your home for added peace of mind.


This article is furnished by California Casualty, providing auto and home insurance to educators, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or


How to Perform CPR

How to Perform CPR

It can happen in an instant. A child falls into the pool. A friend collapses in the heat. Someone chokes on a piece of food. If you know CPR, you can help.

CPR is short for cardiopulmonary resuscitation. It is a lifesaving technique used in situations when someone’s heart stops or they stop breathing. CPR helps supply blood and oxygen to vital organs. It increases your chances of survival. It can be used for both humans and pets.

Follow this guide to know what to do if you have to administer CPR in an emergency.


Before beginning CPR

  • Check for responsiveness. Shout, “are you okay?” Or tap the individual gently and see if he/she moves or makes a sound. If there is no movement, no pulse, no breathing, or the person is unconsciousness, it’s time to start CPR.
  • If you’re alone, and performing CPR on a child, start immediately. You’ll call 9-1-1 after 2 minutes of CPR and rescue breaths.
  • If you’re alone, and performing CPR on an adult or teen, call 9-1-1 before you start CPR. Put your phone on speaker.
  • If you’re with others, point to one person. Tell him or her to call 9-1-1 and then begin CPR. If you don’t specify the person, there’s a chance that no one will make the call. If there might be an automated external defibrillator (AED) nearby, send someone to get it as well.
  • For pets, an emergency vet is the equivalent of 9-1-1. See the last section for steps to take in performing CPR.


CPR for Adults

CPR for adults also applies teens. The general rule is that if the person has entered puberty, this technique may be used.

Step #1: Put the person on their back on a flat firm surface. Kneel beside them.

Step #2: Do 30 chest compressions to get the blood flowing.

  • Place your two hands centered on the person’s chest.
  • Make sure your shoulders are directly above your hands. Lock your elbows.
  • Push down at least 2 inches hard and fast, about 100-120 compressions per minute.
  • Let the chest return to normal between compressions.

Step #3: Look, listen and feel for breathing.

  • Look to see if their chest is rising and falling.
  • Listen for breathing sounds.
  • Feel their breath against your cheek.

Step #4: Give 2 rescue breaths to deliver oxygen to the organs.

  • Tilt the head and lift the chin to open the airway.
  • Make sure there is nothing in the mouth obstructing the airway. If there is, sweep it out with your fingers.
  • Pinch the nose shut, while you take a normal breath.
  • Put your mouth over the person’s mouth and make a complete seal.
  • Blow the breath into their mouth for one second. Watch the chest rise. If the chest does not rise, try repeating the head tilt and breath. If the chest still doesn’t rise, there may be something blocking the airway.
  • Repeat the process of blowing for a second breath.

Step #5: There may be an AED if you are in a public place. This machine delivers an electric shock to the heart. It can help restore a heart’s rhythm. After five cycles of CPR, turn on the AED and follow the voice prompts.


CPR for Children (1-12 years)

A child’s airway is more delicate than an adult’s airway. If you approach CPR on a child as you would an adult, you could do harm. You will need to be more careful with the head tilt and the compression strength and depth.

Step #1: Place the child on his/her back on a flat surface. Kneel next to the child.

Step #2: Do 30 chest compressions.

  • Put heel of one hand on the breastbone, just under the nipples. Make sure your hand is not on the end of the breastbone.
  • Push down about one-third of the child’s chest, about 1.5 to 2 inches. Aim for 100-120 compressions per minute.
  • Let the chest return to normal between compressions.

Step #3: Look, listen and feel for breathing.

  • Look to see if their chest is rising and falling.
  • Listen for breathing sounds.
  • Feel their breath against your cheek.

Step #4: Give 2 rescue breaths for every 30 compressions.

  • Lift the chin to tilt the head back. Be careful not to tilt the head too far.
  • Make sure there is nothing in the mouth that is blocking the airway.
  • Pinch the nose shut, while you take a normal breath.
  • Put your mouth over the child’s mouth and make a complete seal.
  • Blow the breath into their mouth for one second. Watch the chest rise. If the chest does not rise, try repeating the head tilt and breath. If the chest still doesn’t rise, there may be something blocking the airway.
  • Repeat the process of blowing for a second breath.

Step #5: If an AED with pediatric pads is available, use it after five cycles of CPR. Pediatric pads adjust the energy level used. You can use adult pads for children ages 8 and older.


CPR for Babies (under a year)

Babies have flexible bones and are still developing. You must take care with the force of your compressions and breaths.

Step #1: Place the child on his/her back on a flat surface such as a table or floor.

Step #2: Do 30 chest compressions.

  • Use only 2 fingers to provide compressions in the center of the baby’s chest.
  • Place your fingers in the center of the chest just below an imaginary line between the nipples. Compression depth should be about an inch and a half.
  • Do 30 gentle chest compressions. Aim for 100 compressions per minute.

Step #3: Look, listen and feel for breathing.

  • Look to see if their chest is rising and falling.
  • Listen for breathing sounds.
  • Feel their breath against your cheek.

Step #4: Give 2 rescue breaths for every 30 compressions.

  • Gently tilt back the baby’s head and lift its chin to open the airway.
  • With your breaths, do not use the full force of your lungs. Use your cheeks to puff air into the mouth and nose.
  • Give one gentle puff of air for the duration of a second. Wait one second and give a second puff.
  • Watch to see if the baby’s chest rises. If it doesn’t rise, repeat the head tilt, and give another breath.

Step #5: If available, use the AED only with pediatric pads, after five cycles of CPR.


CPR for Pets

You also may perform CPR on a pet. Make sure to only do it for unconscious animals, as even a beloved family pet can bite from pain or fear. The following guidelines are geared toward our fur babies.

Step #1: Place the pet on a flat surface such as a table or floor. Kneel or stand behind the pet.

  • For large dogs, put the dog on its back and compress its chest as you would a human.
  • For small dogs and cats, lie them on their side and compress the side of the rib cage or position the animal on its back and press on both sides of the rib cage.

Step #2: Do 30 chest compressions.

  • Compress at least a third the depth of the chest, but not more than a half the depth.
  • For small dogs and cats, do compressions with one hand to avoid pushing too hard.
  • For dogs over 60 lbs.: do 60 compressions per minute.
  • For animals 11 to 60 lbs.: do 80-100 compressions per minute.
  • For animals 10 lbs. or less: do 120 compressions per minute.

Step #3: Give 2 rescue breaths.

  • Make sure the pet’s windpipe is as straight as possible. The head should be flat on the table or floor with tip of nose aligned with the spine.
  • Open the animal’s mouth, and make sure the air passage is clear. Remove any objects.
  • Open your mouth. Put it over both nostrils of your pet. For large dogs, close the pet’s jaw tightly and breathe into the nose. For small dogs and cats, cover the animal’s nose and mouth with your mouth as you breathe.
  • Blow hard and quickly and make sure you see the chest rise.

Step #4: Alternate breaths with compressions. There should be 30 compressions to 2 breaths.

Step #5: Since 9-1-1 is not an option for pets, get someone to help you get your pet to an emergency vet. Continue CPR on the drive over.


CPR training is available for adults, children, babies, and pets. Contact your local Red Cross for information on human CPR and ask your veterinarian about animal CPR. Keeping your pet fully insured also will help should an emergency arise.



This article is furnished by California Casualty, providing auto and home insurance to educators, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or

How to Manage Stress & Anxiety

How to Manage Stress & Anxiety

You love your job, but it can be stressful. Whether you’re working in a disaster zone or in the classroom, whether you’re taking life-and-death calls or confronting students acting out, it can take its toll. You want to reduce your stress and anxiety before it leads to burnout.


What are stress and anxiety?

Stress is the body’s reaction to potential threats. It causes a chemical reaction known as “fight or flight.” Our bodies are designed to handle small amounts of stress, but too much stress can have harmful effects on our health.

Anxiety is a feeling of dread and uneasiness. While everyone feels anxious sometimes, a feeling of constant anxiety can interfere with daily life.


Look for the warning signs.

Your body will give you warning signs that you are stressed or anxious. Common symptoms include:

    • Physical reactions such as headaches, stomach issues
    • Rapid breathing, increased heart rate, sweating, trembling
    • Difficulty thinking clearly, feeling irritable, angry, and inpatient
    • Feeling weak or tired
    • Trouble falling asleep
    • Disinterest in the things you used to like to do


Take control to reduce stress and anxiety.

Stress and anxiety can often cause you to feel out of control. You can take back control through a series of steps that prioritize your physical and mental health.



Step #1: Manage your workload.

Keeping your workload manageable goes a long way toward reducing stress. 

    • Take breaks. Being able to step away from work, even for a few minutes, can help to reduce the tension.
    • Create boundaries. Don’t be afraid to say no to requests. Explain that you’re at capacity, and something else will have to give if you take on the new responsibility.
    • Don’t procrastinate. Putting off a project will only increase your anxiety as it looms in the background. Get it done first so that you don’t have to worry about it.
    • Accept peer support. Ask for help from your colleagues and accept it if it is offered.
    • Identify the stress triggers that come with your job. Knowing them is the first step toward confronting them. Work with your boss or a mentor to determine how those stressors can be reduced.
    • Remember why you chose this career and the impact you could have.
    • Take a mental health day. Take a day off so that you can get a break from the pressure.


Step #2: Take care of your body.

When you take care of your body, it gives you the stamina you need to deal with stressful and anxiety-provoking situations.

    • Eat healthy. Choose a well-balanced diet that powers your body.
    • Make time for sleep. With early wakeups, night shifts, and lots to do, it’s sometimes hard to sleep enough. Prioritize a regular sleep schedule to keep yourself refreshed.
    • Limit alcohol and caffeine. They can contribute to anxiety and panic attacks.
    • Exercise regularly. It will help reduce the intense emotions you’re feeling. It also keeps your body feeling its best.


Step #3: Practice self-care.

Self-care includes time just for you, and is a great boost to your mental health and wellbeing.

    • Schedule some “me time” on your calendar. That way, you’ll make sure that it happens.
    • Read a book while wrapped in a weighted blanket. It will feel like a comforting hug.
    • Minimize phone use and screen time. Take an hour to unplug, especially before bedtime. This will help you to sleep.
    • Get a massage or spa treatment. Take a hot bath. Do the thing that helps you to relax.
    • Practice gratitude. Meditate or journal. Reflect on all the good things in your life.


Step #4: Plan your free time.

Know the value of not working. Plan some ways to enjoy your free time so that you’re not tempted to work.

    • Embrace nature. Get outside and soak up the sun and the fresh air whenever you can.
    • Connect with others. Volunteer for a good cause. 
    • Get a hobby. Learn a new skill or pursue a passion. Do it with a friend or spouse for double the fun.
    • Spend time with friends and family. Host gatherings or plan local adventures. Take a vacation. Laugh, dance, and enjoy life. 


Step #5: Seek support.

Sometimes, we need additional support. Don’t be afraid to seek it if it could help.

    • Track your moods. Review your patterns and determine how much of your days are filled with stress and/or anxiety. Is it interfering with your daily life?
    • Seek professional help if needed. A therapist or physician may be able to provide additional strategies to help with stress and anxiety.  
    • Support groups also may be available in your area. They are a safe place to explore feelings, and process work-related stress and anxiety.



This article is furnished by California Casualty, providing auto and home insurance to educators, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or

How to Boost Your Immune System This Winter

How to Boost Your Immune System This Winter

It’s cold and flu season, and as a nurse, teacher, or parent, you’re likely surrounded by sniffling and coughing on the daily. So, at this point how can you keep yourself from getting sick?

Look no further; we’ve got you covered with the best tips to help keep you safe and sniffle-free this winter. Follow this guide to protect yourself and help boost your immune system.


Get quality sleep.

Our bodies do important work while we sleep. They repair cells and make proteins that fight infection. Getting enough sleep, and specifically, quality sleep is important to this process. We know it may be hard to get enough sleep when working 12-hour shifts as a nurse or as a parent of young children. Take the time to set yourself up for success with these tips.

    • Set your thermostat to about 65 degrees for optimum sleeping temperature.
    • Create a bedtime routine that does not include devices or television. Sometimes a warm shower or bath can help just prior to bed.
    • Use a white noise machine or wear earplugs to soften distracting noise.
    • Use blackout shades or curtains and/or wear an eye mask.
    • Be consistent with bedtime routines for your children. If your children fall asleep within 15 to 30 minutes of going to bed, they are getting the right amount of sleep.

Pro tip: If you’re having trouble eliminating screens before bed, try wearing blue light-blocker glasses. They will help reduce the light that disturbs your circadian rhythm.


Eat immunity-boosting foods.

It’s easy to reach for prepared foods, microwave meals or vending machine finds. Resist the urge. Instead, fill your diet with the foods that help power your immune system.

    • Choose fresh fruits and vegetables with nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta-carotene.
    • Citrus fruits are great sources of vitamin C but so are red bell peppers.
    • Blueberries are delicious as well as nutritious and can help boost your immunity.
    • Broccoli and spinach are both superfoods with vitamins and antioxidants.
    • Garlic and turmeric have immune-boosting properties. Ginger helps decrease inflammation.


Make sure to hydrate.

Water helps our bodies to function. Staying well hydrated helps our bodies circulate blood more easily, which allows our white blood cells to better fight off viruses. It also keeps the mucous membranes in our noses moist so they can catch viral invaders.

    • Don’t wait until you’re thirsty to drink. By that point, you’re already slightly dehydrated.
    • Choose a water bottle you love and bring it with you to work, errands, etc. Get into the habit of sipping throughout the day.
    • If you’re bored with the taste of water, infuse it with lemon or cucumber to help encourage you to drink.
    • Avoid other beverages so that you’ll drink more water. The caffeine in coffee and soda can dehydrate you, which has exactly the opposite effect of what your body needs.
    • Green tea has only a small amount of caffeine, and tea has antioxidants. It’s a good choice if you’re looking for an alternative to coffee.


Reduce your stress.

When we’re stressed, our ability to fight off infection decreases. That’s why managing stress is so important.

    • Take steps to avoid burnout. Slow down and give yourself breaks to protect your mental health.
    • Try meditating, deep breathing, and other relaxation strategies.
    • Incorporate exercise into your routine. Park farther away and walk to your destination. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Plan a workout session that’s easy to fit into your schedule.
    • Laugh more. Make time for the activities that you enjoy with the people who are important to you.


Follow healthy habits.

You can reduce your exposure to potential infections by taking the precautions that can make a difference.

    • Continue proper handwashing habits. Wet your hands and then scrub them for at least 20 seconds with soap. That’s equivalent to humming Happy Birthday twice. Rinse with clean, running water. Use hand sanitizer when soap and water is not available.
    • Reduce allergens in your home to improve indoor air quality.
    • Keep your classroom at a comfortable temperature for learning.
    • Don’t use handkerchiefs. Use disposable tissues and discard them when done.
    • Don’t smoke. Drink alcohol in moderation. Both tobacco and alcohol can affect your body’s ability to fight infections.
    • Keep up to date on your vaccinations

Do you have a way to stay healthy that’s not included in this blog? Share it with us in the comments.


This article is furnished by California Casualty, providing auto and home insurance to educators, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or

Preparing Kids for the Back-to-School Routine

Preparing Kids for the Back-to-School Routine

It may be hard to believe, but it’s time to think about school. Pretty soon, you’ll be taking those first-day pictures and sending your kids off for another year.

Here’s how to make the transition to your fall routine a painless one and ease your kids into a nice back-to-school routine.


Adjust your child’s bedtime.
Maybe you let your kids stay up a little later in the summer, and sleep in a little bit, too. (We did, too.) But it’s an easy fix to get them back on track.

    • Start by moving summer bedtime 15 minutes earlier each night. Keep that up until you’re back to your child’s school bedtime.
    • Not sure how to calculate the right time to go to sleep—especially if your child is pushing back at an earlier bedtime? Ideally, you want your child to get 9-10 hours of sleep, or at minimum 8, so set the school bedtime accordingly.
    • A bedtime routine, such as bath time and reading can help. So can having the whole family unplug before bedtime. Choose a spot where everyone can charge their devices overnight to manage your child’s screentime.

Pro tip: Buy your child an alarm clock. Have him/her set alarms for bedtime warnings and for morning wakeups. That way, it’s the clock, and not mommy or daddy, alerting him or her that it’s bedtime. An alarm clock has the added bonus of reducing dependence on a cell phone as an alarm.


Organize your child’s closets.
You have a growing child. Chances are, his or her fall wardrobe from last year doesn’t fit anymore. The end of summer is a great time to clean out your child’s closet. A clean and organized closet will help your child more easily pick out clothes as part of his or her school routine.

    • Have your child help you by sorting clothes that fit and don’t fit. Donate the ones your child has outgrown.
    • Make a list of the clothes that need to be replaced.
    • Organize the remainder of the closet to ensure easy access to shoes, clothes, and accessories. Clear out any items that don’t need to be kept there.

Go back-to-school shopping.
Once school starts again, schedules will become busy and it may be hard to find time to hang out together. Use back-to-school shopping as a special bonding time with each child.

    • Schedule shopping trips sooner rather than later or you could be caught up in last-minute, pressure-filled moments rather than enjoyable ones.
    • Shop for school clothes and supplies. Let your child choose his or her favorites, within your budget.
    • Follow up the shopping trip with a nice lunch or special treat like ice cream. Use the time to chat with your child about his/her thoughts on the new school year.
    • Make this a yearly tradition and you and your child will look forward to it for years to come.


Create a homework space.
Get your child thinking about school responsibilities by setting up a homework station. An inviting homework space might just entice your child to do his or her homework without nagging. (By the way, this is a good place for them to complete their summer reading if they haven’t done it.)

    • Find a place in your home without distractions. Ensure that it has good light and comfortable seating.
    • Equip it with the materials your child will need, such as pencils, pencil sharpeners, erasers, and paper.
    • Make sure no clutter makes its way to the homework station. It should remain well-organized with just the tools needed.
    • Set up clear expectations for homework. Reward a job well done.


Set a morning routine.
School mornings don’t have to be a stressful rush. With thoughtful pre-planning, you and your family can keep them under control.

    • Think back to last year’s routine, and make any changes that would help create a calmer, happier morning. Consider new age-appropriate responsibilities as children mature.
    • Make a morning list of responsibilities for each child. Provide simple easy-to-follow steps and discuss them with your child. Print them, laminate them and post them.
    • Rehearse the new routine, with lots of praise and encouragement. Adjust as necessary.


Plan school lunches and snacks.
This is your chance to get healthier and more creative with your child’s school lunches and after-school snacks. Involving him or her in the process will make your child more likely to eat it, too.

    • Research healthy lunch and snack ideas with your child. Write down ones that you both like.
    • Consider creative packaging such as bento boxes.
    • Create a snack station in your pantry and fridge where kids can grab granola bars or snacks, bags of fruit or veggies to add to their lunch or snack on when they get home.


Do a test run.
Chances are that your child is nervous about the new school year. It’s only normal. Try a practice day to get him or her more comfortable.

    • Practice walking the route to school, especially if it’s new.
    • Visit the school and take a tour. Find your child’s classroom, the bathroom, lunch room, etc. (Make sure to call ahead and arrange this visit with the school. You may even get to meet the teacher.)
    • Let your child play in the school playground.
    • Set up a playdate with future classmates.


Do something fun to celebrate the end of summer.
Finally, it’s the end of summer. Plan something fun to commemorate it. This can be an annual tradition each year before school starts.

  • Plan a family beach day or favorite summer outing such as the zoo or amusement park.
  • Plan an end-of-summer get-together with friends. Host a barbecue and make s’mores.
  • Host an ice cream sundae celebration.
  • Let your child choose a favorite summer activity to close out the season.


Your kids are only young once. Enjoy every moment!



This article is furnished by California Casualty, providing auto and home insurance to educators, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or

Firework Safety

Firework Safety

The Fourth of July is a day of patriotism and pride. There’ll be BBQs, picnics, and parades all leading up to fireworks displays in towns and cities across the nation.

Family and friends will also gather for their own fireworks displays. While they can be beautiful and fun, safety groups warn to be safe when setting your own fireworks. All too many of us have known or heard about someone losing a finger, an eye, or suffering severe burns from an accident with one of these hot, exploding devices.

On average, more than 11,000 people are injured annually by fireworks. Young adults ages 20-24 are the most likely to be hurt, followed closely by children ages 5-9; most of the injuries occur on the hands and fingers, head, face and the eyes. Ouch! The National Fire Protection Association warns that even “kid friendly fireworks” like sparklers burn at 1,200 degrees – hotter than the temperatures that melt glass, plastics and some metals – inflicting terrible burns.

If you plan on setting off fireworks this year be safe and have fun! But always be sure to take the proper precautions so no one gets hurt. Follow these essential safety tips when you are shooting fireworks this weekend:

  • Never allow small children to play with or ignite fireworks
  • Only light fireworks one at a time, then move back quickly
  • Never place any part of your body directly over a firework when lighting it’s fuse and back up a safe distance immediately after lighting
  • Don’t try to re-light or pick up fireworks that have not ignited fully
  • Never point or throw fireworks at another person
  • Always keep a bucket of water or a garden hose handy in case of fire or other mishap
  • After fireworks complete their burning, douse it with plenty of water before discarding to prevent a trash fire

Be sure to also protect your home as well! The NFPA also warns that more fires are reported on Independence Day than any other day of the year, and fireworks account for two-out-of-five of those fires.

Is your home protected? Contact a California Casualty advisor to get a quick policy review at 1.800.800.9410 or visit



This article is furnished by California Casualty, providing auto and home insurance to educators, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or

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