9 Famous Pets You NEED to Check Out!

9 Famous Pets You NEED to Check Out!

April 11th is National Pet Day!

Is there a better way to celebrate than snuggling your own pet and scrolling through some cute videos and photos together? No, we didn’t think so. That’s why we are sharing a list of our favorite famous pets on the internet for your viewing pleasure.

These pets CATapulted into fame online and we (and millions of others) are soaking up every minute of it. Here are our 9 favorite four-legged internet stars you need to check out.



1. Jiffpom – A Pomeranian melting hearts all over the world. 




2. Nala – With those blue eyes, how could this cat not be destined for stardom?  




3. Mr. Pokee – For all of us who have forgotten how ridiculously cute hedgehogs are. 




4. Esther the Wonder Pig – Her name says it all, really…  




5. Juniper & Friends – Adventures of a fox and her friends (fellow rescued exotics). 




6. Loki – A wolfdog and silly adventurer.




7. Maru – The feline famous for fitting himself into any – ANY – sized/shaped box or container. Guinness record holder for most YouTube video views of an individual animal. 




8. Doug the Pug – Self-proclaimed “King of Pop Culture.”




9. Whiskey and Lulu – Arnold Schwarzenegger’s mini horse and mini donkey were central in his coronavirus PSA at the start of the pandemic. While they may not have their own account you can find them on Arnold’s Instagram here.


Happy viewing and happy National Pet Day!


This article is furnished by California Casualty, providing auto and home insurance to educators, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or www.calcas.com.

Flea & Tick Prevention – Your Pets, Home, & Yard

Flea & Tick Prevention – Your Pets, Home, & Yard

The new blooms and foliage that herald the beginning of spring also bring one of its worst offenders: fleas and ticks. A headache for pet owners every year, keeping these pests in check requires a three-pronged approach focusing on your pet(s), your house, and the natural space around your home. Use the strategies below to prevent misery for your pets and an infestation inside your home.


flea prevention


Protect Your Pets

Protecting your pet takes a little research, communication with your vet, and a disciplined care and grooming routine.

    • Talk to your vet and go with the flea and tick control product they think is best for your pet. There are lots of options, including topical treatments, pills, shampoos, and collars. If you live someplace with lots of sunny and/or humid days, also ask about sun + bug repellant products.
    • For dog or cat? Double-check with your vet – or if buying off the shelf, read the label – to make sure the product is meant for the pet you’re buying it for. Some products are made only for canines or felines and others can be used on either (but require different dosages).
    • Do a daily flea/tick check, especially during the height of the season or if your pet’s been in or around grasses, shrubs, and bushes.
    • Groom them regularly and use a flea comb. Check for flea feces and dried blood, which tells you there’s a problem.
    • If you have more than one dog, treat them all at the same time so they’re on the same schedule – and your life’s made a little easier!



flea prevention


Protect Your Home

To avoid the nightmare scenario of flea shampooing your carpets or fumigating your home, prevent the bugs from getting comfy in your house (or getting in in the first place).

    • Regularly wash all animal beds and soft toys on hot water and heat dry.
    • Vacuum at least weekly to get rid of or prevent eggs, larvae, and adults. Be sure to hit sofas and carpets as well as crevices at the walls and baseboards. If you’re seeing an uptick (pun intended!) in pest sightings, vacuum daily instead of weekly – then empty the vacuum outside.
    • Keep pets indoors more often, especially when ticks and fleas are really bad. Going in and out multiple times a day increases the chances they’ll bring bugs home. Walking on a leash and away from grasses is fine to get them exercise without exposing them too much.
    • Trim trees and high shrubs that might provide a pathway for rodents and other critters to crawl into your attic. Wherever there are critters, there are fleas and ticks. Spring trimming keeps this to a minimum.
    • Seal off any openings to the garage, basement, attic, sheds, or under decks where pests might nest and attract bugs.


flea prevention

Protect Your Yard

A few smart actions in your front and back yards can significantly limit the bugs that get on your pets or make it into your home.

    • Keep your lawn mowed and grass/weeds as short as possible.
    • Rake up and compost leaves near your home so as to reduce leaf litter that bugs breed in. If you have acreage, try to leave the litter beyond a safe perimeter so that migrating or local birds have access to food (i.e. – the bugs that make home in the leaf litter).
    • Maintain a perimeter of gravel or woodchips 3 feet from the house.
    • Stack firewood in a dry area so that rodents – and hitchhiking fleas and ticks – are kept in check.
    • Remove any old furniture, debris, or other trash that provides nesting spots for bugs.
    • Try tick control tubes. These hold permethrin-treated cotton, and the idea is that mice steal the cotton to make nests – which then kill the fleas.
    • Consider a spray as last resort for your yard. However, do your research as many sprays will kill pollinators and all add chemicals to your yard. Go for something natural if possible and use it in conjunction with prevention measures.


The three-pronged approach above should keep your pets pest-free and your home healthy and safe. A little extra attention to prevention measures goes a long way toward a relaxing, beautiful springtime.


This article is furnished by California Casualty, providing auto and home insurance to educators, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or www.calcas.com.


The Pet Effect: Boosting Our Mental Health

The Pet Effect: Boosting Our Mental Health

We’re coming up on a year of the pandemic, and one of the biggest side effects has been loneliness and isolation. For some, that’s especially trying during Valentine’s Day (on the heels of the winter holidays!). Stress, anxiety, and depression are among the top adverse mental health effects emerging from a year of lockdowns and quarantine.

For many pet owners though, their furry family members have been a solace – even a source of joy and grounding – during an unprecedented time of difficulty. This is no surprise to scientists, who have long studied how animals help combat loneliness and provide companionship. Here are some of the ways our four-legged (and other!) lifesavers have been helping us emotionally and boosting our mental health.



They give us a sense of purpose

Having a routine and caring for another being gives us a sense of meaning and purpose. Animals don’t know we’re in the middle of a pandemic, so there’s comfort in seeing them carry on life, as usual, content and happy in the moment.



They provide companionship

They’re our friends and companions – making us laugh, inviting us to be present, and loving us no matter what. And for so many of us, they’re suddenly our new workmates, bombing our zoom calls and taking over our keyboards. They offer their steady presence – at the bedside in the morning, in our laps as we’re trying to read, underfoot at dinner time. No matter what happens in our day, they’re there for us.



They keep us active

Well, at least in the case of dogs, who will keep us to a walking schedule (whether we like it or not!). Once out and moving, we can reconnect with nature, wave to neighbors, and fill our lungs with fresh air. They can help us break up the monotony of the day with some movement and downtime.



They’re our family

No matter how big or small, there a reason we call them our “babies.” We form deep, emotional attachments to our pets, a neurological bonding process that goes back to our pre-history of animal domestication. They have a seemingly endless supply of love to dole out and are there for us whatever mood we’re in. For children and teens, this can be especially important during the pandemic.


rabbit with owner

We’re wired for connection

Pet and animal therapy have been proven to help the elderly and those with cognitive conditions. We may not fully understand the science, but it’s well-known that just being around animals helps so many. It can lower stress, improve emotional self-regulation, decrease pain symptoms and boost positive hormones.

Given all the benefits pets bring us, it’s no wonder pet owners are feeling extra grateful these days and that pet adoptions have been skyrocketing. If you’re thinking of adopting, do your research, make sure you’re ready to commit long-term, and be a responsible adopter.


This article is furnished by California Casualty, providing auto and home insurance to educators, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or www.calcas.com.

Being a Responsible Pet Owner

Being a Responsible Pet Owner

It’s no secret our pets bring us so much joy, but owning a pet – especially one that’s young – is a lot of responsibility. Like children they are not something that can be brought home and forgotten about, they require your time, effort, and care.

February is responsible pet owner’s month, and whether you’re bringing home your first pet or your 6th, it’s always good to be reminded how to be a responsible and caring owner.

Here’s are 10 responsible pet owner tips that will help you and your furry friend adjust to this new life together.

1. Recognize they are a commitment. Your lifestyle may have to adjust based on the needs of your pet. Make sure you are ready to make this commitment before you bring them home.

2. Create a safe space for them. Pet-proof your home to avoid accidents and give them a space that is completely their own, with a bed, toys, blankets, food, and water.

3. Give them time to adjust. When you bring them home they may be timid or wild, but give them the time and they will learn their new home and your routine.

4. Visit the vet. Even if they hate it, preventive care is essential in making sure your pet stays happy and healthy.

5. Make them tags. Microchip and/or give them ID tags with your name and number on them, in the event that they escape, you will be notified if they are found.

6. Train them. Don’t give up on your pet if they aren’t acting like you thought they would, as their owner it’s your responsibility to put in the time and effort to train them or have them trained.

7. Create a healthy lifestyle for them. Feed them a healthy pet food and be sure not over or underfeed them. Exercise is also very important, especially for young pets that need to exercise to release their extra energy.

8. Socialize them. Let them play with friends and family, and also other pets. If they are too scared or anxious you may have to work on socialization with your vet or trainer.

9. Give them love & affection. Like humans, pets crave your love and attention and need it to be happy in your home.

10. Make them feel like part of the family. Most importantly, treat them like a member of your family, because they are 🙂

Don’t forget to make sure your new pet is covered! Pet health insurance helps you pay for expensive veterinary bills, so you don’t have to. Pets Best pet insurance is available to all California Casualty members at a 5%* discount. Click here for your quote.

We know that bringing home a new pet can be just as scary as it is exciting, but don’t worry, you’ve got this!

For more new pet tips click here.


This article is furnished by California Casualty, providing auto and home insurance to educators, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or www.calcas.com.

Keeping Pets Safe This Holiday Season

Keeping Pets Safe This Holiday Season

From Mr. Kitty’s stocking on the mantle to themed doggie sweaters and chew toys under the tree, no holiday is complete without our beloved pets. The more meows (and zoomies), the merrier!

As you start decking the halls and crafting your holiday cooking list, remember there are some foods, décor, and holiday novelty items that may put your pet at risk. Check out these tips to keep them safe, happy, and healthy during all your seasonal festivities.


holiday pet safety


Tree Safety

Traditional Holiday trees and their trimmings can pose an array of safety and health threats to pets. Here are some common ones to be aware of.

    • Tinsel is irresistible to many pets, and if ingested, can cause intestinal blockages. Ditch the traditional silver stuff and look for pet-friendly alternatives.   
    • Avoid glass and other ornaments that are sharp. Cats especially will be tempted to swat them off the tree, where they can break and cut paws.
    • Flocking and artificial snow can be toxic if consumed in larger amounts, so it’s better to avoid them altogether.
    • Keep ornaments on the upper parts of the tree, out of reach.
    • Tree water often contains chemicals that extend the life of the tree. These chemicals, in addition to any fertilizers, insecticides, bacteria, and flame retardants, can make the tree water dish a toxic soup. Cover the stand with a tree skirt, aluminum foil, or other material to block off access from pets.
    • If your pet is partial to chewing pine needles, which can cause intestinal upset, consider a faux tree.
    • Anchor your tree with a sturdy base, and perhaps even fishing line attached to eye bolts in the ceiling or wall for added stability, to prevent a climbing-and-toppling hazard.
    • Don’t put gifts under the tree that contain food, as these might be too tempting and sicken a curious (or food-driven) dog.
    • Consider using a baby gate to keep pets away from the tree.


holiday pet safety

Decorations and Seasonal Plants

Take care in selecting decorations and plants around your home by keeping the following in mind.

    • Poinsettias, pine needles, mistletoe, and holly can cause gastrointestinal upset and other problems, and lilies are toxic to cats and can cause kidney failure. Silk and other faux plants make great alternatives.
    • Glues and adhesives can be toxic, so keep them out of reach.
    • Watch out for yarn, string, and ribbons, which are often attractive to pets and can cause intestinal blockages.
    • Switch out live candles/flames for LED lights, which add plenty of holiday warmth without the risk of fire or injury.
    • Potpourri often contains oils that can be toxic to pets if eaten.
    • Chewing on electrical cords can cause harm or even death. Unplug cords when not in use and spray them with anti-chew solutions such as Bitter Apple. Check out pet-proof extension cords as well.



Holiday treats


Food Dangers

Some pets will go to great lengths to sneak food. In the best cases, this means a holiday dish goes missing; in the worst cases, it can mean sickness or even death of a pet. Stay one step ahead of would-be food thieves with these precautions.

    • Keep chocolate and other sweets well away from pets – preferably in a cupboard, the fridge, or somewhere else that’s secure.
    • Do not leave food or alcohol unattended; stealthy pets can swipe them in no time and experience harmful effects.
    • Avoid bringing home leftovers for pets. Human food – often containing fatty, spicy, or bones – can be hazardous to your pet. Some top offenders include chocolate, coffee, citrus, onions, grapes, nuts, coconut, dairy, and yeast dough.
    • Being careful doesn’t mean you have to leave your pet out of the festivities – there’s plenty of store-bought or homemade options for special pet treats. Stock up on those for the holidays so they can join the fun.



holiday pet safety


If you’re planning to host a few guests, remember that get-togethers can stress pets out or upset their routine. Here are some ways to keep them safe and calm.

    • Give pets a room or space of their own, where they can retreat to if feeling stressed or overwhelmed. Stock it with fresh water, a bed, and their favorite toys.
    • If celebrating at New Year’s, keep loud noises to a minimum.
    • Animals sometimes will take advantage of the commotion or act out by getting into cabinets they don’t usually disturb, so be sure to hide away any medications, which can be extremely dangerous to animals.

Keeping your pets safe this season just takes a little creativity, forethought, and a new habit or two. And happily, the pet industry makes all kinds of pet-safe products and novelty items, so keeping the holidays safe for all family members should be easier than ever. Happy holidays!



This article is furnished by California Casualty. We specialize in providing auto and home insurance to educators, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or www.calcas.com.

Halloween Safety Tips for Pets

Halloween Safety Tips for Pets

Halloween can be an extra-scary time for our four-legged family members. Our pets don’t understand why the doorbell keeps ringing or why strange creatures- that kind of resemble humans- keep yelling and trying to come into their house and yard.

These factors and more can cause our pets to become anxious and start acting out of the ordinary with their behaviors like, panting, crying, running, jumping, and even becoming aggressive. That is why it is important to keep your pet (and Trick-or-Treaters) safe this Halloween by following these Five Simple Halloween Safety Tips for Pets.


1. Keep Your Pet in a Separate Room

Bring pets indoors and lock them in a separate room, far away from the commotion, with a TV or noise machine on during prime trick-or-treating hours (6pm- 8:30pm). This will give you peace of mind that your pet will not harm or scare away trick-or-treaters and you don’t have to worry about your pet escaping every time you open the door.

2. Keep the Candy Out of Reach

Most Halloween candy is toxic to pets, especially chocolate, so make sure bowls of candy are stashed in a cupboard or a shelf high enough where they cannot reach them. If your dog or cat does ingest any candy or wrappers contact your vet immediately.

3. Don’t Put Your Pet in a Costume Unless They Love It

Dressing your pet up could cause extra anxiety for them, and if they try to escape their costume and get stuck, they could seriously injure themselves. If you decide to dress them up, keep it comfortable for them and let them try on their costume before Halloween to make sure they love it and have time to get used to how it feels.

4. Watch the Decorations

Using a real flame to light a Jack-O-Lantern is rare these days, but if you do make sure it is placed somewhere your pet can’t accidentally run into it. Be sure to also keep any decoration that could harm your pet like, plastic, fake spider webs, and lights/electrical cords out of your pet’s reach.

5. Keep Your Pets Identified

Always make sure your pet is wearing a collar with tags that are up to date and that they are microchipped, just in case they do happen to escape.


Have a safe and Happy Halloween with your fur-babies! 🙂


This article is furnished by California Casualty, providing auto and home insurance to educators, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or www.calcas.com.

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