Heat Safety for Pets

Heat Safety for Pets

Just as hot summer days can be dangerous for people, they also put our 4-legged companions at risk of heat stress.

When the temperature soars this season, follow the 9 tips below to keep your pets safe and healthy.

  1. Never Leave Pets in a Parked Car

In just 10 minutes, the temperature inside your car rises almost 20°F. In 20 minutes, it’s up by 30°F, and in 60 minutes — it’s almost 40°F hotter than the temperature outside. So, even when windows are cracked, your car’s in the shade or “it’ll just take a minute,” never leave your pet in a parked vehicle.

  1. Keep the Water Dish Full

Making sure your pet has plenty of fresh, clean water is important all the time, but especially when it’s hot or humid out. They can get dehydrated quickly, so keep an eye on their bowl (or put an extra out). And on the topic of pet bowls, what’s the gold standard for cleaning? A daily wash with hot water, air-dry, and once-a-week sanitizing.

  1. Watch the Asphalt

On hot days, a rule of thumb is to put your hand on the pavement and wait 7 seconds. If it’s too hot, that means it’s unsafe for your dog’s paws, which can suffer burns. Also, remember pets’ bodies are much closer to the ground, so absorb more of the radiating heat and can overheat.

  1. Mind the Fireworks

They’re why the Thundershirt® was invented. Though some pets are oblivious to fireworks, many are scared and some even terrified. During fireworks-heavy holidays, keep your pets in a quiet, secure area of your home (not outside). And never use fireworks around them, as they can potentially get burned or traumatized.

  1. Don’t Shave Your Dog

Owners of long-haired dogs sometimes get side-eye while out for dog walks in the summer months, but it turns out that dogs’ coats have evolved to protect them against cold and hot temperatures. Leaving his coat au naturel will help him better regulate his temperature and protect against sunburn. For cats, you can brush them more often during hot weather to help them shed.

  1. Know How Pets Cool Themselves

Dogs use panting, not sweating, to keep cool. They’ll also seek shady spots and drink a lot of water to replenish moisture lost through evaporation. A cat’s first line of defense is finding a cool surface or dark place to wait out the heat. They’ll also lick their coats more often, which allows saliva to evaporate and cause a cooling effect.

  1. Watch for Signs of Overheating

Symptoms of overheating include excessive panting, difficulty breathing, weakness or collapse, glazed eyes, increased heart rate, excessive drooling, or vomiting. Their body temperature rises above 104°F and their gum coloration turns bright red, pale or blueish purple. If your pet is overheated, take steps to cool them down (douse them in room temperature water, move them to shade or A/C) and contact your vet immediately. Animals with flat faces (e.g. Persian cats, pugs) are more susceptible to heat stress.

  1. Keep Exercise Light

Limit your pets’ exercise on especially hot days. Shift walks to the early morning or evening and always carry water to keep your dog from dehydrating.

  1. Mind the Humidity

It’s not just the temperature, but the humidity, that affects animals. They pant to evaporate moisture from their lungs (thus cooling themselves), so when the water content in the air rises their cooling system is affected. The more humid, the greater risk they face for overheating. Use extra caution on humid days.


Once you know what to look for and pay attention to, keeping your pets safe in the heat becomes second nature.



This article is furnished by California Casualty, providing auto and home insurance to educators, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or www.calcas.com.

What To Do Before Bringing Home a New Pet

What To Do Before Bringing Home a New Pet

It’s no secret that we love our pets.  A study done by The American Pet Products Association (APPA) found that 68% of households in the United States owned at least one pet. These furry family members not only keep us company, but they are also linked to many other health benefits like bringing happiness,  lowering stress, and even increasing fitness levels.

So, when you decide it is time for you to get a pet of your own, it’s important to do your research on what to do before you bring a new four-legged (or 2 legged) friend into your life.

Whether this is your first pet or your 4th, follow these tips to make sure you and your family are ready for your new arrival.


Check Your Budget

American’s spend about $52 billion annually on their pets and that number continues to rise by the billion every year. Broken down the costs include pet fees, food, supplies, medicine, vet care, and other services like grooming and boarding. That’s not even including all of the extra toys and accessories you might buy or the cost of pet insurance.

Before you get a pet, make sure you factor all of the associated costs into your budget and make sure you will be able to keep and financially supporting it long-term.


Do the Research

Many municipalities, HOA’s, and rentals have strict rules regarding pets and different breeds of pets. Before you go out and search for a pet, get the proper approval first.

It is also a good idea to research the different breeds of an animal that will best suit you. For example, if you are active and want a pet to exercise with, you might want a larger dog that has a lot of energy, like a Border Collie or an English Setter.

Lastly, research highly-rated veterinarians or animal hospitals in your area. If your pet is extremely young, numerous vet visits are likely in your future, so find a vet that is close by and highly trusted. If you can’t find one reach out to an animal shelter near you, and they should be able to assist.


Make Sure It Will Fit Into Your Lifestyle

If the lifestyle you live has no room for a pet, do not get a pet. We cannot stress this enough. If your life is extremely busy and you are not home enough to take care of an animal or properly train them, do not get one. Animals need time and attention, just like humans, and it will take them a while to develop good habits; so if you don’t have the time or money, save getting a pet for the future.

Before you adopt or purchase a new pet, go together as a family to meet it and see if it would be a good fit. You can even bring older pets to see if they get along. If a meet and greet is not possible, introduce new pets to other pets slowly, and teach children how to properly interact with the new animal.

If you really want a pet but aren’t sure which one would fit into your family you could always reach out to your local shelter and ask staff members what kind of animal would fit your needs.


Pet-Proof Your Home

When you get a new pet, it’s safety becomes your responsibility. That means you will need to pet-proof your home. Get down to your pet’s eye-level and move objects that could cause them harm like, wires, cords, cleaning supplies, hazardous plants,  food, plastic or glass décor, trashcans, etc.

If you are getting an animal with sharp claws, like a cat, make sure you have scratching posts available and use the right protection for your furniture.

You should also pet-proof the outside of your home. Make sure your fence is sturdy and no poles need to be replaced, check window screens, and pick up all trash and debris.


Find A Pet!

          Go find your new best friend!

If you plan on adopting you can find a shelter near you on petfinder.com or adoptapet.com



This article is furnished by California Casualty, providing auto and home insurance to educators, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or www.calcas.com.



Pet Safety Tips for Winter

Pet Safety Tips for Winter

Even though they are covered in fur, pets still feel the effects of winter weather. Temperatures below freezing with wind chill can cause serious harm, sickness, or even death to domesticated animals, like cats and dogs.

Animals need protection from the cold, just like humans. If you aren’t sure whether it is too cold for you pet to be outside, a good rule of thumb is if it’s too cold for you to stay outside for long periods, then it is probably too cold for them as well.

Keep your pet safe and warm all winter long by following these pet safety tips for winter.


Give Them Shelter

If your pet doesn’t live inside already, bring them inside for the winter and create a space for them in an area of your home that is not drafty. If this is not an option for you, then you must create a shelter for them where they can escape the elements. The shelter should be raised and waterproof, faced away from the wind, and either insulated or packed with plenty of blankets and straw.


Protect Their Paws

If there is snow or ice on the ground make sure the de-icing chemicals you use are not harmful to your pet. If your dog is indoors, it is also important to wipe its wet paws when it comes inside to avoid the ingestion of those chemicals and to prevent redness and irritation. If you go on winter walks, put Vaseline or snow booties on their paws to protect them.


Know Their Limits

Dogs and cats are susceptible to Hypothermia and Frostbite, so even if your pet is having fun playing in the snow, it is important not to keep them outside for long periods. Set outdoor limits by assessing their age and breed, for example small, short-haired dogs cannot spend as long of time outside as large, long-haired dogs, and the same goes for old or very young dogs.


Keep Away From Anti-Freeze

Anti-freeze is in abundance during the winter, but as little as a lick can cause kidney failure in your pet. Keep your anti-freeze stored away out of reach and be sure to immediately clean up any spills or leaks in your garage. When on walks, beware of unknown puddles in driveways or parking lots.


Check Food and Water

If your pet is indoors, it will typically be getting less exercise during this time of year. So if you feel like your pet is gaining an unhealthy amount of weight, monitor its food consumption. On the other hand, if your pet is outdoors, it will need to burn more calories to keep warm. Make sure you are feeding it frequently with more hardy meals. Also, be sure to check their water dish every few hours to make sure it has not frozen over.


Be Prepared

If a snow or ice storm knocks out your power or makes travel impossible, make sure you have stocked up on the proper food and medication for your pet. In the event of an emergency, be sure to also include supplies for them in your Emergency Preparedness Kit.


We know how much your pets mean to you. That’s why California Casualty automatically includes free Pet Injury Coverage as part of your auto insurance policy. Get a free coverage comparison today! Contact a California Casualty adviser at 1.866.704.8614 or https://www.calcas.com.


Related Articles:

Disaster Preparation for Pets

Questions to Ask Before Boarding Your Pet

Pet Passenger Safety Tips


This article is furnished by California Casualty, providing auto and home insurance to educators, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or www.calcas.com.



Disaster Preparation for Pets

Disaster Preparation for Pets

Our pets are precious members of the family. We take them on adventures and shower them with treats and love. However, when it comes to disaster situations, our fur babies are often an after-thought, and sadly, many suffer and are left behind when a natural disaster hits.


disaster prep for pets


September is National Preparedness Month. Each year we are reminded to prepare ourselves for emergency disasters in our home and communities. So, while you get your emergency plans in place, don’t forget to include your animals!

Take these actions and precautions before a calamity strikes to put your mind at ease and save your pet’s life.

  1. Have an evacuation plan that includes your pet and it’s necessities. Include food, leash, medications, a blanket (with your scent), water, and copies of vet records and vaccinations.
  2. Bring your pet inside. If you need to evacuate, have a crate or duffel on hand that you can easily transport them in.
  3. Place a rescue alert sticker on home door or window. This should be visible to rescuers, in case you are unable to get home. Available online, at pet stores, veterinarians, or from the ASPCA.
  4. Microchip your pets and update collar tags. Make sure the microchip is registered and up-to-date with your current information.
  5. Keep in mind many evacuation shelters do not take pets. Research pet-friendly hotels, shelters, and family/friends who will take in you and your pet in a disaster.
  6. Carry recent pictures of your pet. In case you get separated, keep a good photo of them sitting and standing for size/coat reference.

Save My Pet!

Having a disaster preparation plan in place for your pets will play a key role in saving their life in the event of an emergency. If you need help putting a plan in place, contact BringFido’s Canine Concierge. They will contact hotels and shelters across the nation to help you find somewhere for your pet. Plus, they will even give you advice on disaster preparation for pets!

Remember, pets can sense anxiety and become nervous, especially during high stress times like emergencies. It is important to give them TLC and let them know they will be ok.

This article is furnished by California Casualty, providing auto and home insurance to educators, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. In the event of a disaster know you and your pet are taken care of by adding Pet Insurance by Pets Best to your existing California Casualty policy and save up to 90% on all emergency vet bills. Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or www.calcas.com.

For more information visit:




Life Lessons From Your Dog

Life Lessons From Your Dog

Wiggle bottom, man’s best friend, cuddle bug, fur baby, smoochy pooch. We could go on and on about the crazy names we give our dogs and how much we love them. They give us joy and companionship, a reason to exercise, even someone to cry to; and ask for so little in return. Our dogs are a constant source of love and throughout their lives, our little fur balls teach us responsibility and some of the greatest life lessons.

Here are a few we’ve learned from our perfect little puppers:


Express Gratitude.

  • Whether it’s with a big, slobbery kiss or just a nuzzle of their head, dogs always let us know that they love us and are thankful for us.

Love Your Neighbors.

  • Does your dog get super excited when you mention the word “walk” or “park”? That’s because they love socializing. All friends are great, no matter age or breed.


Leave the Past Behind You.

  • Rescue pets are the perfect example. Some go through things we could never even imagine before they become a new member of the family. They live in the moment, soaking up all the happiness that comes from giving and receiving love.

Bodies Come in All Shapes and Sizes.

  • Big, small, short, tall, hairy, wrinkly, droopy; we love them all. Dogs aren’t embarrassed, and we shouldn’t be either.


Love Unconditionally.

  • No matter what we do, or how bad of a mood we come home in, our dogs are always there greeting us with a wagging tail. Their love never waivers, no matter the circumstance.

It’s OK to take a Break.

  • Taking time to relax and recharge is SO important. Dogs know when they need to rest. They have no problem letting themselves take a break, so they can be at their best when they wake up.

Focus on the Positive.

  • Have you noticed how your dog is never in a bad mood? That’s because instead of dwelling on how they just got in trouble for trying to eat out of the trash can, they are thinking about the walk they get to take after dinner. Always, look on the bright side.


Be Open to Adventure.

  • Your dog is your ride or die. They go with you everywhere without complaint, and they have some of the BEST times and experiences because of it.

Family Doesn’t Have to Be Blood.

  • Family is love. If you love them, they will love you. No, if’s, and’s, or but’s about it.

We can learn so much every day by watching our dogs. They are loyal, they don’t discriminate, and they see everything in a positive light. Can you imagine how positive the world would be if everyone learned their life lessons from dogs? So, next time you are having a bad day or get into an argument with someone you love, ask yourself how your dog would handle the situation?

Life is all about perspective. 

Questions to Ask Before Boarding Your Pet

Questions to Ask Before Boarding Your Pet

Spring break will be here before you know it and summer is right around the corner. If your plans include travel and Fido isn’t invited, here are a few things to consider when deciding where and who will care for your four-legged family member while you’re away. boarding your pet

Before Boarding Your Pet, Plan to Ask:

  • Is my pooch up to date on vaccinations?

    Ensure vaccinations are required for other animals boarded in the same facility.

  • Can I take a tour?

    Visiting the facility and meeting staff members who will be caring for your dog can help you determine if it’s the right fit. Plus, provides  peace of mind while you’re away.

  • Are the staff and facility certified?

    If your dog is injured, know who will provide treatment. Also, find out if your pet will need to be transported to another location for care.

  • What will my dog do all day?

    Some places keep dogs kenneled most of the day. Alternatively, others provide an open area for dogs to play and socialize with other pet guests.

  • Where will my dog sleep?

    Just like time spent during the day, some facilities require pets each sleep in a separated area. Others offer a slumber party environment.

  • Can I bring my own dog food?

    Let the facility know if your dog has a special diet or feeding schedule.

Whether you use these as a starting point or have your own questions, the most important thing is that you feel comfortable knowing you’ll return to a pet that is tired but happy. boarding your pet

We know how important your furry friends are. That’s why California Casualty offers pet health insurance from Pets Best, rated in the top tier of pet insurance companies. You can get up to 90 percent reimbursement for X-rays, lab tests, surgeries, even cancer treatment with a Pets Best policy. Best yet, you’ll save five percent (in most states) if you purchase through California Casualty.

We only get limited time with our pets. Make the most of it! Contact our Agency Services team at 1.877.652.2638 or email agencyservices@calcas.com.

If your pet travels with you, don’t forget California Casualty automatically includes free Pet Injury Coverage as part of your auto insurance policy.

Get a free quote today and discover why educators, firefighters, police officers and nurses trust California Casualty for their auto and home insurance needs. www.calcas.com

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