9 Ways to Save on Your Vet Bill

9 Ways to Save on Your Vet Bill

We love our pets like family, but if we’re being honest, they can be quite expensive. That’s not only in treats, household items, and little splurges but also in veterinary care.

Vet costs can add up quickly, especially if your pet has a health issue or if you have multiple pets. But taking your animal to the veterinarian is an important part of being a responsible pet owner and making sure your pet stays at its healthiest.

Here are some tips to give your fur babies, feathered friends, and reptiles the best care possible without a huge bill.


1. Shop around.

Not every vet charges the same, so it’s a good idea to shop around. Vets in smaller towns may charge less than in more populated urban areas. Call and get costs for exams, vaccinations, and standard procedures such as teeth cleaning, spaying, and neutering. Ask if they give multi-pet discounts if you bring pets in together. You don’t have to choose your vet solely on cost, but keep that in mind when you make your selection.

Pro Tip: Reach out to the local Humane Society or vet school clinic. They may have low-cost options for veterinary care or procedures.


2. Know your vaccines.

Some vaccines like rabies are required by law. Others are optional. Assess whether your pet needs a vaccine based on their potential risk for the illness. For example, if you don’t board your dogs, they may not need Bordetella to protect against contagious kennel cough. But if they’re frequently at the dog park with other dogs, you’ll want them to have it.

Pro Tip: Check with your municipality. They may hold a free rabies shot clinic annually.


3. Research prescription options.

You’ll likely give your fur babies flea and tick medications. You may need to treat your bird or your lizard with an antibiotic. You might need a prescription to calm your pet during a storm. You could get these medications through your vet, or you can get the prescription and shop around. Contact your local (human) pharmacy. If there is a human equivalent to the pet medication, they may be able to fill it for a lower price. You can also enroll in a prescription discount plan like GoodRx or WellRx. Some plans cost but you’ll still realize the savings in discounts.


4. Ask about referrals and specials.

Veterinary offices often run specials. They may discount dental procedures for National Pet Dental Health Month, for example. They may give you a credit for referring a friend. Ask your vet for their schedule of specials and discounts for the year, and plan your pet’s care around that calendar.


5. Don’t automatically say ‘yes’.

Your vet may recommend treatments for your pet. Ask why they’re necessary and what the alternatives are to doing them. Sometimes these recommendations may be precautions but not absolutely necessary. Other times, they may be to rule out issues, but the treatment may be the same. If there is a high cost for treatment, you can hold off and research other places that may be able to provide it at a lower cost. Then take that quote to your vet and ask if they will match the price.

6. Talk to an online vet first.

You can sometimes save on an in-person vet bill by talking to an online vet first. Telemedicine options have increased for veterinary care. For just about $30 or so, you can talk to a vet, have him/her examine your pet virtually, and answer medical questions. For example, if your pet was exposed to a potential household danger, the online vet can let you know if you need to bring your pet in for treatment. Just know that online vets cannot prescribe medication if your pet hasn’t been seen in person by a vet recently.


7. Consider help from a pet charity.

You may qualify for help with your vet bills from an animal welfare charity. These are nonprofit associations that provide assistance for specific types of situations, such as donating wheelchairs for disabled pets, care for cancer treatment, and help for elderly, disabled, or low-income families.


8. Keep up with preventive care.

Nourishing food, regular exercise, and annual vet visits will help keep your pet healthy. Heartworm testing, stool screenings, dental care, parasite control, and bloodwork are all part of regular preventive care. Keeping your pet active and healthy, and checking in regularly on their health, will help reduce vet bills in the future.


9. Purchase Pet Insurance.

Pet Insurance can help offset some of the larger costs of pet care. For a nominal monthly fee, you can have access to coverage that will help if your pet needs surgery or has health issues. Shop around for a pet insurance policy that fits your needs.

Before you purchase, make sure you understand the deductible, the coverage limits, and the exclusions. Some policies do not cover pre-existing conditions or wellness care.


This article is furnished by California Casualty, providing auto and home insurance to educators, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or www.calcas.com.

8 Pet-friendly House Plants That Can Improve Your Health

8 Pet-friendly House Plants That Can Improve Your Health

It’s a well-known fact that plants produce oxygen. But did you know that some plants also “clean” the air that we breathe? It’s true. These plants can remove harmful chemicals, from paint fumes to furniture polish. This can help reduce respiratory problems, allergy symptoms, and headaches. But it’s important to note, that not all plants do this. And some that do are not safe for pets and young children, because they are considered toxic if consumed.

If you’re thinking about adding some house plants that promote indoor air quality, and are also good for pets and your youngsters, here are some great options to add some safe greenery to your space.


Why are chemicals in my air, anyway?

You don’t have to live in a chemical plant to be exposed to VOCs, volatile organic compounds. VOCs are emitted as gases from certain things that are common in our homes. Cleaning products, paints, cosmetics, printer ink, and even building materials can create these pollutants.

The NASA Clean Air Study and other studies looked at different plants’ effects on reducing VOCs. We culled the list to include those plants that were safe for pets, too.


8 Safe Indoor Plants

1. Spider Plant (scientific name: Chlorophytum comosum)

spider plant

Named for the long leaves that resemble a spider’s legs, these plants remove formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene from the air. These chemicals are found in household products such as glue, paint, lacquer, nail polish, and stain removers. Formaldehyde also is in some cosmetics, dishwashing liquids, building materials, and insulation.

Spider plants are great plants for beginning gardeners. They are easy to grow; you can even start them from cuttings. They just need water and bright indirect light.

Pro tip: A spider plant’s dangling leaves may attract curious kittens. Make sure your plant is in a safe place where your cat cannot knock it over.


2. Money Plant (scientific name: Epipremnum aureum)

money plant

This plant is named for its round, flat leaves that, with a little imagination, resemble coins. According to tradition, these plants are supposed to bring luck. Money plants are lucky in other ways; they soak up toxins in the air like formaldehyde.

This plant likes bright indirect light. It’s also a great plant for beginners. You can grow it in water or soil.


3. Areca Palm (scientific name: Chrysalidocarpus lutescens)


This is a big, bold plant that commands attention with its feathery, arching fronds. It naturally purifies the air by absorbing formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene, pollutants found in many common household products.

Make sure you have enough space if you’re growing it indoors. It can grow as tall as six or seven feet. An Areca Palm needs indirect sunlight and enough water to keep it moist. Because it grows big, your Areca Palm will need repotting every couple of years.


4. Boston Fern/Sword Fern (scientific name: Nephrolepis exaltata)


Fondly known as a living humidifier, the Boston Fern loves humidity. It will naturally put moisture back into the air and is great for sinuses and allergies. It also is an air-purifying superstar. It absorbs formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene, pollutants found in many household products.

Boston Ferns do need indirect sunlight in a spot that isn’t too warm, and regular watering to keep the soil damp. Since they love humidity, Boston Ferns do well in bathrooms and kitchens.


5. Wax Plant (scientific name: Hoya Carnosa)

wax plant

This low-maintenance plant is named for its green waxy leaves, and it produces clusters of tiny starry flowers. The Wax Plant is great for anyone frequently exposed to chemicals found in paint, gasoline, or smog. It absorbs VOCs like benzene.

It’s a tropical plant that thrives in bright indirect light and high humidity. It’s easy to grow a Wax Plant from cuttings. Place them in a water jug for 2-3 months until the roots are well developed, before planting.


6. Moth Orchids (scientific name: Phalaenopsis)


These colorful, long-lasting flowers look exotic but actually are very hardy. Their flowers resemble moths in flight, which was the inspiration for their name. These beautiful plants are great at absorbing paint fumes.

Interestingly, Moth Orchids get their nutrients from the air. You may see them grow roots above the soil. Don’t cut them off as the plant needs them to thrive. Moth Orchids need indirect sunlight and prefer higher temperatures and humidity.


7. Barberton Daisy (scientific name: Gerbera jamesonii)


While the Barberton Daisy comes in traditional white, it also blooms in yellow, orange, red, and pink. Its bright colors make it a favorite house plant. The fact that it also filters out benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene is a bonus! These chemicals are found in adhesives, cleaning fluids for rugs, paint removers, spot removers, and typewriter correction fluids.

Indoors, they can flower any time of the year. They love direct sunlight and moist soil. They usually last for a single growing season but your Barberton Daisy can last for two to three years with good care.


8. Purple Waffle Plant (scientific name: Hemigraphis alternata)

purple waffle

Also called Red Ivy, the Purple Waffle Plant has beautiful gray-green leaves with purple undersides. Its coloring makes it a popular plant for homes and offices. An added bonus is that Purple Waffle Plants are very good at removing VOCs such as benzene, toluene, and octane. These are common pollutants found in paint, cleaners, hair spray, and more.

This plant likes medium to bright light indoors. It thrives in moist soil. Purple Waffle Plants will produce white flowers in the summertime.


What to Do If Your Fur Baby Eats a Toxic Plant

While the plants on this list are safe for pets, not all plants are. If your fur baby ingests any part of a toxic plant, call your veterinarian immediately. You may be asked to bring your pet in for treatment. For emergencies like this, pet insurance can help. Find out more about what pet insurance can cover by talking with a California Casualty customer service representative.


This article is furnished by California Casualty, providing auto and home insurance to educators, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or www.calcas.com.


How to Calm Your Pet During a Storm

How to Calm Your Pet During a Storm

Hiding under the bed…shaking uncontrollably…pacing, panting, trembling …when your fur baby is frantic during a thunderstorm, it can be stressful for the both of you….

What makes your pet extra anxious during a storm and how can you help them cope? Let’s find out.

What makes my pet anxious?

Our pets’ hearing is far more sensitive than ours. That means our fur babies can hear a storm coming long before we do, and when it arrives, thunder is much louder to them than it is to us. When they hear loud noises, they react as if there is danger. When unsure of the location of the noise, a pet’s natural instinct is to seek a safe place.

Loud noises aren’t the only scary thing about storms. Storms can produce static electricity, which can run through a pet’s fur, creating uncomfortable feelings and even painful shocks if they come in contact with metal.

Some breeds are more likely to have storm anxiety. These include dog breeds like Australian Shepherds with double coats, and cats with long fur. In addition, dogs and cats who are naturally fearful, have separation anxiety, or hesitation around people are also more likely to be anxious about storms.


What are the signs of anxiety?

Pets show anxiety in many ways. Here are just a few of the signs you may notice:

    • Drooling, panting, trembling, and ears back
    • Hiding or trying to fit into tight spaces
    • Moving close to a favorite person
    • Whining, barking, pacing
    • Scratching and acting out destructively


How can I help my pet?

Don’t worry, there are ways that you can calm your anxious pet the next time the thunder booms. Try to intervene early before the storm is in full swing. Reassure your fur baby in a low calm voice. High-pitched voices can cause our fur babies to panic. Plan to stay home with him or her, or ask someone else to do so. (An anxious pet left alone can cause some damage.)

Here’s what else you can do.


1. Set up a calming environment.
Pets sometimes seek shelter under your bed or in a closet. They feel safer in an enclosed space.

    • Pay attention to where your dog or cat likes to go during a thunderstorm, and start with that space to set up a calming environment.
    • If your dog is crate trained, you can set up its crate in the most soundproof room of the home.
    • Try an interior room without windows so that your pet won’t see the flashes of lightning.
    • Many pets stay away from carpets and fabric, due to the effect of static. Consider a space such as a bathroom. Your pet may even prefer to sleep in the tub.
    • Leave the light and tv on so that the flashes of lightning and cracks of thunder are less noticeable. Close the blinds and drapes.


2. Distract and/or desensitize your pet.
If your pet isn’t too frantic, you may be able to distract him or her. Try any of the strategies below, and keep in mind that in between storms, you can work to desensitize pets to help them manage their future stress.

    • Choose interactive toys. Play a game of indoor fetch or tug-of-war.
    • Consider a high-value chew or a treat. Just make sure you’re not treating your pet every time he or she seems fearful or you are rewarding this behavior.
    • Licking is a way for dogs and cats to calm themselves. Try giving your fur baby a licking pad with their favorite wet food or soft treat.
    • Try giving your pet a calming massage.
    • Desensitize your dog for future storms. Play a thunderstorm soundtrack on a low volume while giving your pet high-value treats and positive interactions. Over several weeks, gradually increase the volume. This can help lessen or even eliminate thunderstorm anxiety.


3. Try natural therapies.
There are several natural ways that you can help reduce the stress of a thunderstorm for your pet.

    • If your pet’s anxiety is tied to static electricity in his or her fur, try a dryer sheet. Rub the sheet gently along your pet’s fur to cut down on the static. Choose an unscented brand, and do not let your fur baby chew or play with it.
    • Try a thunder jacket. This type of pet clothing holds your pet snugly and helps them feel safe and secure. You can make your own with a t-shirt or sweatshirt. Put it over your dog’s head with the front/pattern across his/her back. Put the dog’s front legs through the armholes. Tie up any looseness toward the dog’s rump.
    • Set up a white noise sound machine or play calming music.
    • Add a soothing scent, such as a few drops of lavender oil on a cotton ball. Or try a dog or cat pheromone spray or collar that can help them to relax.


4. If all else fails, try prescription therapy.
In some cases, medication is needed to help keep your fur baby calm. You can try calming treats available at your local pet store or talk to your vet about whether your dog or cat is a candidate for an anxiety prescription.


This article is furnished by California Casualty, providing auto and home insurance to educators, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or www.calcas.com.

The Dangers of Ice Melt to Pets

The Dangers of Ice Melt to Pets

For many of us, winter weather means it’s time to put down that layer of salt. After all, you don’t want to hurt yourself or be liable if anyone slips on your sidewalk!

Ironically, in your effort to keep everyone safe, you might be endangering the very ones you want to protect. That’s because ice melt is dangerous for pets. And it’s not just the ice melt on your property. Ice melt that is universally used on roadways and walking paths is usually not pet-friendly and can cause serious harm and even death.

Here’s what you need to know to keep your pets safe this snowy season.


Know the chemicals.

Ice melt is made up of chemicals like sodium chloride (the same as table salt) and calcium salts (calcium carbonate, calcium magnesium acetate, and calcium chloride). Sometimes it also contains potassium chloride, magnesium chloride and/or urea (carbonyl diamide). These chemicals lower the freezing point for water, causing the ice to melt and turn to slush. In addition to having an effect on ice, they also cause damage to concrete, cement, soil, and water, as well as plants and animals.

That’s where your pet comes in. It may be tempting for your dog or cat to sniff around at ice melt because of its salty taste. Or they may walk on it and get it on their paws, and then lick it off. But even table salt is dangerous for them in large quantities.

If ingested, ice melt can cause anything from mild indigestion to severe vomiting, diarrhea and dehydration, and even death. Just 4 g/kg of sodium chloride can be deadly, according to the Pet Poison Helpline. According to Pet MD, ethylene glycol-based ice melts contain the same active ingredient as antifreeze. They are deadly if ingested. Calcium chloride also can cause mouth ulcerations and irritation.  So, what do you need to look out for in your pet? An abnormally high body temperature, a racing heart, and rapid breathing are all signs of elevated blood sodium levels. Keep reading for more signs and symptoms.

Ice melt is also a skin irritant. It can cause irritation, dryness, and even burns on your fur babies’ paws or between their pads. If they scratch or rub their face, the ice melt can get in their eyes. If a small piece of salt makes its way in between your pet’s pads, it can be highly uncomfortable and have a chance of being swallowed.

If you’re thinking you can just check the package and make sure these ingredients are not listed, think again. Unfortunately, not all ice melt packages provide a full list of ingredients.



Are there any ice melts that are safe for pets?

You can buy ice melts that are labeled ‘safe for pets’, but even these are not completely safe, according to the Pet Poison Helpline. They are simply safer options. If ingested, they can still cause gastric distress. Also, while safe for dogs, ice melt with propylene glycol can be damaging to cats’ red blood cells, according to PetMD.

Products safe for pets usually are urea-based. They are some of the safest options for dogs and cats, but if you have goats or cows, beware. Urea can cause ammonia toxicosis in animals that have that type of digestive tract.


How to Prevent Exposure

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Keeping your pet away from dangerous ice melts is your first defense.

    • Avoid areas that are slushy or where it looks like ice melt has been applied.
    • Don’t let pets sniff or eat road salt, ice melt, etc.
    • Don’t let pets run and play in an area that looks like it has been treated with ice melt.
    • Wipe your pet’s paws with a damp cloth to remove any ice melt as soon as you come in from outside. This way, your fur baby won’t accidentally ingest it when licking his/her paws.
    • Store the ice melt package far out of reach of curious pets.
    • If you want to protect your fur baby’s paws, consider paw wax or doggie booties.
    • Instead of ice melt, try products intended to provide traction, such as sand, gravel, kitty litter, and wood ash.



Watch for these signs and symptoms.

Keep a close eye on your fur baby, If you notice him/her walking gingerly or licking his/her paws, there could be a problem. Also, look for these signs of possible exposure to ice melt:

    • Skin irritation/burns
    • Mouth ulcers
    • Increased urination
    • Excessive drooling
    • Nausea/gastrointestinal upset/vomiting
    • Body and muscle weakness
    • Seizures

Call your veterinarian right away if you believe your pet has ingested ice melt and is exhibiting symptoms. The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center also is available 24/7 to answer your questions. A consultation fee may apply.

Pet health insurance can help cover the costs if anything should happen to your fur baby. Make sure you are fully covered in event of an emergency.



This article is furnished by California Casualty, providing auto and home insurance to educators, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or www.calcas.com.


Dogs and Carpets 101

Dogs and Carpets 101

You came home to a rug that’s been chewed to shreds and a mess on the carpet—again. Now your house is smelling (and looking) a bit like a kennel… You love your dog, so you’re thinking it may be time to scrap the carpet altogether.  

But think twice before you make any rash decisions. Carpets have so many advantages for your home! They muffle noise. Dogs won’t slip and slide on them like they can on hard surfaces. You also don’t have to worry about their claws scratching your hardwood floor. Plus, carpets are a soft place for your feet and for their paws. 

The good news is that dogs and carpets can actually coexist nicely. Here’s what you need to know.


Choose the right carpet. 

Not all carpets are the same when it comes to protecting against pet stains and messes. Look for carpets made of nylon, wool, or a material known as olefin. The most popular option, nylon is durable and easy to clean. It also has built-in stain resistance. Wool, the more expensive option, has some natural stain resistance but cannot be treated with a stain-resistant coating. Olefin was originally used in outdoor carpets but has been engineered to have more of the feel of wool. It’s made from plastic fibers, is easy to clean, and repels moisture. 


Take care of new messes right away.

Cleaning up after your pet is part of being a responsible pet owner. The best way to keep your carpet from staining is to address your pet’s accidents right away. If you use a store-bought cleaner, choose one with a neutral pH to help remove the acidity of your pet’s urine. You can also make your own cleaning solution from vinegar, baking soda, and water. Here are two natural methods for cleaning up pet urine on carpet. 

Method #1

    • Place a thick layer of paper towels over the wet spot. 
    • Cover the towels with layers of newspaper. 
    • Stand on the newspaper for a few minutes for it to absorb the urine.  
    • Remove the paper and paper towels and dispose of them.
    • Rinse the area with cool water. 
    • Blot up the water with towels. If you have a wet vac, you can use that instead.
    • Once most of the liquid is blotted, spread baking soda over it. Use ¼ cup or less. (Note that large amounts of baking soda are toxic to dogs so keep your fur baby away.)
    • Let the mixture sit overnight and then vacuum the spot thoroughly the next morning. The area should feel clean to the touch. 


Method #2

    • In a clear spray bottle, mix one cup of distilled white vinegar with one cup of water and 2 teaspoons of baking soda. Shake it up.
    • Spray the mixture on the stain. 
    • Let it sit for a few minutes and then blot it with a towel until clean.

You can use these methods for other pet messes such as vomit or poop. Remove the vomit or feces before treating the carpet, being careful not to embed it in the carpet fibers. Act quickly; the acid in vomit can quickly discolor your carpet.


Take care of old stains, too.

Old urine stains can cause a lingering odor in your home. You can take care of these stains in several ways. One way is to use an enzymatic cleanser that breaks down the stain at the molecular level. You can find these cleansers at pet stores. Another way is to rinse the area thoroughly with water, then use a wet-dry vacuum to clean it up. Importantly, do not use a steam cleaner. The heat can set the odor and stain permanently. 

Not sure where the stains are? A blacklight can help you find them. The wavelengths of blacklight cause the proteins in urine to glow.


Add a carpet runner to high-traffic areas.

Consider a carpet runner or area rug over your wall-to-wall carpeting for an extra barrier. Place it in high-traffic areas or where your dog commonly goes. Carpet runners and area rugs may be picked up and cleaned, and more easily replaced, if needed.


Clean their paws and clean your carpet.

There’s a lot of preventive care that you can take to keep your carpets clean. Start by wiping and drying your dog’s paws when your fur baby comes in from outside—especially on rainy, snowy, or muddy days. Then, take care of your carpet by vacuuming regularly and shampooing your carpet every 12 months to remove dirt, grime, and allergens. You can schedule a professional carpet cleaning or do it yourself.


Train your pet.

When you adopted your pet, you made the commitment to stick with them through the good and the bad. Oftentimes bad behavior like going to the bathroom on the carpet can be un-trained. You can do this by kennel training when you are gone or using a reward method when they go outside. If you need help, talk to your pet’s veterinarian for ways you can teach your pet to unlearn these behaviors or find a local trainer! You may think you are doing them a favor by not disciplining them when they make a mess or start chewing on furniture, but really you are getting in the way of the great pet they have the potential of becoming- by not letting them learn that these behaviors are ‘bad’.   

Keep in mind the age of your pet plays a factor. A puppy or an older dog may need extra attention and may have more accidents than a dog in its prime. 

Does homeowner’s insurance cover damage from your pets?

Unfortunately, homeowner’s and renter’s insurance both do not cover the damage your pet does to your carpet—or to any of your personal property. Take note that even your carpet warranty probably does not cover pet damage. If your pet, however, gets loose and damages property at your neighbor’s, the liability coverage in your homeowner’s policy may kick in and cover some of the costs. 


This article is furnished by California Casualty, providing auto and home insurance to educators, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or www.calcas.com.

Easy Pet Treat Recipes

Easy Pet Treat Recipes

We love to treat our pets! Whether it’s a taste of chicken or a hearty scoop of peanut butter, special treats show them how much we care. Plus, we don’t have to be experts in the kitchen for our pets to think we are the world’s best chefs. 

There are so many benefits to creating our own homemade treats for our pets. We know the ingredients. There are no chemicals or preservatives. We can adjust the portion size. And we can have peace of mind, knowing that it’s a healthy treat that also is entirely safe for our fur (and fur-less) babies. As a bonus, these treats make great gifts and could become a new holiday tradition.

It doesn’t have to be time-consuming to make homemade pet treats. We’ve put together a collection of some easy and quick recipes for dogs, cats, birds, rabbits, and reptiles. Each recipe is linked for your convenience. Enjoy!



Pumpkin Carrot Bites

(10-minute prep, 30-35-minute bake time)

With fall flavors like pumpkin and carrots, this tasty treat is perfect for the holiday season. You can put them out for your dog as your family enjoys the human variety of treats. It’s quickly prepared but you can reduce your prep time even more by buying pre-shredded carrots.

Salmon and Sweet Potato Brownies

(20-minute prep, 70-minute bake – plus an additional hour to bake the sweet potato initially)

This treat combines canned salmon with a baked sweet potato for a soft-baked treat. While it’s more time-consuming than other recipes due to bake times, it’s easy to prepare and the results are worth it.

Diabetic Dog Treats

(5-minute prep, 15-minute bake time)

Your dog doesn’t have to be diabetic to enjoy this treat, which features a reduced amount of sugar. This recipe uses beef liver as its base, but you can substitute baby food (in a meat flavor). Scroll through the comments at the recipe link and you will see ideas for other adjustments. 

Gluten-Free Vegan Biscuits 

(10-minute prep, 30-minute bake time)

Make these treats with just 3 ingredients: oat or rice flour, peanut butter, and bananas. These biscuits are a great grain-free option and may be frozen for up to 3 months. Make sure that the peanut butter you choose does not contain Xylitol, an artificial sweetener that is toxic to dogs. 



Salmon Cat Treats

(10-minute prep, 20-minute bake time)

With just 3 ingredients, it couldn’t get easier to make this fishy treat. You could substitute tuna for canned salmon to change it up. Use a tiny fish cookie cutter to make these into ones that look just like the popular human goldfish snack.

Cheesy Cat Treats

(10-minute prep, 25-minute bake time)

Packed with dairy and protein, these cheesy crackers feature cheddar, parmesan, and plain yogurt. For a festive spin on this treat, use a cat-inspired cookie cutter.

Tuna Puffs

(15-minute prep, 15-minute bake time)

These fun treats use only a few ingredients that you probably already have in your kitchen: canned tuna, flour, and egg. The recipe specifies the size and width so that the dough puffs up nicely in the oven.

Treats for Cats with Sensitive Stomachs

(10-minute prep, 60-minute bake time)

This tasty treat uses just three ingredients: rice flour, pureed turkey, and pureed peas. Substitute organic baby food for the turkey meat; it works just as well and may be easier than doing your own pureeing. The recipe also has ideas for changing it up—with different proteins and vegetables.



Bird Seed Cookies 

(5-minute prep, 15-minute bake time)

Combine almonds, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, sesame seeds, and flour with some olive oil and an egg, and shape into cookies. Then bake. The beauty of this recipe is its flexibility. Make it as directed or switch out ingredients based on your bird’s preferences. 

Birdie Sorbet

(5-minute prep, then freeze)

Birds love fruit and this treat can feature their favorites: blueberries, raspberries, bananas, mango, and more. Simply puree, add water, and freeze in ice cube trays. Mix in seeds, dried fruit, or try a version with squash or snap peas.

Sweet Potato Bird Balls

(20-minute prep, 5 to 10-minute cook plus an additional 15 minutes)

This no-bake recipe features fresh fruits and vegetables that are nutritious along with cereal that provides a nice crunch. The recipe makes a lot, but they store well in the freezer.



Banana Biscuits

(10-minute prep, 20-minute bake time plus 30 minutes)

This oatmeal, banana, and carrot treat includes rabbit dry food hidden in the biscuit. That makes it not only delicious but nutritious. Make sure you have plastic wrap or a silicone mat to roll out the dough. Flour is not safe for rabbits so you can’t use that to keep the dough from sticking.

Pumpkin Treats

(10-minute prep, 15-minute bake time)

With pumpkin, apples, and oats, this is the perfect fall recipe. If you don’t want to buy dried apples, you can make your own. Just slice an apple into thin pieces and bake in a 200-degree Fahrenheit oven for an hour or an hour and a half.

Frozen Bunny Treats

(15-minute prep, then freeze)

This no-bake recipe combines banana, apple, and peanut butter into a delicious ball with an almond on top. Keep them in the freezer and pull them out whenever you want to give your bunny a special treat.



Pumpkin Pie

(10-minute prep and serve)

This reptile version of the classic Thanksgiving dessert features nutritious pellets as its base. Add to it some pureed pumpkin or butternut squash, garnish with cranberries and you’ve got a holiday favorite.

Stuffed Sweet Potato

(20-minute prep and serve; additional time to bake the sweet potato if not already cooked)

If you’re making sweet potatoes for your holiday meal, put aside a baked one for your favorite reptile. Chop up the fruit and veggies, add some pellets, and voila, you have a colorful meal that is Instagram-worthy!

Gecko Smoothie

(10-minute prep and serve)

Blend up your pet’s favorite seasonal fruit with a can of peaches and plain yogurt, and you have a wonderful treat. You can even add dusted bugs or nutritional supplements. Best of all, you can store leftovers in an ice cube tray in your freezer.

There are a lot of great recipes out there for pets. If we missed one of your favorites, please share it in the comments!


This article is furnished by California Casualty, providing auto and home insurance to educators, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or www.calcas.com.

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