Signs You May be A Victim of Identity Theft

Signs You May be A Victim of Identity Theft

You’ve probably heard a lot about identity theft, but it could never happen to you, right? Unfortunately, it’s more common than you think. Every 22 seconds, someone has his/her identity stolen in the U.S.

You could be the next victim. Learn the signs of identity theft and the strategies to help protect your identity.


Types of Identity Theft

Identity theft happens when someone uses your personal information to steal from you. They can take over your personal accounts. They can ruin your credit. They can take out loans in your name, leaving you on the hook for thousands of dollars or more.

There are many types of identity theft. Here are some of the most common:

• Bank fraud
• Credit card fraud
• Employment fraud
• Tax-related fraud
• Government benefits fraud
• Insurance fraud
• Loan or lease fraud
• Medical services fraud
• Online shopping fraud


Watch for These Warning Signs

Identity theft can easily happen without you knowing it. Be on the lookout for signs that show someone is fraudulently using your information.

1. You do not recognize charges on your credit card or bank account. Check your credit card statement each month, or online more frequently if you feel you may be a victim of identity theft. If you see charges that you didn’t make, contact your credit card company. You can dispute those charges, and change your account number. Similarly, if you see withdrawals on your bank statement that you didn’t make, notify your bank immediately. While they may not be able to refund that money, they can put a hold on your account and open a new one for you.

2. You are getting calls from debt collectors. If you’re getting calls from debt collectors for a purchase you did not make, that’s a huge red flag. It’s possible someone made a purchase in your name. Get the information from the debt collector. Contact the fraud department of the creditor who says that you owe the debt. Request copies of the transaction. Dispute the charge. Close or change the account where the debt was originally charged, whether it’s a bank account or credit card.

3. You receive notifications of password changes you didn’t make. If you get a notification that you changed your password, and you didn’t make the change, take action right away. That means someone was able to access your account. Notify the institution. Change the initial password to something new. If you use that same password elsewhere, change it there, too.

4. You get texts with verification codes. If you get a verification code from PayPal or other services, that’s a sign that someone is using one of your personal accounts. Change your password immediately and contact the account provider.

5. Your credit score suddenly drops. Perhaps you’re denied a loan because your credit report shows unexpected problems. Or maybe you checked your credit score and it’s much lower than it was. Order a credit report to get detailed information. You can get a free report from the major credit bureaus: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. Then you can correct any inaccuracies for future reporting.

6. You’re missing mail and bills. Identity thieves sometimes use a change of address form to reroute your mail. That’s one way they can get personal information mailed right to them. If you notice that mail is missing, especially bills, contact those companies and make sure the address on file is the correct one.

7. You’re getting unfamiliar bills. If you’re receiving medical bills for services that you didn’t receive or bills for items you didn’t purchase, someone is pretending to be you. Contact the provider and let them know.

8. The IRS has more than one tax return in your name. This happens when someone files a tax return to get your refund. You will need to contact the IRS to resolve the situation. You can get a copy of the fraudulent return and take steps to protect your social security number in the future.


How to Protect Your Identity

Follow these steps to help prevent identity theft.

• Guard your social security number. Most places will ask for the last four digits only. Do not share the full number unless you are certain it is secure and safe.

• Watch out for phishing scams. Don’t respond to unsolicited calls or emails. Don’t click on links in those emails either. Never enter your personal information in response to an email.

• Keep close tabs on your billing cycles. If bills do not appear, you will know what is missing.

• Read your credit card statements and look for small charges, too. Scammers often start with a small test before making a big purchase.

• Create complex passwords for your accounts. Avoid using complete words and don’t use the same password for multiple accounts. Initiate 2-step verification for an extra layer of protection. Avoid storing passwords on your devices.

• If you bank online, install virus protection on your computer and mobile devices.

• Don’t use public WiFi. Use a secure VPN for your devices. Keep devices updated with the latest security fixes.

• Freeze your credit. This prevents anyone, including you, from opening a loan or credit card in your name. When you’re ready to do so, you can unfreeze your credit temporarily.

• Sign up for a credit card alert for purchases more than a certain amount. That will give you an instant notification if someone happens to use your card and spend over that amount.

• Use an ID theft protection service like Cyber Scout, offered at no additional cost to you with every California Casualty policy.


This article is furnished by California Casualty, providing auto and home insurance to educators, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or


Distracted Driving 101

Distracted Driving 101

We all want to think that we’re good drivers. The truth of the matter is, every once in a while, we get distracted…some of us more than others. We reach for that French fry. We have an argument with the kids in the backseat. We hear our phone ding and instinctually grab it to look at a message. We know better, but we do it anyway.

In honor of April, Distracted Driving Awareness Month, here’s a reminder about the dangers of distracted driving and why it’s important to stay focused behind the wheel.


Distracted driving by the numbers

Nine people die each day in crashes caused by distracted driving, reported the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Over 3,100 people were killed and 424,000 injured due to distracted driving in 2019. One in five who died weren’t even in a vehicle. They were walking, riding their bikes, or simply at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Distracted driving deaths have increased by 12% from 2020 to 2021, reported the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Drivers aged 18 to 34 are more likely to die due to distracted driving than any other age group. It’s no surprise that teens, with their inexperience behind the wheel and the world at their fingertips, are at greater risk for distracted driving. A survey of U.S. high school students found that 39% admitted to texting while driving in the past 30 days. 


What is distracted driving?

Distracted driving is defined as any activity that takes focus off of the road. There are three major types of distractions, as defined by the CDC:

  • Manual: This causes you to take your hands off of the wheel, such as when you are reaching for something. If you’re eating while still looking at the road, that could be a manual distraction. 
  • Visual: This is anything that takes your eyes off the road ahead. If you are rubbernecking, fiddling with the radio, or even looking at your GPS, that could be a visual distraction.
  • Cognitive: This type of distraction takes your mind off driving. If you are texting or emailing while driving, that’s a cognitive distraction. If you’re engaged in conversation, daydreaming, or worrying, that takes your attention away, too.


Reaction time and distracted driving

You may think that glancing at your phone to read a text is no big deal, and takes no time at all. Consider this. If you’re reading a text while driving 55 mph, you’ll probably take your eyes off the road for 5 seconds. According to NHTSA, that’s like driving the length of a football field with your eyes closed. Five seconds is more than enough time to whiz past a stop sign, slam into a car that suddenly brakes in front of you, or seriously hurt or kill a pedestrian. Texting while driving increase your chances of crashing by 2300%.

Even hands-free devices can be a mental distraction. An AAA study found that it takes 27 seconds to regain your full attention after engaging with your hands-free device. At 25 mph, that’s enough time to travel nearly three football fields.


How distracted driving affects your insurance

Many states have bans for handheld cell phones while driving. It is your responsibility to know the local laws, even if you’re traveling out of state. If your state has banned cell phone use, even holding your phone at a stoplight can get you a ticket. If the engine is turned on, your car is considered in motion.

Tickets for illegal cell phone use can come with hefty insurance penalties. Forbes noted that if you are found to be distracted driving, it could raise your insurance rates as much as 41% depending on the state where you live. The average is an increase of 16%. So, in addition to the damage that distracted driving can do to people and property, it can affect your wallet, too.


Tips to stay focused

Follow these tips to keep your eyes on the road, your hands on the wheel, and your mind on driving. 

    • Avoid multitasking while driving. Do everything you need before you start the car. Set up the GPS. Choose radio presets. Send any texts you need to send before you start the car.
    • Leave your phone in a secure place. Enable the “do not disturb” setting while you’re driving. Your phone will silence texts and maybe even send an automatic response text that tells people you’ll reply to them when you’re not driving.
    • When in doubt, pull over. Find a parking spot or lot to enter an address in a GPS or call or text someone. Plan breaks to eat, text, and talk.
    • Lead by example. If you have teens or pre-teens, they are watching your driving habits and taking note.
    • As a passenger, you can help the driver focus on the road. Limit distractions around them, and speak up if you see them starting to text or otherwise shift their attention.
    • Educate yourself and your loved ones on the dangers of distracted driving. 

Safe travels.


This article is furnished by California Casualty, providing auto and home insurance to educators, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or

Spring Cleaning: How to Test Smoke Detectors

Spring Cleaning: How to Test Smoke Detectors

If you’ve ever accidentally set off the smoke alarm, you know how loud it can be. But that loud beeping is actually a good thing. Smoke detectors give us that important warning to get safely away in case of a fire. Some detectors do double duty and also alert to carbon monoxide.

However, don’t assume your smoke detectors are working if you’ve installed them once and then never touched them again. Batteries wear out, and detectors have a lifespan of only about 10 years. That’s why it’s important to test yours regularly and there is no better time than when you are spring cleaning. 


Two types of detectors

You may have a battery-powered smoke detector or yours may be hard-wired. They look the same from the outside but they’re a little different. 

    • A hard-wired detector is connected to your home’s electrical power with a cable that runs behind your wall or ceiling. They usually have a battery backup in case the power goes out. It is recommended that these detectors are installed by a professional electrician. 
    • The battery-powered detector snaps into a plastic base that is screwed onto the ceiling or wall. In many newer models, batteries are non-removable and come with a 10-year warranty.


Follow these steps

Both types of smoke detectors have a test button that allows you to check if they are working. Test your smoke detectors at least twice a year, once in the spring and once in the fall, and replace them as needed.

Step 1: Let family members know you’ll be testing.

A smoke alarm could cause family members to think there is a real emergency, so let them know that you are going to run a test. Since the sound could frighten small children and pets, you may want to test while they are not around. In addition, if your smoke detector is connected to an alarm company, notify them or you could have the fire department show up at your door.

Step 2: Position someone away from the detector.

Ask a family member or friend to stand on another level of the house, to make sure the alarm is heard. You want to make sure that the warning is heard downstairs in the basement and upstairs, in case someone might be there when it sounds.

Step 3: Press and hold the test button.

You may need to stand on a chair or a ladder to reach the button on your detector. You can use a broom handle if you are able to reach it that way. Note that it may take a few seconds to start. You will hear a loud siren. If there is no sound or a weak one, the batteries and/or the detector need replacement. Make sure to repeat this test with every smoke detector in the house or apartment.

Pro Tip: Some smoke detectors can go into programming mode if you hold the button too long. Wait for the detector to return to normal before testing it.

Step 4: Try this way to check your detector’s sensor.

The test button checks that your detector is powered. However, it doesn’t check the smoke sensor. You can do so with an aerosol spray that you can purchase for a few dollars at a hardware store. Follow the directions on the can to spray the “smoke.” This is a safer way to check the sensor than lighting matches. After the test, you can use a handheld vacuum to remove the material from the detector.

Pro Tip: Some detectors have a button to push to stop the alarm. Find out if yours has one before you run this test.


Other important tips

    • If you have a detector where you have to change the batteries, you should replace them twice a year. (When we change the clocks is a great time to do that.) If your smoke detector is older than 10 years, you should replace it even if it is working. 
    • Dust and dirt build-up can affect your detector. Keep your detectors clean.
    • Don’t paint your detector to match your décor. That can interfere with their ability to detect smoke.
    • Make sure you have enough detectors in your home or apartment. You should have one in your kitchen, but 10 feet away from cooking to avoid false alarms. You also will want to place them inside every bedroom and outside each sleeping area, on every level of your home, and in places where you keep flammable substances like the garage.

You want to be fully prepared in case of a fire, and not just with smoke detectors. Talk with your insurer about your home and property to ensure that you are fully covered.



This article is furnished by California Casualty, providing auto and home insurance to educators, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or

Hydroplaning and Tips to Keep Your Car Under Control This Spring

Hydroplaning and Tips to Keep Your Car Under Control This Spring

There are few things scarier than losing control of your car, but when it’s wet outside it can happen in an instant, no matter how safely you drive. This phenomenon is known as hydroplaning and it’s common during spring storms. 

Here are some ways to reduce your chance of hydroplaning when you’re behind the wheel, and how to keep your car under control if you do. 


What is hydroplaning?

Hydroplaning happens when your tires encounter more water than they can scatter. As a result, your tires lift up off the road and start riding on a layer of water. You lose traction, braking, and steering as your car skids and slides all over. It’s easy to crash. The more water there is, the more chance you might hydroplane. However, hydroplaning also can occur when roads are just slightly wet. The first 10 minutes of a light rain can be dangerous as water mixes with the oil residue and creates a slippery road surface. 

Knowing what causes hydroplaning can help you take steps to avoid it. Hydroplaning is caused by a combination of three things:

    • Wet conditions
    • Your speed
    • The condition of your tires

How to lower your chances of hydroplaning

1. Reduce your speed.

Hydroplaning is more likely to happen when you’re traveling faster than 35 mph. Plan your travels in the rain so that you can move more slowly. Also avoid sudden increases in speed, such as when passing cars. Those increases can cause your car to hydroplane.

2. Choose high-quality tires.

Your tires are your car’s first defense against hydroplaning. The tread or grooves are designed to push water aside. Make sure you invest in high-quality tires. Replace them when the tire tread has worn down. Driving on bald tires is especially dangerous in wet conditions. 

3. Keep your tires well-maintained.

Make sure to rotate and balance your tires to help the tread wear evenly. Rotate the tires every other time you do an oil change, about every 7-10,000 miles. Also, make sure to keep your tires properly inflated.

4. Avoid puddles and standing water.

Spring storms can create puddles and standing water. If you see them, try not to drive through them. Also, avoid driving in the outer lanes where water tends to accumulate. Follow the tire tracks of the vehicle in front of you. Their tires already did some of the work of displacing the water. Just don’t follow too closely in case you have to slow down or stop unexpectedly. 

5. Avoid hard braking and sharp or quick turns.

Sudden quick movements can cause hydroplaning. If you have to turn, take it slowly. Avoid any type of sudden braking. Stay in your lane. 

6. Don’t use cruise control in the rain.

You’ll have to react immediately if you start to hydroplane. You don’t want to take extra time to disengage cruise control. In the moment, every second counts.


If you hydroplane, here’s what to do.

    • Take your foot off the gas. This will help to slow you down. 
    • Do not slam on the brakes. That may be your natural instinct, but slamming on the brakes can cause your car to skid further out of control. If you need to brake, use a light pumping motion.
    • Gently steer in the direction your car is sliding. This will help your tires realign and allow you to gain control of the steering.
    • When you feel the tires reconnect with the road surface, take control of the steering. You’re now good to proceed on your journey. You may want to pull over to a safe spot to regroup and calm down before going on.

Accidents can happen. Make sure that your vehicle is fully covered for added peace of mind.

Safe travels.



This article is furnished by California Casualty, providing auto and home insurance to educators, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or

Thanksgiving Dinner Disasters – There’s Coverage for That

Thanksgiving Dinner Disasters – There’s Coverage for That

Thanksgiving is a special time to gather with loved ones. But when your turkey catches fire, your aunt drinks a little too much and falls and breaks her leg, or your fur baby takes a little nip of a guest, it’s time to be thankful for insurance. Fortunately, there’s coverage for most Thanksgiving dinner disasters. Whether you’re home entertaining guests, or traveling to friends or family, we’ve compiled a quick guide.


Cooking Fires

It’s easy to lose sight of something on the stove or in the oven when you’re also attending to guests. That’s why you’re more likely to have a holiday cooking fire on Thanksgiving than on any other day of the year, according to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). The risk increases if you’re deep-frying a turkey. Deep fryers heat up to such a degree that they have caused severe burns and injuries, and even deaths. (If you must have a deep-fried turkey, consider ordering one from your local grocery store.) When cooking fire accidents happen, your homeowner’s or renter’s insurance policy will cover the damage to your home, your belongings, and any related injuries to your guests. (For the guest injury part, skip to the next section.)

    •  Your homeowner’s policy includes dwelling coverage. This covers the repair or rebuilding of the structure of your home up to your policy limit. So, if the fire damages your kitchen or other areas, you can report the claim to your insurance adjuster. They will advise you on how to proceed. Your insurer will likely send someone out to inspect the damage and write up an estimate. You will get reimbursed by your policy, minus your deductible (which is the amount that you chose to pay out-of-pocket before insurance kicks in).

    •  Personal property coverage is that part of your homeowner’s or renter’s policy that protects your possessions such as kitchen appliances, furnishings, and if the fire spreads beyond the kitchen, your television, clothing, etc. Fire is one of 16 different named “perils” that your policy covers. There are dollar limits for certain items such as money, jewelry, and firearms, so check with your insurer. For personal property coverage on a homeowner’s policy, you typically get 50 or 75% of Coverage A, the total amount of coverage for your home. If you’re renting, you get to choose the amount of personal property coverage when you select your policy.

    • You can select replacement cost or actual cash value (ACV) for personal property. ACV is the amount the item is worth, minus depreciation for its age. It will cost a little more for a policy that provides replacement cost (and we strongly recommend it).

    • Depending upon the extent of the fire, your house may not be livable. If that’s the case, you would be covered for any necessary increase in living expenses, such as lodging, food, and gas. Under Coverage D – Loss of Use, called “Additional Living Expense,” your policy will provide a flat percentage toward living costs, usually 30% of the Coverage A amount. Some states have time limits (e.g. 12 months) on when you can use that coverage. Plan to cover those additional expenses out-of-pocket.

Pro Tip: Having a fire extinguisher could earn you a discount on your home insurance policy.


Guest Injuries

Injuries can happen anytime, especially during gatherings where people may drink. Guests could become tipsy and trip, slip, and fall. That could happen even if they’re not drunk, of course. Burns could occur if there is a kitchen fire. Your guests could get food poisoning. Your normally well-behaved fur baby could bite one of your guests. While you can’t anticipate every situation, you can make sure there are no obvious dangers in your home, such as tripping hazards or unsecure handrails. Keep everyone’s safety and comfort in mind, including where your pet may be during the festivities. Then, if a guest does get injured, your insurance can kick in.

    • You may be covered for guest injuries under your homeowner’s or renter’s liability coverage. If you are found liable, the policy may cover damages to the injured party. This can include medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and permanent scarring. The policy also provides a defense in court, if needed, for the policyholder. This is at the insurance company’s own expense.

    • If you are not liable, but your guest was injured through his/her own fault, then Coverage F – Medical Payment to Others may cover your guest’s medical bills.

    • Liability coverage does not apply to you and your family. Your own injuries or illnesses are not covered under homeowner’s or renter’s policies. You would use your own health insurance policy to cover any injuries that you might have in your home.

    • If your dog has bitten a guest, make sure that your dog’s breed is not restricted by your insurance policy. Some policies will not cover breeds such as Pit Bulls, Doberman Pinschers, or Rottweilers. California Casualty does not currently have such restrictions.



Thanksgiving on the Road

If you’re among the millions who drive to Thanksgiving celebrations, you’ll want to make sure your car is well-maintained, and that your car insurance is up to date. Be ready for the holiday traffic, and drive safely. An accident can put a damper on the holiday. The good news is that you’re covered if you do have one.

    • If you cause an accident, you are responsible for damages. You would pay with your vehicle’s liability policy. Importantly, auto liability does not cover any damage to your own vehicle; that’s covered by collision. It also does not cover injury to you and your family; it only covers the people in the other car. Liability coverage is required by law in most states.

    • There are two types of liability coverage:
      • If you are found liable for the accident, bodily injury coverage helps pay for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering for the driver and passengers in the other vehicle. We say “helps pay” because it depends on how much coverage you choose. The costs of an accident can be more than your insurance policy limit.
      • Property damage coverage helps pay for repairs for the other vehicle or for repair/replacement of property, such as a fence, damaged or destroyed in the collision.

    • If you are not at fault for the accident, the other driver is responsible for damages. Your insurance kicks in if the other driver does not have enough insurance. Collision covers your car for any type of damage, regardless of fault or if the person does not carry any/enough insurance. Underinsured motorist (UIM) and uninsured motorist (UM) coverage are for injuries. They cover you and your passengers if you are hit by an at-fault UM or UIM. Uninsured motorist property damage (UMPD) can cover your car if hit by an at-fault uninsured motorist.

    • Unlike liability insurance, collision coverage is not usually required—unless you’re leasing a car or paying off a loan on a vehicle. However, it may be good to have.

No matter where you enjoy the holiday, we wish you a safe celebration. From our family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving!



This article is furnished by California Casualty, providing auto and home insurance to educators, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or



Common Car Noises And What They Mean

Common Car Noises And What They Mean

It’s never a good sign when our cars start to screech, thump, or grind…However, while we may not be excited to hear these sounds, paying attention to them can help us take care of the problem before it gets worse- keeping us safer and maybe even saving us some money.

We compiled a list of common car noises and what they could mean. Read on to find out what your car is trying to tell you.



A loud bang Like a firecracker could mean that your vehicle’s fuel is burning at the wrong time. It could be that the fuel-to-air ratio has more fuel than it should or there’s an issue with the spark plugs. While this is not an emergency, over time it could damage your exhaust system, so get it checked out.




If you hear clicking sounds as you turn the steering wheel, it could be from your CV (Constant Velocity) joint. The CV needs grease or it becomes dry. You may just need to replenish the grease, or you might have to replace the shaft boot if it’s torn and leaking grease. If the damage is extensive, you may have to replace the whole CV joint.



Growling or Grating

A low growl or grating sound when you step on the brakes could mean your brake pads have worn away. Brake pads push against metal rotors or drums. When they’re worn away, they can start to damage other parts and become a costly repair. You’ll want to take care of this as soon as possible.




A hissing sound could indicate a fluid leak such as radiator coolant leaking onto the engine. If hissing occurs when you speed up, it could be a vacuum leak from a small hose around the engine’s air intake. You’ll need to replace the hoses or other components that are leaking.




If you hear a low drone or humming sound that increases in volume when accelerating, check your tires. Their tread could be worn-out or wearing unevenly. The wheel bearing in your tires also may be damaged, which is a serious issue. Your tires also may need an alignment and some air. Have tires and bearings checked and, if needed, replaced as soon as possible.



Knocking or Pinging

A knocking or pinging sound under your hood that increases as you accelerate can occur when fuel in your engine detonates at incorrect times. Sometimes this is the result of using fuel with too low an octane level. Other times, it is more serious. There may be a worn crankshaft bearing or a piston that needs replacing. Address this sooner rather than later.




Rattling, vibrating, or squeaking sounds when you drive over a speed bump or pothole could indicate a problem with your suspension. There could be bad bushings, the cushions that help absorb road bumps. Try performing a bounce test. Step outside the car and press down firmly on the front corner. If you hear the sound, you will want to get it checked out. If your car is rattling when the car is idling, it could mean a damaged heat shield in your exhaust system. Check that out, too, to make sure everything stays cool when you’re operating your vehicle.




Your car’s muffler is designed to muffle the roaring sound made by your engine. However, if there’s a crack in the exhaust system, the gases that cause the roar can escape before they reach the muffler. Deadly carbon monoxide gas can even leak into the cabin. A missing catalytic converter also can cause this sound. Get this sound addressed right away.

Pro Tip: Catalytic converter theft is a growing problem and they are expensive to replace. Consider getting your VIN number stamped on the catalytic converter or installing an anti-theft device.




A low-pitched engine rumble with vibrations can indicate an exhaust leak in a gasket, flex pipe, resonator or muffler. A dirty fuel injector could cause a rumbling sound. (Try adding a fuel injector cleaner to your gas tank). A dirty air filter could be another cause, so try replacing that part. Your oxygen sensor could be creating the wrong mix of fuel and oxygen. Finally, the sound could be caused by worn spark plugs that fire inconsistently.




A rock or other debris stuck in your brake rotor could cause a scraping sound and cause damage over time. Get that removed before it becomes a problem.



Squeaking or Squealing

Squeaking or squealing could be caused by a number of things. If the sound happens when you brake, you may have worn brake pads, improperly cut brake rotors, or glazed brake pads that get too hot. You also may have broken anti-rattle clips or incorrectly installed insulation shims. If you hear loud squealing after you start your car, but then the sound gradually fades, it may be a serpentine belt that is failing. If you hear the squeal when you turn on the air conditioning, it may need a serpentine belt adjustment or replacement. Squeaking or whining when turning the steering wheel could be a power steering issue. There may be air in the fluid and adding more fluid could help. However, if you hear a high-pitch whine when you make a turn, the pump could be damaged. Get these sounds checked out for your safety.




When you brake and hear a thumping sound, that means potential damage. A thumping in the rear could be rear brake drums and thumping in the front could be rotor damage. Rotor damage can be caused by a car not being used, and just sitting outside and rusting.



Washing Machine Sound

If your car sounds like a washing machine on the high-spin cycle with loose change inside, pull over as soon as safely possible. This likely means a loose lug nut is inside your hubcap. When that happens, the tire could fall off or you could have a blowout. Pull over as soon as you safely can. Jack up the car and use a lug wrench to tighten the lug nuts. Fill the tire if the pressure is low or swap it out for the spare tire. Call roadside assistance if needed.




If your car whirs like a helicopter and gets louder as you travel faster, it’s most likely a worn-out wheel bearing. You can check this while driving. Turn the wheel to the left and then to the right and see if the noise disappears briefly. Wheel bearings should be replaced as soon as possible.



Figuring It Out

If you are able to do so safely, record the sound your car is making using your phone or other device. Then play it for your mechanic. This will help to pinpoint the exact sound you are hearing.

Finally, if your noise isn’t listed here, or you’re not sure about what sound you hear, it’s always a good idea to consult a trusted mechanic. This will help to find any problems and fix them before they become expensive issues.

Paying attention to your car’s dashboard lights and sounds will help you keep it well-maintained. Protect your vehicle with the right insurance and keep up with auto recalls for added peace of mind.



This article is furnished by California Casualty, providing auto and home insurance to educators, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or

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