Employee Spotlight: Jeff Myers

We have amazing employees at California Casualty. The Employee Spotlight is a new series aiming to highlight those talented individuals that make up our successful company culture and community. From human resource recruiters and learning and development trainers to claims adjusters, marketers, customer support specialists, partner relations, sales representatives, and beyond; each week, we’ll highlight a new team member, so you can get to know us better and see how our employees make us who we are as a company. 

This edition of the Employee Spotlight will feature Field Marketing Team Manager, Jeff Myers.

Jeff has been with us for a whopping 25 years and works remotely for our Partner Relations team.

Let’s get to know Jeff!

Employee Spotlight


What made you want to work as a Field Marketing Team Manager for California Casualty?

Back in 1993, my uncle worked for CalCas. I went to dinner with him one night, along with two other guys that had worked for over 25 years with CalCas. They talked so well about this company that I told my uncle I had to work there.

I applied and started with the company in the newly formed Retention Unit


What is your favorite part about your job?

There isn’t just one thing. Knowing that the company has the back of whom we insure, the graciousness they treat the employees with, the family feel- every CEO I have worked for knows the names of employees and their spouse- it’s amazing.

I’ve had a few jobs at CalCas, Retention Specialist, Sales, Field Marketing Manager, Sr. Field Marketing Manager, and now Team Manager.  Each of those positions has involved working with great people and managers. They all have been fun jobs, but the best thing is who we serve, public safety, educators, nurses, and others. To see how we service them is so satisfying.


What have you learned in your position at California Casualty?

How to lead others well using the “Outward Mindset” philosophy.


What are your favorite activities to do outside of the office?

We spend a lot of time at our church service in the local community. My wife directs the foyer ministry and I oversee the Security Detail. I also lead a men’s group, Elders, and Married Life groups. I also serve as a Chaplin for the Riverside Sheriff’s Department.

My wife and I love to camp in the wilderness. We’ve slept in tents, Class-A motorhomes, and in cabins.  When we travel we love to take our jeep and find new places we have never seen before, and return to some of our favorite places we discovered.

I like to fish but my wife sits there and reads. (No worms for her haha).

We’ve also traveled to Israel and are looking forward to going back soon!


Anything else you would like the audience to know about you?

I have two dreams that may never come true, but I never stop dreaming or thinking about them.

1.In my younger years, I was an actor- on stage from the age of 5. My best role was playing the lead role of “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof”. I actually was the only lead role that ever received an outstanding review by a local newspaper. So my dream is to be in a movie one day, preferably a western.

2. I grew up off-roading with my family. We belonged to a Jeep Club and would be out bouncing around in my dad’s 1963 International Scout. I learned to drive at age 10. As an adult, I have owned a few off-road vehicles and became a proficient driver. At one point I almost won a Baja Bug at an off-road show drawing. My friend and I would have used that to race in the Baja 1000. I still have that dream of racing an off-road vehicle, either in Mexico at the Baja 1000 or a race here in California called “The King of the Hammers”.

Another interesting fact, I was on a NASCAR race team with my brother. I was invited to help with their pit stops at the California and Las Vegas Speedways.



If you want to learn more about Jeff or are interested in a career at California Casualty, connect with him on LinkedIn! Or visit our careers page at https://www.calcas.com/careers

Employee Spotlight: Jackie Jones

We have amazing employees at California Casualty. The Employee Spotlight is a new series aiming to highlight those talented individuals that make up our successful company culture and community. From human resource recruiters and learning and development trainers to claims adjusters, marketers, customer support specialists, partner relations, sales representatives, and beyond; each week, we’ll highlight a new team member, so you can get to know us better and see how our employees make us who we are as a company. 

This edition of the Employee Spotlight will feature Field Marketing Manager, Jackie Jones.

Jackie has been with us for 4 years and works remotely covering territories in Virginia and Maryland for our Partner Relations team.

Let’s get to know Jackie!

employee spotlight


What made you want to work as a Field Marketing Manager for California Casualty?

I was stuck at a desk job, I typed in the word “field” to Indeed and CalCas popped up! As soon as I read who we cater to, I wanted in!


What is your favorite part about your job?

My favorite part about my job is the ability to make connections and long-lasting friendships with those who I work with in the field

I love the freedom of working in the field! Being stuck in the house (COVID-19) definitely created its challenges, but it sparked a whole new mindset and I feel as if I have thrived from it.


What have you learned in your position at California Casualty?

The most useful information…I am not entirely sure. I know that I was horrible at and dreaded making small talk. I’d just never learned to be comfortable with it throughout my life. This job has taught me how to effortlessly make small talk, and then turn it into a great opportunity!


What are your favorite activities to do outside of the office?

My favorite activities used to be in-person NEO’s, it was such a rush! Now, my favorite activity is social media mass marketing! Seeing how many people have actually looked at the post or took the time to like/comment on it is a rush!  


Anything else you would like the audience to know about you?

Let’s see…

I met my fiancé on Bumble almost 4 years ago. (swiping right works! Haha!)

I am a rescue dog mom of 3. Luna – lab border collie mix, Vince – pit plott house mix, and Archie – whippet Chihuahua mix. I have 4 beta fish, Rick and Morty (from the TV show), and Bucky and Zippy (for the Buckeyes and Akron). I also have an angelfish and a catfish. My family calls me Dr.Dolittle!

I am a First Team All-American lacrosse player.

I am the head coach of a high school Varsity Girl’s lacrosse team

I have become a Cricut fanatic, making personalized cups! I also learned how to etch glass!

I am a plant mom! I have over 30 plants in my house!




If you want to learn more about Jackie or are interested in a career at California Casualty, connect with her on LinkedIn! Or visit our careers page at https://www.calcas.com/careers

Employee Spotlight: Sandra Clemons-Butler

We have amazing employees at California Casualty. The Employee Spotlight is a new series aiming to highlight those talented individuals that make up our successful company culture and community. From human resource recruiters and learning and development trainers to claims adjusters, marketers, customer support specialists, partner relations, sales representatives, and beyond; each week, we’ll highlight a new team member, so you can get to know us better and see how our employees make us who we are as a company. 

This edition of the Employee Spotlight will feature Senior Field Marketing Manager, Sandra Clemons-Butler

Sandra has been with us for a whopping 28 years and works remotely for our Partner Relations team.

Let’s get to know Sandra!

sandra clemons-butler


What made you want to work as a Field Marketing Manager for California Casualty?

28 years ago, I had newly relocated from VA. to CA. and was seeking a career in sales and marketing, as I had come from that background.  I interviewed and really liked the company’s code and their approach to relationship building and teamwork.

From that point on, I knew that CalCas was where I was meant to be.   


What is your favorite part about your job?

My favorite part about my job is easily the relationships that I forge in the field.

I also enjoy the freedom of setting my own schedule and interacting with different people, each day. I also enjoy the diverse group of people I come in contact with daily on the job.


What have you learned in your position at California Casualty?

I have learned all kinds of things in my years at CalCas, but this year has been a completely different ballgame and I’ve learned more than ever before. From creative communication, discipline working at home, to Zoom presentations, and all else (virtually) in between!


What are your favorite activities to do outside of the office?

Cooking is one of my favorite pastimes. I enjoy watching cooking shows and trying new and healthy meals at home. Friends even depend on me to cook something whenever they stop by! I am absolutely not a baker, but I can whip up quick savory meals that always pleases everyone.     


Anything else you would like the audience to know about you?

I am the youngest of 3 girls, first to go away to college in my family, first to graduate college in my family, AND first to move across the country in my family.

I’m a divorced/single mother of 2 kids (boy & girl).

I’m a Pescatarian (eats fish/seafood only) and have been since the age of 17.

A few more random facts include- I enjoy meeting new people, ( and rarely meet a stranger), I love high fashion and to exercise, I pride myself on being a good friend. One of my personal mottos is to love deeply and always be the first to forgive.          



If you want to learn more about Sandra or are interested in a career at California Casualty, connect with her on LinkedIn! Or visit our careers page at https://www.calcas.com/careers

Employee Spotlight: Diedre Templeton

We have amazing employees at California Casualty. The Employee Spotlight is a new series aiming to highlight those talented individuals that make up our successful company culture and community. From human resource recruiters and learning and development trainers to claims adjusters, marketers, customer support specialists, partner relations, sales representatives, and beyond; each week, we’ll highlight a new team member, so you can get to know us better and see how our employees make us who we are as a company. 

This edition of the Employee Spotlight will feature Senior Field Marketing Manager, Diedre Templeton

Dee Dee has been with us for 10 years and works remotely for our Partner Relations team covering parts of Oregon, Montana, and Washington.

Let’s get to know Dee Dee!

Dee Dee Templeton


What made you want to work as a Field Marketing Manager for California Casualty?

I had heard of the great reputation California Casualty had within the industry. The longevity of the employees speaks volumes to me.

Strong leadership where management wants people to be successful and gives us the tools to be successful.


What is your favorite part about your job?

I love working with our different groups we insure. I take our slogan “We Protect American Hero’s” seriously. It’s really inspiring to work with people daily who impact other’s lives.

I love that the employees of California Casualty take excellent care of our policyholders. They generally care about them. I am proud to work for such a fine company with a great reputation!


What have you learned in your position at California Casualty?

Follow through with what you say you will do.

Customer service is very important!


What are your favorite activities to do outside of the office?

 I like anything having to do with the outdoors!  Hiking, camping, biking.

We have a small boat that we take out every chance we get. (weather permitting here in the PNW)


Anything else you would like the audience to know about you?

I have been married for 20 years and I have 3 great kids!

My oldest son has identical twin boys…. It’s so hard to tell them apart!

I live in Vancouver Washington for over 20 years but my territory covers Oregon, Montana, and Idaho.



If you want to learn more about Dee Dee or are interested in a career at California Casualty, connect with her on LinkedIn! Or visit our careers page at https://www.calcas.com/careers

Employee Spotlight: Matina Schmelz

We have amazing employees at California Casualty. The Employee Spotlight is a new series aiming to highlight those talented individuals that make up our successful company culture and community. From human resource recruiters and learning and development trainers to claims adjusters, marketers, customer support specialists, partner relations, sales representatives, and beyond; each week, we’ll highlight a new team member, so you can get to know us better and see how our employees make us who we are as a company. 

This edition of the Employee Spotlight will feature Customer Service Representative, Matina Schmelz

Matina has been with us for 8 and 1/2 years and works in our Arizona office.

Let’s get to know Matina!

employee spotlight


What made you want to work as a Customer Service Representative for California Casualty?

For me, family is always first – so the location, hours, and competitive pay and benefits matched the criteria I needed. Once I interviewed I knew this was where I wanted to be for a very long time!


What is your favorite part about your job?

I love talking with our customers!  I love hearing their stories and servicing all of our audiences; the Educators who teach our children, the Police who keep my family and neighborhoods safe; the Firefighters who do so much more than fight fires, and our Nurses work long hard hours –all of our customers put others first before themselves in their work and, so I am happy to put them first. The best part of this job is knowing I’m protecting the people who protect me!

I can honestly say I love my job here. I’ve done customer service for over 30 years and here the difference is that the employees and customers that we work with daily are the best people on the planet!


What have you learned in your position at California Casualty?

I’ve learned that each of us truly do bring a set of tools and experience to the table, we can accomplish things we never knew possible. I can be very technologically challenged, but over the last 8 years, I’ve learned I can survive technology! Thanks to my coworkers, their patience, and the many tricks and tips they share, I have been able to get through so many new systems… I’ve learned to be patient with myself!


What are your favorite activities to do outside of the office?

I love staycations, getting pedicures with my daughter, BBQ’s and golfing.

Some of my other hobbies include doing home improvement projects, painting, and watching movies.

I also love moving furniture around, cleaning, and organizing!


Anything else you would like the audience to know about you?

I am blessed with a wonderful family; my loving husband Joe and two amazing adult children. Our daughter is currently attending the University of Arizona and is focused on her future career as a Veterinarian. Our son is a Firefighter and is always busy with projects! He just completed making his own kitchen cabinets and is now rebuilding a truck. They are both incredibly talented and amaze me with their strengths and determination and talents. I am so proud of them both. And to complete our family,  we enjoy our German Shepherd and two fun-spirited cats!



If you want to learn more about Matina or are interested in a career at California Casualty, connect with her on LinkedIn! Or visit our careers page at https://www.calcas.com/careers

Employee Spotlight: Christopher Renn

We have amazing employees at California Casualty. The Employee Spotlight is a new series aiming to highlight those talented individuals that make up our successful company culture and community. From human resource recruiters and learning and development trainers to claims adjusters, marketers, customer support specialists, partner relations, sales representatives, and beyond; each week, we’ll highlight a new team member, so you can get to know us better and see how our employees make us who we are as a company. 

This edition of the Employee Spotlight will feature a member of our Partner Relations team, Christopher Renn

Chris has been with us for 12 years years and works remotely in the Field as a Field Marketing Manager in CA.

Let’s get to know Chris!

Employee Spotlight


What made you want to work as a Field Marketing Manager for California Casualty?

Easy, I wanted to go out and meet the Heroes that we serve every single day.


What is your favorite part about your job?

The fact that I get to support and work with some of the strongest leaders from Teachers and Administrators (CTA & ACSA) to Police (PORAC), Fire (CSFA), and Nurse Practitioners (CANP), even  Dental Hygienists (CDHA)!

I love my job! Definitely enjoy the autonomy that I get in working with my groups and the support I get from our team to help further those relationships.


What have you learned in your position at California Casualty?

Throughout my year as a Field Marketing Manager, I have gotten a much better understanding of the intricacies of Unions and how to best support and uplift those involved.


What are your favorite activities to do outside of the office?

I love spending time with my grandson (pictured above).

I love the Lakers, Dodgers, and Rams!

I enjoy making music and helping my son in his entertainment endeavors.

I love live music. Whether it is a local show or a world tour, I enjoy connecting with the music and the musicians on a visceral level.


Anything else you would like the audience to know about you?

I jump off cliffs (into water) wherever I go. I have jumped as high as 70 feet, but at my age, I typically like to keep it closer to the 25-30 foot range.

Over a 20 year period (almost exactly 2000 games), I missed only 11 Lakers games (No I didn’t travel with the team, I am referring to watching, listening to, or attending).

My grandson is the apple of my eye.

Both my daughter and my Son’s fiancée are going to school to become PA’s (Physicians Assistants)!

My wife and I just enjoyed our 30th wedding anniversary in June.



If you want to learn more about Chris or are interested in a career at California Casualty, connect with him on LinkedIn! Or visit our careers page at https://www.calcas.com/careers

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