Emergency Winter Car Kit

Emergency Winter Car Kit

Driving in winter weather can be extremely dangerous, but for most of the country, a winter commute in sub-par conditions is a fact of life.

Getting out during a wintery mix may be unavoidable, but it is important to know that even small amounts of snow, ice, freezing rain, and hail can lead to treacherous driving conditions, like slick, snow-packed roadways and low driving visibility. They also significantly increase the possibility of an accident.

If you know you will be traveling this winter make sure you are prepared for anything the winter weather may bring, by packing an emergency car kit to store in your vehicle.


What is an Emergency Winter Car Kit?


An Emergency Winter Car Kit is just like an Emergency Kit for your home. It is filled with contents that will help you survive in case of an emergency. The main difference between Car Kits and Kits for your Home is that Emergency Car Kits include devices made specifically for your vehicle, like tools to help you if you get stuck or stranded.

It is recommended to have one kit per vehicle. You can buy one online or make one yourself.


What to Pack in an Emergency Winter Car Kit:

    • First Aid Kit
    • Heavy Duty Jumper Cables
    • Tow Rope
    • Tire Chains or Snow Tires
    • Flares
    • Extra Cash
    • Whistle
    • Flashlight & Batteries
    • Portable Phone Charger
    • Multi-tool or Knife
    • Reflective Roadside Triangles
    • Ice Scraper & Brush
    • Blankets
    • Portable Shovel
    • Extra Gas
    • Small Bag of Sand or Kitty Litter
    • Warm Clothes (Coats, Gloves, Scarves, Stocking Caps)
    • Sanitation Liquid or Wipes
    • Water & Non-Perishable Food Items

You Could Also Include:

    • Reflective Safety Vest
    • Snow Boots
    • HotHands
    • Lighter or Matches
    • Rain Poncho
    • Distress Flags
    • Duct Tape
    • Small Fire Extinguisher
    • Can of Sealant
    • Mini Air Compressor

Winter weather can be unpredictable, and you never know when you might get stuck in a snowstorm or slide off of the road, but a well-stocked emergency kit will help you get back on the road, or at least keep you warm and safe until help arrives.


Related Articles:

Winter Driving Safety Tips

Preparedness- How to Build an Emergency Kit

Hacks to Beat Winters Freeze


This article is furnished by California Casualty, providing auto and home insurance to educators, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or www.calcas.com.


Keep on Course Jeep Compass Giveaway

Keep on Course Jeep Compass Giveaway

Educators lead extremely busy lives, but the worst time to multi-task or let the mind wander is behind the wheel. From smartphones to navigation devices, technology is a dangerous temptation for drivers to take their eyes off the road. Tending to passengers, eating or drinking or checking one’s appearance are also risks. According to The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 3,100 people each year lose their life in a crash involving distracted driving.

California Casualty is working to help end dangerous habits behind the wheel with the Keep on Course Giveaway. Educators who make a promise to drive safely are entered for a chance to win a new Jeep® Compass. The campaign runs from January 1, 2020 through October 4, 2020.

“Your safety is important to us,” said California Casualty Sr. Vice President Mike McCormick. “We appreciate everything you do and we know that your commitment extends beyond school to your home and family.”

California Casualty has been serving the needs of educators since 1951. We offer exceptional rates and exclusive benefits not available to the general public. Request a quote or learn more by calling 1.866.704.8614.

*Jeep is not a participating partner in or sponsor of this contest. Click here for complete terms and conditions.

10 Tips if You Have a Parking Lot Accident

10 Tips if You Have a Parking Lot Accident

It could happen at school, the mall, or even at a nearby restaurant – a parking lot accident.  If it happened to you, do you know what you should and should not do?

Whether it’s not seeing a car as you back out of a parking spot, coming around a corner and hitting another vehicle, or returning to your car or truck to find someone damaged it and drove off, parking lot wrecks happen more often than you might think. There are more than 50,000 parking area accidents every year in the U.S. While most are minor, they can be very unsettling. And determining who is at fault can be a sticky situation.

Here are 10 Important Things to Do if You’re Involved in a Parking Lot or Parking Garage Accident:

    1. Call for medical help if someone is injured
    2. Avoid getting into an argument
    3. Take pictures before moving the vehicles
    4. Write down the time of the crash and diagram where and how it occurred and any other important information (obstructed views, weather conditions, how fast your or the other car was going, arrows or other markers showing the direction of travel, etc.)
    5. Exchange insurance and other important information (License plate and driver’s license numbers, names and phone numbers)
    6. Seek out and get contact information from witnesses
    7. Make a police report
    8. Leave a note under the wiper blade with your name, insurance, and contact information if you hit an unoccupied vehicle and can’t locate the
    9. Don’t negotiate with the other driver to work a deal without notifying insurance because they could still make a claim
    10. Contact your insurance provider

Some critical things you need to know…

    • Never leave the scene without leaving a note; doing so could result in a major violation and penalties
    • Be aware of staged accident schemes
    • You’ll be paying for damage if someone hits you and leaves unless you have collision coverage

And lastly, here are some tips to help avoid an unplanned “bumper-cruncher,”.

    • Be extra cautious when backing out of a space (the cause of 25%or more of parking area crashes) and don’t rely on backup cameras
    • Observe posted signs
    • Slow down
    • Don‘t cut across lots and spaces
    • Don’t speed up or suddenly back up for a vacant space
    • Avoid cell phones and other distractions
    • Park in well-lit areas
    • Choose a parking spot at the end of the row or next to an island or pole to help protect our car
    • Watch for pedestrians, especially children and the elderly

Contact a California Casualty advisor to make sure you’re covered for the unexpected. Call today for a policy review at 1.800.800.9410 or visit www.calcas.com.


This article is furnished by California Casualty, providing auto and home insurance to educators, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or www.calcas.com.


Pet Passenger Safety Tips

Pet Passenger Safety TipsYou know the look. The one you get as you’re preparing to leave the house. You glance down and see those eyes silently asking you to come along. Maybe the look is also accompanied with a small but very hopeful wag of the tail. The subtle (or sometimes not so subtle) reminder of how much your dog loves being with you. And going along for car rides. Pet passenger safety

We love our pets and do our best to make sure they live long, happy and healthy lives. So, if you’re like most and simply can’t resist letting your faithful companion join you for the ride, be sure to keep your four-legged friend safe.

Pet Passenger Safety Tips:

  • Travel with Fido in a crash tested dog crate or safety harness
  • Put Peaches in the backseat, away from the front airbags
  • Take breaks every 2 to 3 hours to let Rover stretch and do his business
  • Turn off or lock power windows so Penny can’t open or close them on her own
  • Always have water on hand so Max has it when he needs it
  • Don’t let Rascal sit on your lap while you’re driving

We know how much your pets mean to you. That’s why California Casualty automatically includes free Pet Injury Coverage as part of your auto insurance policy. Get a free coverage comparison today and discover why educators, firefighters, police officers and nurses trust California Casualty for their auto and home or renters insurance needs. www.calcas.com


Related Articles:

Disaster Preparation for Pets

Questions to Ask Before Boarding Your Pet

What to Consider Before Getting a Classroom Pet


Winter Maintenance for Your Home and Auto

Winter Maintenance for Your Home and Auto

During the winter months, snow, sleet, ice, and freezing temperatures can really take a toll on your home and vehicle. Fortunately, there are some relatively easy things you can do to help protect your car and home from any serious damage from the effects of winter weather.


Winter Home Maintenance Tips:

  1. Check Your Pipes

Colder winter temperatures can cause frozen pipes in your home which has the potential to cause major damage. So, it’s important to make sure your home is properly heated and you take the necessary steps to prevent your pipes from bursting.

  1. Clean the Gutters

Remove all leaves and debris that have collected in gutters. This allows water from rain, snow, and ice run off to properly drain away from your home. Not only will this extend the life of the gutters, it also helps protect the foundation of your home.

  1. Seal Windows and Cracks

Drafts from cool air from outside can cause your heating bill to skyrocket.  If the cold air is getting in, that means the warm air is getting out. Heated air escaping your home may create an ice dam on your roof! Make sure you seal all cracks and leaks (especially in the attic), windows, and doors with caulk or weather stripping. And, don’t forget to cover air conditioning units.

  1. Winterize or Cover All Outdoor Items

Disconnect and drain hoses for winter storage and install a faucet cover to protect from freezing. If you have a sprinkler system, make sure it’s properly winterized. Place any lawn equipment or patio furniture in a safe place where they will not be harmed by weather – or critters looking to make a warm home for winter.

  1. Clean the Fireplace

Fireplaces and chimneys should be cleaned and inspected by a professional once a year before use. Blocked or dirty chimneys cause millions of dollars in damages annually. To prevent a house fire, follow these chimney safety tips. Don’t forget to make sure your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors are working properly.


Winter Auto Maintenance Tips

  1. Do Routine Maintenance

In cold weather tire pressure decreases. With every 10 degree drop in temperature, tires lose about a pound of pressure. Be sure to monitor and adjust tire pressure regularly. Additionally, batteries lose power and motor-oil thickens up, so it is important to get your car fully serviced and inspected before extended periods of cooler temperatures.

  1. Make Necessary Changes

 You don’t want to get stuck in the snow and ice, so it’s a good idea to check road conditions before getting behind the wheel. Consider switching to snow tires or using tire chains. If you have a new driver at home, be sure to help them get acclimated to the differences in the way the vehicle handles in winter weather conditions.  

  1. Keep Fuels Full

Keep coolant (anti-freeze) and gasoline as full as possible. The more gasoline in your tank, the less water can get in and freeze. This is beneficial, especially if you get stuck. Coolant will help your engine from freezing up and prevent corrosion. It is recommended to use a 50/50-mix of anti-freeze and water.

  1. Invest in a Winter Wiper Fluid

During the winter you need a wiper fluid that will not only keep your windshield clean, but will also help it defrost. A  De-Icer wiper fluid is designed specifically for winter, removes frost and ice quickly, and protects against freezing down to -27 degrees F. Of course, make sure your windshield wipers are in good condition and replace if needed.

  1. Have an Emergency Kit

Even with maintenance and taking every safety precaution, you can’t predict the unpredictable. That is why you should keep an emergency kit full of helpful supplies with you in your car at all times. The kit should include a flashlight, blanket, lighter, food, water, windshield scraper, wireless charger, and other supplies you would need to survive for an extended period of time.


Related Articles:

Winter Driving Safety

8 Winter Driving Tips for New Drivers

Getting More Traction: Best Tires for Winter


This article is furnished by California Casualty, providing auto and home insurance to educators, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or www.calcas.com.

10 Auto Insurance Tips that Could Help You Save

10 Auto Insurance Tips that Could Help You Save

Did you know there is actually a way to save money on your insurance policy?

These 10 Auto Insurance Tips could help you save and keep more money in your pocket each month

Combine your insurance.

Insurance companies like California Casualty offer discounts when your home or renters insurance is combined with your auto insurance.

Increase your deductibles.

Sure, the amount you will pay will be a little more if something happens to your vehicle, but the amount you’ll save each month could add up to much more, especially if you are incident-free for a number of years. Just make sure you have an emergency fund to cover that higher deductible.

Check for good driver/good student discounts.

Speaking of incident-free, when’s the last time you had an accident or a moving violation. Most insurance companies will give you a good driver discount, but make sure you tell them. The same goes for students who get good grades.

Take a defensive driving course.

When’s the last time you refreshed your skills? You may qualify for a discount after showing proof that you have completed a safe driving program.

Check insurance costs when buying a new vehicle.

Many vehicles will cost you less; others will increase your premiums. It depends on numerous criteria from the power of the engine, its safety rating and the loss history of the vehicle.

Clean up your credit.

Many companies look at your credit score and how well you do in paying your bills. The better your credit score, the better rate you are likely to receive. Clean credit also helps when you want to buy a new car, rent or buy a home, etc.

Cut your driving.

Ride a bike, join a carpool or move closer to work. How many miles you drive each year can affect your rates; the less you drive, the greater the possible discount.

Pay your premium in full each year.

Not only can you get a discount but you will avoid monthly service charges.

Get a policy review.

Has your commute changed? Did you install a security device? Did you get married? All of these can lower your rates. Talking with your insurance advisor at least once a year is the best way to make sure you get the discounts you’re entitled to. Follow this insurance coverage checklist.

Compare your current insurance to California Casualty.

We are pretty certain that when you stop and compare benefits and prices, California Casualty will be right there with the best of them. Why? We are a 100-year-old, policyholder owned company that provides auto and home insurance to educators, firefighters, LEOs and nurses with exclusive benefits not available to the general public.


Related Articles:

Insurance Tips for Newlyweds

It’s Time for a Policy Review

4 Ways to Save with a Teen Driver


This article is furnished by California Casualty, providing auto and home insurance to educators, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or www.calcas.com.


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