Break Your Texting-While-Driving Habit

Break Your Texting-While-Driving Habit

Stopping the texting habit can be really hard. We’re glued to our phones seemingly 24/7, and the alerts, dings, and chimes make them irresistible even when we’re behind the wheel.

This dangerous yet pervasive habit is causing some sobering statistics: 1.6 million crashes each year, with almost 390,000 injuries and more than 2,800 deaths.

Technology’s not going away anytime soon and self-driving cars are still off in the future – so how do we stop texting? Let’s look to psychology for some guidance – specifically, to some mental hacks to kick a habit.


How Habits Form

For a habit to become ingrained, a “habit loop” must first become established. This loop has 3 elements:

  1. This is the trigger that tells your brain to do something, like grabbing the phone when you hear a text chime. It’s often automatic—we don’t even realize we’re doing it.
  2. This is the behavior or action itself. Here, it’s picking up the phone and typing out a text reply.
  3. If there’s a reward after the behavior, it strengthens the habit loop. In this case, that might be an actual or anticipated reply, or the satisfaction of sending off that text that you keep meaning to send.

No wonder habits are so “sticky”—each step reinforces the next. Understanding how it works in your life is key to breaking the habit and forming a new one. It just takes a little self-awareness and a commitment to change.


Breaking the Habit Loop

By disrupting one or more components of the loop, you can transition to a life of text-free driving.

1.Review Your Cues: Figure out what’s making you reach for your phone.

      • If you can’t ignore the sound alerts, turn your phone to silent and stash it out of sight (or better yet, out of reach).
      • Install an app that silences your phone while you’re driving. These apps detect when your car is in motion and automatically silence it for the duration. Options include Not Disturb While Driving (iphones), Driving Detective for Android, or Google’s Android Auto.
      • If your cue is boredom, practice mindfulness (a great skill for all aspects of life).


2. Refresh Your Routine: A few tweaks could make a big difference.

      • Send texts before you leave, then put away the phone.
      • If you have a passenger with you, have them be your thumbs.
      • Sign off a conversation with X or #X, which means you’re driving.
      • Let your 5 closest contacts know you’re changing it up. Most of our communications are just with them.


3. Reframe Your Rewards: Really contemplate the risks of texting while driving.

      • Think back to a texting close call. Think through the worst-case scenario. Now write it down and keep it in plain view in your car. Read it every time you get in.
      • Whenever you feel a temptation to reach for your phone, think of who would be devastated if you were to crash while texting.
      • When not reaching for your phone, embrace the feeling of not being anxious and distracted.


Want to really kickstart your commitment? Sign The National Safety Council’s Just Drive pledge.. If you have young drivers at home, team up, and make the commitment together (and get safe driving tips for them here).


This article is furnished by California Casualty. We specialize in providing auto and home insurance to educators, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or



5 Driving Experiences Your Teen Needs

5 Driving Experiences Your Teen Needs

Teen drivers are the most accident-prone of all drivers because of one major factor: inexperience. In fact, their first 6-12 months of solo driving is the most dangerous stretch of their lifetime as a licensed driver.

Because they’ve logged far fewer hours compared to other drivers, they are less able to predict – and properly respond to – hazards, sudden changes in traffic and erratic behaviors by other drivers. They also typically haven’t made a habit of defensive driving techniques, leaving them vulnerable to making wrong decisions in the moment.

If you have a young driver (or soon-to-be licensed driver) in the house, as a parent, your years of driving experience are an invaluable asset. Here are some ways you can leverage that knowledge and expertise to help boost your teen’s safe driving know-how.


The Learning Permit Phase: A Golden Opportunity

Many new teen drivers complete their learner’s permit training lacking important real-world driving skills. You can help your teen shore up that deficit by serving as co-pilot in a range of driving scenarios and situations during the permit phase. By exposing them to – and coaching them through – diverse experiences behind the wheel, you will help them become a confident, safe and independent driver.

Although you may feel more secure behind the wheel, here are some driving scenarios that teens need to experience.


1. Bad Weather

There’s a big difference between answering driver test questions about how to handle bad weather and how to actually do it in the moment. When possible, have your teen drive you during the following weather events.

  • Snow
  • Wind
  • Heavy rain
  • Sleet


2. Different Roads

Different roadways (and intersections) call for different driving skills and techniques. Ditto for traffic situations. Expose them to as many as you can, including:

  • One-way roads
  • Two-lane roads with high-speed limits
  • Peak commute traffic
  • Multi-lane highways and interstates
  • Congested roads in urban centers
  • Residential streets


3. Day, Night, and Everything in Between

Bright light at dawn and sunset, as well as low light at dusk, affects drivers’ visibility and also influence traffic patterns and behaviors. Practice driving with your teen at different times of day and night. Coach them on the adjustments they need to make in terms of following distance and defensive driving, as well as personal adjustments with visors, sunglasses, headlights, and more.


4. Switch up passengers

For a new driver, devoting their full attention to driving and the road is incredibly important. Knowing that your teen won’t be driving alone forever, why not invite another family member or friend along so your teen can start strengthening their “focus muscles”? Distractions are a major cause of accidents among teens, so the sooner they can begin successfully managing distractions while driving, the better.


5. Different cars

If your family has multiple cars, have your teen practice in each of them. Sedans drive much differently from SUVs, and stick shifts from automatics, etc. – all are good for them gaining familiarity with a variety of vehicles.


Teen Drivers’ Most Common Errors

In addition to exposing your young driver to a range of on-the-road experiences, be sure to also help them cultivate good driving habits. Here are the top errors that inexperienced drivers make – keep an eye out for them and coach your teen along the way.

  1. Lack of scanning – Inexperienced drivers typically detect hazards later than more experienced drivers and may be unsure how to react. Left turns are especially dangerous for them.
  2. Distractions – No matter whether they come from inside or outside the vehicle, distractions are a common reason for teen crashes.
  3. Speeding – This includes driving too fast for road conditions or weather as well as inadequate braking. This error commonly ends in rear-end events.
  4. Tailgating – Inexperienced teens haven’t yet gained a feel for safe cushion distances and can easily follow other vehicles too closely.


Teens need extra time and experience to master good driving skills. By accompanying them in a variety of driving settings and conditions – as well as lending your years of expertise – you’ll help them develop critical skills for more safely navigating our roadways. For more teen driver safety tips, click here.


This article is furnished by California Casualty. We specialize in providing auto and home insurance to educators, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or



Teens and Distracted Driving – What You Can Do

Teens and Distracted Driving – What You Can Do

Car crashes are the number one cause of death for teens, with drivers aged 16-19 the most likely to be in a fatal car crash of all drivers.

Teens’ inexperience behind the wheel is a primary reason for these tragic statistics. Another is reckless and distracted driving – unfortunately, exhibited by many drivers but especially problematic for younger drivers.

As parents, educators, and adults in teens’ lives, we have an important role to play in helping reduce these preventable deaths.


Teens & Distracted Driving

Because of their driving inexperience, teens are much more likely to engage in distracted driving – which is any activity that distracts their attention away from driving and the road.

Distractions can be visual, manual, or cognitive. Examples are eating food, fiddling with the stereo, applying make-up, engaging with passengers, or reaching for things in their car. Far and away, the biggest one is cell phones: texting, emailing, watching videos, talking.


What You Can Do

As adults in teens’ lives, we have a great opportunity to lead by example, encourage responsible behaviors, and support teens in developing safe driving habits.

  • Parents – As a parent, you may have more influence than you think: Teens who say their parents set rules and gave advice in a supportive, helpful way are 50% less likely to crash. Here are some things you can do:
      • Set an example by practicing safe, non-distracted driving every time you get in the car.
      • Talk to your teen about the rules of the road, responsibilities of being a licensed driver, and statistics about distracted driving. Look up your state’s penalties for using the phone while driving and inform them that in states with graduated driver licensing, a violation could mean a suspended license.
      • Take the pledge. Have everyone in your family sign a pledge to drive distraction-free (resources below).
      • Set consequences for distracted driving, which could include suspension of driving privileges and/or their phone.
      • Encourage your teen to be an ambassador of safe driving with their peers. Teens are often the best messengers to their peers.
  • Teachers/educators – Teachers have a unique opportunity to add important safety messaging during their class day. Look for resources (see below) for the classroom – whether that’s remote or in-person. Model safe driving whenever you drive.
  • Employers – If you have young employees, promote a culture of safe driving. Car accidents are the leading cause of on-the-job deaths. Set policies for cell phone use in the workplace and educate staff members about safe-driving habits.
  • Law enforcement officers – Peace officers are on the front lines of keeping our roads safe and have an outsized influence in reinforcing safe driving habits whenever dealing with young drivers.
  • Community members – As a member of your community, take advantage of all the ways you can help keep teen drivers safe. Drive safely every time you get into the car, advocate for teen drivers, join pledges, and make your support visible.



Pledges and Resources

Whether at home, in the classroom, or at the workplace, use the resources below to reinforce safe driving messaging.

  • Safe driving pledges
  • Resources
      • Impact Teen Drivers has abundant resources for teachers, including videos, posters, and lesson plans. Also, check out their contest for teens to use their creativity to communicate the importance of safe driving. (Disclaimer: California Casualty is a founding sponsor of this important organization – read more
      • TextLess Live More – a student-led, peer-to-peer advocacy group focused on ending distracted driving.
      • Traffic Safety Marketing offers downloadable materials for National Teen Driver Safety Week: general safety resources as well as some specifically for distracted driving.
      • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offers resources for parents, pediatricians, and community partners to keep teen drivers safe on the road.


Reducing needless teen deaths from car crashes is a cause we can all take part in. One of the most important things you can do is to lead by example. Together we can end distracted driving.


This article is furnished by California Casualty. We specialize in providing auto and home insurance to educators, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or


Tips for Traveling with a Toddler

Tips for Traveling with a Toddler

Traveling with a toddler is always an adventure — no matter where you go!

In observance of Child Passenger Safety Week, we’ve compiled a safety checklist for trips near and far. And because we care about your mental health (wink), we’ve also included some parental survival strategies for good measure.

Plan your getaway and go make some great road trip memories!


Safety First

  1. Make sure your car’s road-ready – A lot can happen out there, so be sure to get your car serviced ahead of time. Tires, oil, engine fluids, wipers — make sure they’re all in tip-top shape.
  2. Get a car seat inspection – If you have any doubts about whether your car seat’s installed properly, you can book an appointment with a Certified Child Passenger Safety Technician in your community by visiting here (use the search tool at the bottom). While you’re at it, register your seat online so you can get notified in case of a safety recall.
  3. Guard against heatstroke – Heatstroke can occur at any time of year, in any condition, and in any community. Protect your child by taking them with you instead of leaving them in the car alone and always looking in your car before locking. Keep your vehicle locked when not in use (and keys away from curious little hands).
  4. Eliminate back over risk – Tragically, many children are killed or injured by cars backing out of driveways and parking spaces. There are many precautions you can take as a driver and ways you can protect your children against a backover accident — see the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s list here.
  5. Don’t leave them alone in the car – Even if you need to run into the store for “just a minute” it’s better to be safe than sorry. From heat stroke to foul play to your child getting loose in the car, the risk of leaving them in the car far outweighs any savings in time or trouble.
  6. Make sure you have roadside assistance – Out of mind when you don’t need it, priceless when you do — roadside assistance is especially important when traveling with young ones. It usually covers towing to a service station, battery jumping, flat tire repairs, unlocking car doors, and a range of other catastrophe rescues.
  7. Pack your first aid kit – Bruises, scrapes, stings, sunburns, and splinters are just as likely to happen away from home. Be ready with your kit, and maybe even refresh your first aid and CPR skills.
  8. Prevent power window injuries – Keep little fingers, hands, and wrists safe by using the power window locks, making sure toddlers are secure in their car seats, and teach them not to play with the switches.
  9. Secure the seat belts – Keep your child from getting entangled in seat belts by securing the loose ones within their reach. Ensure they’re restrained in their car seat at all times while in the car.


Sanity-Savers for You

  1. Separate the kids – It’s inevitable: if you’re traveling with more than one kid, they’re going to fight at some point. Get ahead of the inevitable by seating them as far from each other as possible. Obviously, the bigger the car, the easier this is.
  2. Take breaks – Kids need to move. Heck, adults need to move! If you can look for parks or playgrounds, all the better — but any place that lets you stretch your legs, move around and break up the monotony will work.
  3. Prep your hygiene arsenal – Make sure to pack plenty of potty supplies, wipes, tissues, and paper towels (not to mention cleaning supplies for spills and food accidents).
  4. Kid-ify your itinerary – Plan your trip with your kid(s) in mind. This means taking nap schedules and energy peaks/valleys into account, and planning out when you’ll arrive at destinations (and what those are), when will be best for the multi-hour highway time, etc.
  5. Stock up on healthy snacks – Having nutritious snacks on hand prevents you from desperation-buying chips at the gas station or sitting through a sugar crash tantrum. Raw veggies, fruit, trail mix, crackers, and low-sugar baked goods are usually winners.
  6. Don’t forget the entertainment – Keeping toys and books close to your toddler will allow you to keep your eyes on the road and hands on the wheel. If your car has a screen, bring in-flight entertainment! Finally, playing road games is a favorite, no matter the generation.
  7. Bring binkies and blankies – It’s important to pack some comfort from home if you’ll be gone for any length of time. Blankies and binkies might calm your child like nothing else in the midst of the excitement and new surroundings.

Prepping ahead of time will make any road trip smoother, but it does wonders for traveling with toddlers.



This article is furnished by California Casualty, providing auto and home insurance to educators, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or

Booster Seats – When, Why and How

Booster Seats – When, Why and How

Booster seats were designed for that critical time when a child has outgrown their car seat but isn’t yet tall or heavy enough to be safe in a seat belt alone.

Here’s a primer on the different booster types, tips for buying and installing one, and help on determining when it’s safe to transition your child out of the booster for good.


Booster Seat Types

There are 4 types of boosters, differentiated by your child’s needs and also your preferred functionality.

Backless Booster Seat – Boosts the child’s height so that the seat belt fits properly. Best for cars that have headrests.

Booster Seat with High Back – Like the first seat type, this raises the child’s height so as to ensure a proper seat belt fit, but it provides neck and head support.

Combination Seat – Accommodates a child’s growth by transitioning from a forward-facing seat with a harness into a booster.

All-in-One Seat – Like the combination seat, this one transitions as well, but goes from rear-facing seat, to forward-facing, and finally to a booster.

Whatever style you choose, make sure the seat has a guide for your car’s shoulder belt, so that it lies across their torso correctly. Also, make sure the guide allows the belt to retract easily. Some seats have clips, wings, and even adjustable bases, all of which further tailor to your child’s height/weight and the specifics of your vehicle.

Learn more about seat types at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) page.



Tips on Buying and Installing

Buying a booster seat

  • Always buy new, as used seats may not fit your child correctly or could even be unsafe.
  • If your child weighs less than 40 lbs, a combination seat may be your best bet.
  • Avoid seats with a reclining feature as they can put your child at an increased risk of injury in an accident.

Installing the seat

  • Like car seats, boosters should only be installed in the back seat.
  • The safest spot is in the center of the rear seat — which best protects against side-impact crashes — but only if your vehicle has a lap and shoulder belt in the center. If there’s only a lap belt, put the seat on the passenger side so you can better see your child from the driver’s seat.
  • If using a combination seat, use the anchoring system. This is called the LATCH system, short for Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children.
  • Use the seat’s belt-positioning clips if it came with them. They ensure that the belt crosses your child’s chest correctly.
  • Check out these videos by the NHTSA for instructions on properly installing high-back boosters, backless boosters, combination boosters, and all-in-one boosters.



A Checklist: When Can They Graduate Out of a Booster?

According to the NHTSA, more than 25% of kids aged 4 to 7 are transitioned out of a booster seat too soon. The organization recommends that children continue using a booster until they’re at least 4 feet 9 inches tall AND 8 to 12 years old. They should also have outgrown the seat manufacturer’s weight and height recommendations.

If you can answer “yes” to all of the below when your child is sitting on the vehicle seat, then they can move from a booster to seat belts only.

  • Is their back flat against the seat back?
  • Do their knees comfortably bend at the seat’s edge?
  • Does the shoulder belt lie between their neck and shoulder?
  • Does the lap belt lie against their hip bones/tops of thighs?
  • Can they remain comfortable for the whole trip? (i.e. without fidgeting, sliding, or pushing the belt out of position)

We know that boosters can be a hassle and that you’re probably fielding the “Do I still have to use the booster seat?” question a few times a week — but hang in there! Graduating your child when they’re actually ready to leave the booster is much safer for your precious cargo — and may be closer than you think.


Booster seats? Check. Need tips on car seats? Check out our blog post here.



This article is furnished by California Casualty, providing auto and home insurance to educators, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or


7 Top Defensive Driving Techniques

7 Top Defensive Driving Techniques

Labor Day weekend marks the unofficial end of summer – celebrated across the country with boating trips, long camping weekends, and backyard grilling and pool parties. But it also marks one of the year’s deadliest times on the road.

If you and your family are planning to travel by car this holiday weekend, use these defensive driving techniques to stay safe out there.


7 Principles of Defensive Driving


1. Be aware of your surroundings – Avoid tunnel vision, making sure to keep track of any pedestrians, bicycles, motorcycles, or cars around you. Maintain an awareness of the road in front and behind, as you’re susceptible to the ripple effects of traffic events such as rear-endings, collisions, and other unexpected road emergencies. Also, stay alert to the weather — rainy, snowy, icy, foggy, and windy conditions can change from minute to minute.

2. Anticipate bad moves by other drivers – Assume other drivers are going to do the wrong thing. For example: turning without signaling, changing lanes into a blind spot, or crossing multiple lanes to make the off-ramp. Most of the time, they won’t make the dangerous move, but if they do, you’ll be prepared.

3. Avoid distractions – Distracted driving comes in 3 flavors: visual, manual, and cognitive.  The first takes your eyes off the road; the second, your hands off the wheel; and the third, your mind off the road. Cellphones, passengers, snacking, daydreaming and GPS controls are common culprits. Before you set off on the road, make sure your phone’s tucked away, food’s already eaten, and kids are strapped in and occupied. Stay focused on the road while driving and remember you can always pull over if you need to.

4. Leave yourself an out – Especially on busy highways, try not to get boxed in by cars on all sides. Always leave yourself an out in case you need to move to safety quickly. For instance, if your tire blows, a deer jumps out in front of you, you encounter debris on the road or the car in front of you collides with another, you may have to change lanes, pull over or reduce speed – fast.

5. Be seen – One of the most dangerous places on the road is in another driver’s blind spot. Always position yourself where you can be seen. Use your headlights from 30 minutes after sunset until 30 minutes before sunrise, and when posted signs require them. Also know that if your car’s color doesn’t stand out, other drivers may not see you easily. Position yourself strategically and remember you can always use your horn as a last defense.

6. Follow the laws – Control your speed and follow all traffic laws. Knowing right-of-way rules will keep you safer at every intersection. Maintain safe distances from other vehicles and don’t tailgate. Finally, make sure you and your passengers wear seat belts at all times. By following the rules of the road, you can proactively reduce the chances of getting into an accident.

7. Expect the unexpected – In the spirit of principle #2, remember that anything can happen at any time on the road. And when it comes to car accidents, it’s often the unexpected that’s the catalyst for a crash. For this reason, the best offense is defense — and solid defensive driving skills.

You can’t control road conditions, weather, or random chance, but you can control how you react to all of them. Make safety a matter of habit, and always respect other drivers and the law.

Finally, consider defensive driving courses – either for you or your young driver. No matter the driver’s experience level, these courses are designed to help drivers anticipate situations and make safe, well-informed decisions.


This article is furnished by California Casualty, providing auto and home insurance to educators, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or

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