Our Education Blogger is a public school teacher with over a decade of experience. She’s an active NEA member, and enjoys writing about her experiences in the classroom.
For many teachers, summer is the time to complete projects you’ve been putting off during the school year. Exercise tends to be one of those projects…
But the summertime is a great opportunity to begin building workout habits! You don’t have to own a Peloton or do 75 Hard to get into shape, the following can help get you started with an easy summer exercise routine and transition into much healthier habits leading into the next school year.
Use A Fitness App I like Map My Run and My Fitness Pal. I can log workouts, track how far I run (along with some other stats), and count calories from food. Couch to 5K is also another free, popular app that helps you progress your way to a 5K in 8 weeks. Check out this list of The 38 Best Health and Fitness Apps from Greatest.com to see if you can find an app that works for you!
Start Small If exercise isn’t part of your regular routine, start with just 2 or 3 days a week. From there, add on days as you feel more comfortable. You can also up the intensity of your workouts.
Keep A Routine Find a time and day that works for you and commit to it. You are more likely to stick with something if you make it a part of your routine.
Exercise With A Buddy or Group
If you are able, find a friend or a group of friends with whom you can work out. You can hold one another accountable if you commit to group workouts. When you skip out on a workout, there’s an element of guilt added in, which makes you more likely to stick with it.
Mix It Up For me, one type of exercise becomes boring. To combat the monotony, I use different types of exercise. Yoga, kickboxing, cardio, dance, etc., are all great ways to mix up the workout routine. You can find videos online for just about any kind of workout!
Set A Goal What is your fitness goal? Is it to lose weight, build muscle tone, run a marathon? Establish your goal, write it on a sticky note, and place the note in a visible place you will see each day. Use an “I will” statement and have an end date. For example, “I will lose 10 pounds by July 31st.” It is also helpful to decide HOW you will meet your goal. Will you run for 20 minutes 3 times a week? Lift weights every day?
Motivate Yourself Take selfies. I know. I hate this part. If you take pictures of yourself regularly, you should be able to see the changes in your body as you progress towards your goal. Hopefully, these pictures will motivate you to keep going. Positive self-talk is also beneficial. Again, use your sticky notes to write positive affirmations to place in a visible location (“I can do this!” or “I am strong!”). This may be cheesy, but it has a surprisingly positive effect!
Tell Your Family/Partner
Your partner or family is a great source of support and encouragement. Tell them your fitness goals and plan. They can help motivate you and hold you accountable (if you choose).
What summer fitness activities or advice do you find works best for you?
This article is furnished by California Casualty, providing auto and home insurance to teachers, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. Get a quote at 1.800.800.9410 or www.calcas.com.
The end of the school year is near! Do you have your last day/week activities all planned out for your class?! If not, we’re here to help.
Whether you want to stick to schoolwork and reviewing or you want to plan something a little more exciting for your kids, you’ll love these 10 fun and easy activities and ideas to end the school year with your class.
Make a Countdown Bulletin Board
Help your students countdown to the end of the year with a fun bulletin board like this one! Each day a different student will get their chance to pop a balloon and reveal how many days are left until Summer Break. This is a fun activity that will help that they can look forward to at the end of the day and an easy way for you to remind them to get their work in and keep on task.
Fill Up End of the Year Memory Bags
Have students reflect on their year by having them make memory bags. Here’s how it works. Give students a brown paper bag to decorate. You can choose to put your own reflects on the sides and back or have them decorate it with their own reflections from the year. Then, have them place 10 different items in the bag to represent the school year. Have them fill out a notecard for each item explaining the role it plays, and then each child will present their bag on the last day of school.
Host an Interactive Themed Day or Week
Make your reviews interactive and fun by turning them into a whole day or week of activities! Like camping week, market week, movie day,beach day, popcorn day, or surgery day! Use these themed days to incorporate and review skills that you have learned all year before you go into testing (or just as a general year-end overview). Your students will have so much fun they won’t even realize that they are practicing their new skills!
Write to Next Year’s Class
During the last week of school have your students get together to write letters or a “Survival Guide” for next year’s class. Have them write what the incoming class will learn, their favorite class activities, and everything they’ll get to do in your classroom. And then save all of the letters, or the guide, and give them to your class next year.
Make an End of the Year Backpack Book
These Backpack Books are the perfect End of Year activity to end your school year with a bang! This memory book fosters reflection and goal setting for your kids in science, reading, writing, math, social studies, and more. They can be displayed on a bulletin board in your classroom or door and sent home as a keepsake of their year.
Incorporate a Sweet Treat
Nothing beats an end-of-year lesson that includes some fun summer-inspired food or drinks! In this lemonade activity, your students will get to compare pink and yellow lemonade and make a graph chart on everyone’s favorite lemonade. After graphing, the students will brainstorm words to describe their favorite lemonade and then write opinion pieces about which lemonade they like best!
Host an Awards Ceremony
Celebrate each student in your classroom on the last day of school by hosting your own class awards ceremony (you could even decorate your classroom like a stage) and giving them their own special award. You have your students vote on who gets these awards or pass them out! The best part about these is they don’t have to be serious, you could make silly awards and pass them out and the students will still love them. Use these award certificates or make your own!
Play Friend BINGO
Have kids grab something to write with and then pass out an End of the Year Bingo sheet to each student. Make sure everyone knows the rules: children will find a classmate matching each description and write his/her name in the box. Kids can go ahead and fill in blanks they already know or they can wander around asking friends if they fit one of the characteristics. The first person to fill 5 in a row wins. Easy peasy and a great way for kids to get their last interactions in with their classmates!
Host a Minute To Win It Game Day!
Who doesn’t love playing games in class? Here’s a super fun and cheap way to host a game day in your classroom on the last day of school. Have your students compete against each other by playing these Minute To Win It games. You could even get prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. Host a tournament or just do games that students can move around the room and compete in one at a time.
Give Students a Year-End Surprise
Surprise your students on the last day of class with a “thank you for being in my class” gift. Some easy gift ideas include bubbles, goodbye stars, or slap bracelets. There no doubt that students also love snacks! Giving your students a little keepsake or treat at the end of the year will let them know that you care about them.
Need some more ideas for your hybrid or remote students? Try these fun Zoom games!
Congratulations on completing another school year. Enjoy your summer!
This article is furnished by California Casualty, providing auto and home insurance to educators, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or www.calcas.com.
The working life of a school nurse has always been hectic – treating schoolyard injuries, doing health screenings, helping address mental health issues and so much more. And then Covid arrived, making the “old days” seem quaint.
School nurses’ response to the pandemic has underscored what we already know: they are health care superstars. In these last 12 months of disruption and crisis, school nurses have heroically taken on even more responsibility, served as public health advisors for school boards and administrators, and kept students and communities safe through the pandemic.
Here are some lessons we learned about the role of the school nurse in 2021.
Nurses are critical in safe reopening
As districts across the country continue reopening with varying phases, plans, and protocols, nurses are critical to their doing so safely. As the frontline of student safety, they’re on point for best practices for reopening policies, temperature testing, screening, mask distribution, health and safety guidelines, ongoing monitoring, and more.
They are a pillar of public health
Nurses are the health experts that school communities look to for guidance. They answer questions from parents, staff, and students. Nurses have always been health educators, but especially now, that role is so important in disseminating local health policies and guidelines, training staff on COVID-19 infection control, helping staff do self-care, and educating the wider community. Many are involved in wider public health initiatives or organizations.
Their jobs are complex
While COVID-19 prevention and mitigation efforts are at the top of their list, nurses still must attend to all the other illnesses, injuries and student concerns that they always have. School nurses are a lifeline for students with chronic conditions, often procuring their equipment and medications, drafting student health plans, and helping them manage their conditions. They also reach out to at-risk students and help with deliveries (such as medication and food) to those in need. They often serve hundreds of students, all with different and changing needs.
Nurses’ expertise is unmatched
More than any other role in the education system, nurses are the health and wellness linchpin. Their training and skills go beyond everyday health care. They must have great listening and communication skills, be life-long learners, be empathetic and caring, think quickly, and have great judgment and problem-solving skills. They’re consummate team players, using interpersonal skills, professionalism, and attention to detail. And increasingly so, they must be knowledgeable about new public health threats and developments – connecting the dots between local and national trends.
They’re important to a student’s overall success
Good health is foundational to a student’s ability to thrive. When they’re healthy, they’re better able to excel in their studies, develop their interests, pursue their dreams and build relationships. Nurses support student’s success by providing care and support – to students’ physical, emotional, mental health as well as social health needs. They provide assessment, intervention, and follow-up for all students.
They can deliver care anywhere
School nurses have always provided care and support in person, but now they’re doing it remotely – or using a combo of the two. They have had to “go virtual” basically overnight and work to ensure kids didn’t face a gap in care. They’ve had to figure out fixes for students who need ongoing care but maybe don’t have digital access. They have to make the call on what care can be done remotely and what requires in-person attention. Having the right tools and the continued support of their districts and administrators remains important as ever.
Going forward, these important lessons will inform how the school nurse’s role evolves. Being at the frontlines of how COVID-19 has affected communities, schools, and students, the voice of the nurse will be critical in shaping health care and public health for decades to come. Thank you, school nurses, for all that you do to keep your schools and communities healthy and safe!
This article is furnished by California Casualty, providing auto and home insurance to educators, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or www.calcas.com.
It’s that time of year again that all teachers both love and dread- the end of another school year. With the last day officially on the horizon, you can practically feel the excitement (and restlessness) radiating off of students, but there is still work to be done before final grades are submitted.
With papers piling up and patience running thin how do teachers make it through this time of year to summer break?
Here are some end-of-the-year strategies and tips for teachers.
1. Count it down
Give students, and yourself, something to look forward to each day when they come to school by doing an activity that lets them count down the days until summer break. Need some countdown ideas that will keep your students engaged and motivated up until the very last day? Check these out!
2. Try something new!
You know that one lesson plan or activity that you’ve wanted to try, but just never had the time to do? The end of the year can and should still be for useful learning! If you have gaps in your lesson plans, it’s the perfect time to test new strategies that you have in mind and would like to incorporate into your classroom next year.
3. Stay in your routine as long as possible
Any experienced teacher will tell you that one of the best tips to navigate all of the craziness the end of the school year may bring, is to stay in your routine. Your students will catch on and reflect your behavior if you begin to wind down too soon. That being said you can play games and end of the year activities just be sure to keep your classroom structure.
4. Get organized
Between finals, overdue homework, grading, and all of the lessons that you are still completing, your desk can pile up pretty quickly at the end of the year. Staying organized and on top of work as best as you can is key to finishing the year strong and getting final grades in on time.
5. Carve out some time for yourself
Although you do want to stay on top of your work, try not to spend every night hunkered down in your classroom attempting to get everything done all at once. Finding some time for self-care is important, especially during the end of the year when you feel like your to-do list is a mile long. Although carving out a few minutes for yourself to go home and relax, take a walk outside, play with your children, read, take a bath, etc. may seem counter-intuitive, you will be able to release your stress and have more energy for the final push as the last day of school gets closer.
6. Reflect on the successes of your year
Take some time, with or without your students, to reflect on the year that you’ve had- what they’ve learned, what their favorite lessons were, the friendships that were built, and the strong bond that you have all grown together as a class. Celebrate student successes, laugh at funny moments, and don’t forget to give yourself credit for all that you have accomplished as an educator this past year as well.
Lastly, accept that your last few days of school are going to be filled with emotion and require your full attention. But the end is near. It may get a little rocky and you may become overwhelmed, but soon you’ll be packing up your classroom and all of your memories from this past school year with it. So remember to enjoy each second with your students.
Hang in there you’ve got this!
This article is furnished by California Casualty, providing auto and home insurance to educators, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or www.calcas.com.
The end of the school year a great time to celebrate your students, their accomplishments and get them looking forward to sweet summertime! And what better way to do that than a fun bulletin board?
Check out our favorite end-of-the-year bulletin boards below.
1. We’re So Bright…
You can have so much fun with this one! Have your students model their best poses and faces to make for the cutest end-of-the-year bulletin board in school.
2. When I Grow Up I Want To Be:
You can give them these photos on the last day of school so they can look back on it when they do start their careers and see if it’s what they wanted to be when they were little.
3. End the Year With a BANG!
Use balloons to count down to summer! Have students take turns popping balloons each morning until there are none left on your last day.
4. All the Feels About Leaving
Because who doesn’t love emojis? You kids could even make their own using paper plates.
5. It’s O-FISH-ALLY Summer
Each student gets their own fish to decorate!
6. The Friendship Board
It’s always a fun day in class when students have permission to get messy on PURPOSE 😉
7. Where will you go?
Such a creative way to decorate a door with a long window!
8. Silhouette Autobiographies
Such a fun idea that can be used in a multitude of ways autobiographies, their favorite school memory, what they’ve learned, what they are looking forward to about their next grade, etc.
9. Polaroid or Instagram Door!
Fill with photos of your class, books that you’ve read, science projects, favorite sight words, class pets, memories from the year, etc. You can use the polaroid theme, or make them into squares like Instagram 🙂
10. Surfin’ Into Summer
Because who doesn’t love a fun summer-themed bulletin board to celebrate the end of the school year?
11. Going Out With a Boom
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, enough said.
12. Summer Bucket List
A fun writing prompt and bulletin board where kids can design their own buckets!
13. Anything’s Popsicle
Popsicles using paint samples? Such a cheap and easy idea!
13. In Summer…
Because who doesn’t love Olaf?
15. A TPT Summer
For those teachers who like to have an aesthetic classroom
16. High Five to a Great Year!
Have students trace their hands, put their names in the middle, and then decorate them! This is such a great craft that students can take home for their parents on the last day of school.
17. It’s Almost Time to Pack, Man
Bulletin board puns are the best puns
19. Don’t BLOW IT This Summer
Such a fun way to incorporate staff or student photos into your bulletin board.
20. Choppin’ Into First Grade
Use student photos, their names, or have them create their own fish to put inside the alligator’s mouth!
21. Countdown to Summer Chain
Remove a chain link each day as you get closer to summer. For even more fun write down activities or quotes on the chain links and as you remove them perform/read whatever is on it.
22. This Year Was Sweet
A fun bulletin board that encourages students to
23. Harry Potter-Themed
Mischief has been managed!
24. I’m Looking Forward To…
A fun writing prompt activity that lets students write about what they are looking forward to this summer.
25. Stay on Target
A fun and interactive bulletin board that you can switch up the style and keep the concept!
26. The ABC’s of the Year
Give each student a letter of the alphabet to create a drawing from something they learned that starts or contains their letter.
27. We Don’t Want to LEGO
Remember how we said bulletin board puns are the best?
28. Smart Cookies!
Who wouldn’t want to have a giant bulletin board full of cute little cookies to end the year?
Don’t forget to give us a follow at California Casualty to stay up to date on every new idea we discover! Scan ourPincodewith your Pinterest camera to follow:
This article is furnished by California Casualty, providing auto and home insurance to educators, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. California Casualty does not own any of the photos in this post, all are sources by to their original owners. Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or www.calcas.com.
We know you love your students but right about now you and the rest of our teachers deserve a break from the stress and the daily grind. And that circled-in-red spring break on your calendar is getting deliciously close (or here)!
We invite you to make this break truly count — What are the things you keep wanting to get done but haven’t had time for? Or maybe you’re feeling the need to toss the to-do list, focusing instead on really relaxing and replenishing yourself before you start the next term. Whatever you decide on, make sure it’s not work-related! (and is socially-distanced and safe, of course).
You may have some plans or activities in mind, but if not, check out our tips below and see if they spark some ideas!
1. Move it, move it! Getting your body moving is a surefire way to work out the stress, get to that state of “good tired” and return to a healthy balance. And what a great way to enjoy the spring weather. Whether it’s hiking, biking, running, rock climbing, or walking, you can’t go wrong – pick one or more and get moving.
2. Read for pleasure. If you suffer from Tsundoku, now’s the time — crack open those books that have been staring at you from the shelf or nightstand. Dedicate some time at night, in the morning or on lazy afternoons and give yourself the gift of getting lost in a great book (pssst, no work reading!).
3. Catch up on your binge-watching. Perhaps instead of books, you have movies or shows you haven’t had time for. Go ahead and indulge, sans guilt.
4. Retail therapy. It doesn’t need to be extravagant but treating yourself to a shopping spree can be a lovely re-energizing pick-me-up. If nothing else, it’s fun to window shop. Anything you’ve been needing or had your eye on?
5. Quality time with your family. Balancing family life and work life is always tough – but has been extra challenging for the last year. If you’ve been missing time with your family or kids, take this opportunity to do some fun, leisurely things you usually don’t have time for. Movie nights, crafts, making forts, date nights, sports, time outdoors – the list is endless.
6. Start a new habit. We all know habits take time and repetition to stick. If there’s a habit you’ve been wanting to start (Meditation? Getting to bed earlier? Giving yourself a digital detox?) spring break is a perfect time to do it.
7. Do a day-trip adventure. Perhaps the prospect of a full day of solo time sets your heart aflutter. Maybe there’s a little town nearby that’s perfect for aimless wandering, or you’re close to a beach where you can walk the shore and watch the sunset. Check your map for destinations that are one to two hours away – you’ll probably be surprised at all the choices!
8. Hit the mat. Is there a yoga place (outdoors!) you’ve been wanting to try? Now’s the time to do it. There really is nothing like getting some yoga time in to de-stress, limber up, build strength, and center yourself.
9. Grab a guilt-free coffee – and stay as long as you want. If you’re a café aficionado, spring break is a great time to frequent your favorite outdoor coffee spot – in fact, make it a daily ritual if you like! Enjoy some unstructured time to commune with your favorite hot (or iced) beverage, and maybe a good book … or journal, or sketchbook, etc.
10. Picnic in the park. Spring sunshine was made for leisurely picnics in the park. Gather up some goodies from home (or nearby take-out places), throw them in a basket, and go! Don’t forget a blanket, hat, and sunscreen – and family if they want to join 😉
11. Try new dishes. After too many quick and easy lunches at your desk, take this opportunity to rediscover the joy of food. This might mean trying take-out from new-to-you restaurants – which is a win-win and supports local businesses. Or, if you enjoy cooking, look into tackling some new and exciting recipes at home.
Keen readers will notice that none of these ideas has anything to do with work, ha! Make sure your spring break is all about you – there will be plenty of time for work when it starts up again. Want more relaxation tips? – check ‘em out here. And remember, if your spring break plans include leaving town or venturing out in public, bring extra masks and sanitizer just to be extra safe.
Educators and ESPs, make this Spring Break staycation one to remember – we’re giving away a $10,000 Staycation to one lucky education professional! Click here to enter.
This article is furnished by California Casualty, providing auto and home insurance to educators, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or www.calcas.com.