Spring Cleaning for Your Finances

Spring Cleaning for Your Finances

Spring is almost here, so it’s time for some spring cleaning. We’re not just talking about your home, but also your finances. Before your mind goes into panic mode, we have a simple checklist to help simplify the process.

Let’s walk through this easy checklist to keep your finances in check this spring.

  1. Start by organizing your bills and making a list. Go over your bank statements, documents, receipts, and files for a fresh starting point.
  2. Work with Whole Numbers. Try rounding balances up to the nearest dollar. Not only, does the spare change add up, but it makes budgeting much easier. (And your spare change can be put towards savings.) It will also give a sense of control.
  3. Update Your Budget. Now that you have a list of your expenses, update your budget and make sure that it stays current. Can you be putting more towards savings? What other expenses can you cut back on?
  4. Check Your Credit Score. Don’t let this scare you. Seeing the hard numbers can help you figure out what is a top priority to focus paying off.
  5. Make a Big Payment. Now that you have seen your credit score, and budget, making a big payment can help make a leap towards paying off that credit card. And you’ll feel relieved you did it.
  6. Clean Out Your Wallet. Get rid of unnecessary receipts and paper clutter you may have. Organize your cash, bank cards, etc.
  7. Make it a Habit. Finally, start a routine for your finances. Shred documents after calculating in the budget. Practice putting cash into a savings account. Add $50 or more to each credit card payment, or what works within your budget.

These easy steps can help to ease your mind about budgeting. Spring cleaning your finances gives a peace of mind and a refresh to a scary task no one likes to face daily.


Giselle & Jayden Get Picked Up by the Police- Episode 1

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See what happens when Giselle and Jayden spend a day with Law Enforcement and get a glimpse of the bravery and heroism it takes to protect the community while learning that behind the badge are moms, dads, brothers, sisters…regular people who have dedicated themselves to making a difference in the world we live in. police heroes



Earth Day Websites and Activities For All Grade Levels

Earth Day Websites and Activities For All Grade Levels

Earth Day is celebrated each year on April 22nd. This day is a great opportunity to discuss environmental concerns and promote environmental awareness with your students. Check out the following websites and activities for Earth Day resources to use in your classroom.


United States Environmental Protection Agency
Head over to epa.gov/earthday for a variety of Earth Day resources. Learn about the history of Earth Day, watch Earth Day videos, and find out how to be an eco-conscious consumer. Plus, explore classroom project resources and lessons.

PBS LearningMedia
Search a large range of free resources by grade level, subject, and resource type. PBSLearningMedia.org offers lesson plans, images, videos and more from popular PBS television series.

Teaching History
Find a collection of activities, quizzes and lessons at TeachingHistory.org. Students can explore the history of Earth Day, conservation, and other topics related to the environment.

Science NetLinks
Prepare for Earth Day using Science NetLinks lessons and resources. Find teacher-friendly lessons, printables, audio files, videos, interactive and hands-on materials. These resources cover a variety of topics like conservation, ecosystems, ecology, and more.



Host a Solar Cookout
Challenge students to make a solar oven, then have cookout together! Explore alternative energy sources using solar energy. This activity from Scholastic walks you through the process of hosting a solar picnic. You’ll find reading materials, instructions for building a solar oven, free printables, and other resources about solar energy.

Tracking Trash
Students track how much trash is thrown away in the school cafeteria. Using a simple data table, students will identify the types of items thrown away (plastic, foil, paper bags, bottles, banana peels, etc). This information can then be used to create posters to hang in the building encouraging staff and students to recycle or use re-usable lunch items. Take it a step further and start a composting project!

Comparing Light Bulbs
This lesson from Energy.gov asks students to compare compact fluorescent and incandescent light bulbs. Students will learn about energy efficiency through this experiment. Grab your light bulbs and thermometer!

50 Earth Day Activities for Kids
TinkerLab’s 50 Earth Day Activities describes kids activities using natural and recycled materials, and creating outdoor art. From building a Fairy Garden to Making Your Own Nature Journal, these Earth-inspired activities will encourage kids to be kind to the planet.



Summer Skip – Money When You Need It the Most

Take advantage of the Summer Skip Payment Option from California Casualty

Add a little extra peace of mind to your summer by taking advantage of the Summer Skip Payment option.

Don’t let your budget impact moments with friends or family during the summer. California Casualty helps you budget for the important things in life with the Summer Skip Payment option. You can designate the two months you’d like to free up your money during the summer months.

California Casualty’s Summer Skip is designed to allow you to enjoy fun in the sun with family and friends without worrying about your auto insurance payments.

If you are already a customer and would like to take advantage of this unique benefit, simply go online at www.calcas.com/payments  to manage your account, or contact an advisor at 1.800.800.9410.

If you’re not a customer but would like to learn more about the skip payment option and all of the other special benefits available to Educators, Firefighters, Law Enforcement Officers and Nurses, request a quote today in the Start Your Auto Quote section on the right-hand side of this page.

First Responders – Enter for Your Chance to Win a $7,500 Garage Makeover

Garage Makeover California CasualtyCalifornia Casualty is thanking first responders with a new Work Hard/Play Hard Sweepstakes. One lucky law enforcement officer, firefighter or EMT will receive a $7,500 Garage Makeover.

The winner of the newest Work Hard/Play Hard Sweepstakes will be handed a $7,500 check to create the garage of their dreams.

Imagine the possibilities: new cabinets, custom tool storage, new flooring or even a beverage area to go with a big screen TV.

Whether it’s a gym, workshop, or refuge from the stresses of the day, we want to help you create your ultimate garage. It’s our thanks for the hard work first responders do to keep our communities safer.

“We are grateful for the tough job first responders do every day for all us,” said California Casualty Sr. Vice President Mike McCormick. “We wanted to show our appreciation and provide a useful way to say thanks.”

The $7,500 Garage Makeover drawing is open to peace officers, EMTs and firefighters – American heroes who work hard and risk their lives. Entries will be accepted through October 31, 2019, at www.policefiregiveaway.com.  The winner will be announced in November.

Previous Work Hard/Play Hard winners have won Liberty Safes, DeWalt Tools, motorcycles, and cash. Past winners include an Oregon Police officer, Colorado Sheriff’s captain, Firefighters from California, Nebraska, Ohio and Pennsylvania and a California Highway Patrolman.

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