Virtual Communities and New Connections

Virtual Communities and New Connections

Over the last months, we learned to (quickly) shift our communities online — or create entirely new ones where there were none before.

If there are any silver linings to this pandemic, a strengthened sense of connection definitely tops the list. It’s no surprise that the professionals we serve — educators, first responders, nurses, and peace officers — have so often been the ones building community and connection.

Here’s a round-up of some heartwarming and creative ways they’ve brought us together while we’ve had to stay apart.



    • Positivity parade. To cheer their students up, teachers across the nation have driven through their students’ neighborhoods in car parades, oftentimes in vehicles decorated with joyful signs, messages, and decorations.
    • Teacher memes. Parents have certainly had a crash course in homeschooling — and their reflections (and teachers’ responses) have led to some brilliant memes.
    • Keepin’ it real. This music teacher’s video went viral when she shared what it’s like switching to online teaching and learning.
    • Mask project. Two former school administrators launched a mask-making project to support their communities’ frontline medical workers.
    • Keeping kids fed. Educators across the country have made sure that no students go hungry during school closures.



    • Dance as medicine. Lifting spirits while delivering excellent care, these nurses use dance to bring humor and positivity to their Covid-19 patients. Check out all five videos — we dare you to keep a dry eye!
    • Stepping up, showing up. School nurses have been answering the need in communities everywhere, whether by administering tests at Covid-19 testing sites, doing wellness checks on hundreds of students, or rounding up donations and supplies for other frontline workers.
    • Creative stress-busting. Nurses and doctors are using humor, dance moves, and creativity to stay sane, spread smiles, and promote safety.
    • #904RainbowHunt. Trying to cultivate hope in an uncertain time, an ICU nurse created a (now burgeoning) Facebook group for people to create, share and hunt for rainbows in neighborhood windows.


First Responders

    • Storytime with peace officers. To comfort and connect with kids during stressful times, law enforcement officers nationwide have been reading to kids virtually.
    • Cribs – firehouse edition. Firefighters give kids a personal virtual tour of their fire station — from the living quarters to the garage, fire engines and everything in between.
    • Heroes cheering heroes. First responders cheer on frontline healthcare workers in New York and Pennsylvania with sirens, lights and applause.
    • #HeartsforHealthcare. Firefighters and first responders are sharing the love — by parking their engines and cruisers in heart shapes — to show support for healthcare workers.


Times of crisis bring out both the worst and best in people. We’re ever grateful to our American Heroes for bringing their best to their communities and inspiring us all to find ways to connect to and support each other.


This article is furnished by California Casualty, providing auto and home insurance to education professionals, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or

Employee Spotlight: Lori Ryan

We have amazing employees at California Casualty. The Employee Spotlight is a new series aiming to highlight those talented individuals that make up our successful company culture and community. From human resource recruiters and learning and development trainers to claims adjusters, marketers, customer support specialists, partner relations, sales representatives, and beyond; each week, we’ll highlight a new team member, so you can get to know us better and see how our employees make us who we are as a company. 

This edition of the Employee Spotlight will feature our Customer Care Representative, Lori Ryan

Hillary has been with us for 4 years and is based in our Colorado office.

Let’s get to learn Lori!

Employee Spotlight: Lori Ryan


What made you want to work in Customer Service at California Casualty?

When I was applying for my job at California Casualty, I saw an exciting opportunity to work for a company that had “big corporation pay”, with the feel of a smaller “mom and pop” company, that was really focused on customer satisfaction and employee retention.


What is your favorite part about your job?

I enjoy the different ways in which I can impact my customers, whether it’s counseling them on coverage limits or just making the whole experience of dealing with insurance more enjoyable.

I LOVE working for California Casualty because I love our customers. We have such a unique and amazing customer base with our group members. I get to hear their storms of heroism, compassion, and commitment to community, all while helping them navigate and understand their insurance needs and how to protect their assets.


What have you learned in your position at California Casualty?

I’ve learned so much more about different communication styles and how to really reach people on their level, which has translated to me becoming a better communicator in my personal life as well.


What are your favorite activities to do outside of the office?

I enjoy yoga, hiking, crafting, and being a boy-mom to my 7 and 5-year-olds.

We like to get out and explore all that Colorado has to offer in the form of state parks, museums, and delicious food!


Anything else you would like the audience to know about you?

I like to thrift shop and enjoy painting and repurposing old furniture.

I’m a transplant from Texas who is addicted to coffee and makeup.

I love my job so much, I commute 45 miles to work (one way) just to get here! During that drive, I like listening to podcasts about History, True Crime, and Philosophy.



If you want to learn more about Lori or are interested in a career at California Casualty, connect with her on LinkedIn! Or visit our careers page at

Remembering Fallen Officers in 2020

Remembering Fallen Officers in 2020

In 2019, the lives of 307 law enforcement officers were tragically cut short. For the last several decades, in mid-May, upwards of 40,000 people would gather in Washington, D.C. for Police Week.

During the week, fellow officers, friends, and family members gather to honor and pay tribute to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice the year prior, like the 307.

This year, however, will be different than years past. We will not be there physically; no one will, but the memories of those lost will not be forgotten. Due to COVID-19 and social distancing guidelines, this year Police Week will pay tribute to their fallen heroes by holding their Candlelight Vigil virtually.

For 10 years, California Casualty has been a sponsor of the Top Cops Awards – and each year, members of our Partner Relations team have been given the opportunity to attend Police Week. Through these events we’ve had the privilege of really getting to know our Law Enforcement Officers, their families, and their brotherhood.

In past-years at the Candlelight Vigil ceremony we’ve held our candles side-by-side with these Law Enforcement Officers, their families, and loved ones. We’ve stood in awe and watched the entire field of the National Monument go dark, only to be illuminated with the glow of candlelight. We’ve recognized and paid our respects to those who have lost children, mothers, fathers, siblings, and friends, and we’ve cried alongside our Law Enforcement family, bleeding blue in support of their losses.

Like most events taking place in the world right now, this year will not look the same, but our fallen officers and their families still need that same support.

To commemorate the lives lost in the line of duty in 2019, and in support of our many friends in Law Enforcement, our team will be tuned in digitally to show our support and pay our respects. Join us online at 8PM EST on May 13th, 2020 to remember and honor those that have made the ultimate sacrifice.

To watch the Candlelight Vigil you can tune into our Facebook, where we will share the live stream of the ceremony to our page OR you can visit the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund or the National Law Enforcement Museum on Facebook, YouTube, or Twitter.


For more than 50 years, Law Enforcement associations across the US have relied on and trusted California Casualty to protect their members superior auto and home insurance coverage.

Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or

Employee Spotlight: Hillary Brewer

Employee Spotlight: Hillary Brewer

We have amazing employees at California Casualty. The Employee Spotlight is a new series aiming to highlight those talented individuals that make up our successful company culture and community. From human resource recruiters and learning and development trainers to claims adjusters, marketers, customer support specialists, partner relations, sales representatives, and beyond; each week, we’ll highlight a new team member, so you can get to know us better and see how our employees make us who we are as a company. 

This edition of the Employee Spotlight will feature our Underwriting Team Manager, Hillary Brewer

Hillary has been with us for 20 years (yes, 20!) and is based in our Colorado office.

Let’s get to learn Hillary!

Employee Spotlight


What made you want to work in Underwriting at California Casualty?

I became interested in Underwriting as soon as I started with California Casualty as a Customer Service Representative. I just think that risk analysis and risk management are very interesting topics!


What is your favorite part about your job?

I have the privilege of being a team manager to a fabulous group of people, including Underwriting Service Representatives and Underwriting Assistants. They all work so hard to produce quality work that supports our customers as well as other departments within the company.

I also get to work side-by-side with great CalCas leaders. Seeing their efforts is very inspiring to me. It’s also very fulfilling to be a part of changes that affect the company positively.

I love my job! I love working for a company that always does its best for its customers and for its employees. In some ways (that are good!) working for California Casualty feels like working with family.

I’m given the opportunity to do what I do best every single day.


What have you learned in your position at California Casualty?

What haven’t I learned at California Casualty?! Everything I know about the insurance industry, I’ve learned from my different positions here.

In addition to learning on the job, I have also had the opportunity to advance my education through secular classes. I have obtained 3 insurance designations so far, and keep working toward more knowledge.


What are your favorite activities to do outside of the office?

I enjoy long walks in the mountains and spending time with friends and family.


Anything else you would like the audience to know about you?

I have two cats and one cat-sized dog.

I like to cook and to bake, and have recently tried to master the art of making the perfect cupcake. While I have not been very successful in my cupcake-related endeavors, I am not giving up!

I also enjoy cross-stitching little gifts to give to my friends. 🙂


If you want to learn more about Hillary or are interested in a career at California Casualty, connect with her on LinkedIn! Or visit our careers page at

Celebrating Nurses, Our Front Line Heroes

Celebrating Nurses, Our Front Line Heroes

Even before the coronavirus began its swift spread across the globe, the World Health Organization had declared 2020 the ‘International Year of the Nurse and Midwife,’ and the American Nurses Association (ANA) named it ‘Year of the Nurse.’ The annual observance of Nurses Week—from May 6-12—has been extended from one week to the entire month.

These designations underscore something we’re acutely aware of these days:  Nurses are an incredibly important pillar of our health system, and we rely on them every day for compassionate, skilled, expert healthcare.

We also trust them immensely:  For 18 years in a row, the vast majority of Americans have rated nurses as the most honest and ethical of professions.


The Many Ways Nurses Keep Us Healthy

Most people know nurses as the trusted health professional they see for health exams, emergency visits, chronic conditions, and life events such as maternity and cancer care. However, many don’t know the vast range of roles nurses play throughout the health care system—or that, numbering almost 4 million, they comprise the largest segment of health care workers in America.

This annual observance celebrating nurses is a great opportunity to highlight some of those many roles that nurses play in advancing the health and well-being of individuals, communities, and our country at large.

Direct patient care — Every day across the country, nurses care for and treat patients in a range of care settings. Although there’s no such thing as a “typical” day for a nurse, their job entails administering medications, managing IVs and other interventions, observing and recording patients’ conditions, advocating for and educating patients and their families, and providing advice, guidance and emotional support. They work in inpatient care settings, primary care, prenatal care, schools and universities, outpatient settings, palliative and hospice care, skilled nursing facilities, community clinics, and more.

Research — Nurse researchers are scientists who design and conduct studies looking at health, illness, and healthcare, aimed at improving health outcomes and delivery of care. They work in hospitals, medical clinics, and research laboratories, as well as in academic settings where they often teach.

Informatics — In this unique field, nurses blend nursing science with expertise in information technology and analytics to improve nursing practice and patient safety. Nurse informaticists are health tech innovators who create and maintain the digital health systems used by consumers, medical professionals, and public health officials.

Population Health — Population health focuses on the ways that health systems, organizations, and local agencies collaborate to drive better health outcomes at the community level. Nurses, with so much time and experience in direct patient care, readily see the patterns of health behaviors and disparities. They leverage this expertise to positively influence their patients and communities’ health in roles such as health coaches and educators, care coordinators, care navigators, and care managers.

Administration and leadership — As leaders and executives, nurses are advancing improvements to healthcare at the highest levels. Bringing their clinical expertise and management experience to bear, they are transforming care delivery and improving patient safety through their leadership roles within healthcare facilities, hospitals, institutions, government agencies, non-profit organizations, health systems, and private companies.

As the nation honors and thanks nurses throughout the month of May (and beyond!), join the movement and thank the nurses in your life for their many contributions to our health, well-being, and safety. For ideas on how to help them out during this time of crisis, check out these tips.


This article is furnished by California Casualty, providing auto and home insurance to educators, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or

Employee Spotlight: Sarena Means

We have amazing employees at California Casualty. The Employee Spotlight is a new series aiming to highlight those talented individuals that make up our successful company culture and community. From human resource recruiters and learning and development trainers to claims adjusters, marketers, customer support specialists, partner relations, sales representatives, and beyond; each week, we’ll highlight a new team member, so you can get to know us better and see how our employees make us who we are as a company. 

This edition of the Employee Spotlight will feature our Customer Care Specialist, Sarena Means

Sarena has been with us for almost 4 years now and is based in our Colorado office.

Let’s get to learn Sarena!

Serena Means Employee Spotlight


What made you want to work in Customer Service at California Casualty?

I heard it was a wonderful company that’s proven its place in the industry by being family-owned for 4 generations and in business for more than 100 years, and it definitely is!

People love working here and stay a really long time. I was so impressed with the tenure here. I’ve never seen another company with higher employee retention. It makes for a great family-like environment and culture.


What is your favorite part about your job?

I love my co-workers, I’ve never worked with better people, and we also have great customers. They love us and we love helping them!

Also, in my position here at CalCas, I feel like I have a lot of opportunities to be heard. I may not always get what I want, but I don’t ever feel belittled by my managers, or that I don’t have anything of value to contribute. The management is always willing to listen to me and my concerns. I feel like I’m important at California Casualty, and they give me the opportunity to do what I do best.


What have you learned in your position at California Casualty?

Looking back, I actually didn’t really know much about our affinity groups. We offer a lot of service to our community heroes and I’ve learned more than I ever thought I would about Teachers, and Police Officers, Firefighters, and Nurses.

You get to really know these people and what matters most to them, and it gives you a deeper level of respect for them and what they do every day to help us.


What are your favorite activities to do outside of the office?

I love my family and really enjoy all things with them. Movies, games, Sunday dinners, outside in the sunshine, any and all of it.

Life is changing for us right now. Our oldest moved out in November after buying her first house, and our youngest is going through the Air Force Basic Military Training. That means my husband and I are very new empty nesters and haven’t figured out what that means for us. We’re adjusting to a new normal, but it’s an exciting time!


Anything else you would like the audience to know about you?

My name is Sarena and I’m often teased by customers on the phone about having the same name as the famous tennis player; coincidentally, I actually played tennis in high school. Obviously didn’t go pro, but it was definitely a love of mine for a few years.

I was in an American Furniture Warehouse commercial circa 1999.

I love the Marvel movies, Harry Potter, and Lord of the Rings. I could watch any of the movies from any of the collections at any time and be completely entertained.


If you want to learn more about Sarena or are interested in a career at California Casualty, connect with her on LinkedIn! Or visit our careers page at

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