Do you have a Hidden Talent?


Does a popular song on the radio get you in the mood to sing or dance? Do you have a great singing voice that everyone should hear? Have some talented co-workers you can get together for a video? Would you and/or your coworkers like to win a $500 gift card just for showing off your talent? California Casualty is looking for talents of all kind! (Looking for inspiration? Click Here).

Here’s how to enter:

  1. Simply submit your video link in the form below.
  2. Please include all fields so we can contact you in case you win.
  3. If selected for voting your video will be posted and shared on our blog.
  4. We will be accepting entries through March 31, 2015.
  5. Voting will open on April 1.
  6. If your video receives the most votes, you will win a $500 gift card!
  7. By submitting your video, you agree to the terms of the contest.

[contact-form-7 id=”2863″ title=”Talent Show Entry Form”]

Terms and Conditions:
Entrant must be employed as an Educator, Nurse, Firefighter, EMS, or Peace Officer at the time of submission. By submitting your video, you agree to allow California Casualty to post the video to our blog and various social media profiles. This contest not available to residents of WI, MI, NY, MA, NC and RI. Odds of winning depend on the number of entries received. Winner is responsible for any applicable taxes or fees associated with the prize. California Casualty reserves the right to modify or change this contest at any time. All information collected will be protected in accordance with our privacy policy.

10 Random Acts of Kindness


It’s been a bruising year for police officers in the United States. Imagine their gratitude if someone were to walk up, smile, and say “thank you officer for what you do.” Or, how about buying a cup of coffee or hot chocolate for one of the men and women in blue. These simple acts of kindness  not  only make the recipients feel good, but numerous studies have found that unselfish acts are good for the givers too. As we celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Week (February 9-15), we thought we’d offer some easy ways to show gratitude to others; making the world just a little better!

  1. Rake a neighbor’s leaves or shovel snow from their sidewalks
  2. Donate blood or become an organ donor
  3. Smile at five new people each day
  4. Let another vehicle into your lane of traffic
  5. Give directions to someone who is lost or confused
  6. Let someone in line go ahead of you at the store
  7. Return a shopping cart
  8. Be a designated driver
  9. Thank a soldier, nurse or first responder for all they do
  10. Let a teacher know how much you appreciate him or her

Of course, this is just a small sample of hundreds acts of kindness anyone can do.  You can find plenty more at

Let us know the random acts you have done, or if have you been the recipient of one. Maybe we can share and make this year better for everyone.

And, here’s another act of kindness you can do – tell an educator, law enforcement officer, firefighter or nurse about California Casualty. They could qualify for special benefits and competitive auto and home insurance rates not available to the general public. It’s a wonderful time of year to save money and it’s worth a call today at 1.800.800.9410 or visit

Sources for this article:

Surviving the Cold with These Hacks


So I went out to start the car this morning and the ice was so thick I couldn’t scrape it off the windshield. When I tried opening the door to start the car and get the heater and defroster working, the lock was frozen. Has this happened to you? I thought I’d look up some essential tips for anyone who lives where ice and snow are common so you won’t be late for work or school. And for those of you living in more temperate climates, keep these handy if Mother Nature throws one of her occasional frozen curve balls and you’re stuck in a personal scene from the movie Frozen.

These 15 winter hacks come from the Weather Channel:

  1. Coat snow shovels with non-stick cooking sprays – the snow will slide off easier (this also worked on the plastic sleds my daughter and I used for sliding down hills faster)
  2. Riding your bicycle? Use thick plastic zip-ties around tires for more traction (it can also work on the bottom of shoes and boots)
  3. Eliminate wet socks; slip sandwich bags over them before putting on shoes
  4. Use closet shoe organizers for gloves and scarves
  5. Battle dry skin by taking shorter, lukewarm showers
  6. Place tin foil on walls behind radiators and space heaters to reflect more of the heat back into the room
  7. Leave the oven door open after cooking – the residual heat will add warmth to the house
  8. Run ceiling fans clockwise to push warm air down to living areas
  9. Open curtains and blinds on sunny days to let the sun warm your home
  10. Park your vehicle with the windshield facing east to help defrost it when the sun rises
  11. Use kitty litter or car mats to provide traction if you get stuck
  12. Thaw frozen car door locks and handles with hand sanitizer
  13. Spray WD 40 in frozen key holes
  14. Put hot water bottles or warm pans on cold sheets to warm them before you hop in bed
  15. Place a tray with pebbles inside the doorway to drain icy, wet shoes and boots to keep floors cleaner and drier

What winter weather hacks do you use? Share them with us so we can pass them along too.

This article is furnished by California Casualty, providing auto and home insurance to educators, law enforcement officers, firefighters and nurses. Get a quote at 1.800.800.9410 or

That Perfect Holiday Gift: Social Media Knows

If you are doing a last minute scramble for the perfect holiday gift, maybe you should pay attention to social media. After analyzing data from millions of online conversations from Twitter, Facebook and other platforms about holiday presents, Prime Visibility deduced the top gifts people wanted this year:

  1. Cash
  2. Gift Cards
  3. iPhone
  4. Drone
  5. Shoes

Here’s how 2014 desires compared to those of 2013:


Here are some other top gift requests from the report:

  • Guardians of the Galaxy was tops for movies
  • Xbox 360 the most sought after game console
  • Nike was the most requested apparel
  • Visa led the list for gift cards

No matter what gift you give or get, here’s a holiday wish for all the best for you and your family from California Casualty. If you should need us, we are ready to help with claims support, customer service or a policy review at 1.800.800.9410 or visit

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