Using Music in the Classroom: A Guest Blog by Nicholas Ferroni

This Guest Blog post by Huffington Post blogger Nicholas Ferroni is the featured article in our Educators’ News Resource: Teachers Notes. To sign up to receive Teachers Notes in your inbox once a month, click here

Using Music in the Classroom to Educate, Engage and Promote Understanding | Guest Blog by Nicholas Ferroni

The song “Gone” by ‘N Sync stops me in my tracks and nearly brings me to tears; this is not because it’s a horrible song but because, whenever I hear it, I am reminded of the night my college girlfriend and I broke up for the 15th time. (It was for the best that time.) I’m not sharing this for sympathy, or because I’m still bitter towards her (she’s an amazing person). My point is to share what we all know: We are emotionally connected to music — particularly specific songs. We all have songs that remind us of people, places, events, good times and bad times and that bring back memories that have long been repressed or even forgotten. These songs define our lives and we all have this personal and emotional playlist that I call the “Soundtrack of Our Lives.”

We all have this soundtrack, and the choices of songs are never finalized until we are dead. Music is the one constant to which everyone is attached, and that everyone understands. We may disagree about which musicians are good or bad or which generation’s songs are better (every generation thinks their generation’s music is the best). But we all can agree that, without music, life would be silent and sadder than the saddest Adele song (if that’s even possible). Recently, my dear friend Rachel Nichols (a Columbia University graduate), who is one of the most talented actresses and brilliant people I know, surprised my students at school one day. After they regained consciousness (they were extremely excited), Rachel fielded many questions. One question in particular made me smile, a student asked “How do you mentally and emotionally prepare yourself for your differing roles?” Rachel went on to say that if a scene requires intense emotion, she will think of losing a loved one (like Rachel, the thought of losing my parents chokes me up instantly), and that she has various playlists she has made, consisting of different songs that will generate different emotions and mindsets. This just solidified something of which I was already aware: that she is brilliant as well as a beautiful person. My students have requested that she substitutes for me when I’m absent and a few of my male students want her to replace me entirely (I would too if I were them).

Educators have been using music to effectively educate for as long as there has been music. Many of us were fortunate to have those unconventional and edgy teachers (mine were Mr. Caliguire and Mr. “Weez,” and I can’t thank them enough), who played the iconic protest songs from the anti-war movement of the ’60s and ’70s, and then we analyzed and discussed the lyrics. This was one of my favorite activities and it helped me understand the nation and its differing political views better than any textbook or lecture ever could. This, however, is not the method of using music in the classroom to which I am referring. The method of using music that I will be discussing can be applied to all subject areas and used to engage all learners.

There is a reason why we can remember song lyrics for our entire lives, but we forget the lecture or notes our teachers discussed an hour later. I am not going to get into the psychological reasoning behind memory or mnemonics. I am discussing the aspect of using and creating soundtracks for people, places, events and even themes across nearly every area of study. As a film and TV writer (as well as educator), I have found myself not only focusing on writing scripts with engaging characters, but also trying to find songs that would help create more dramatic effects for specific scenes which would eventually be added to their soundtracks. I wondered: If music is so personal to each of us and everyone listens to some form of music, why can’t I utilize music and songs to engage my students? This would help them understand specific historical topics and, at the same time, help them comprehend and retain that information — every educator’s ultimate goal.

After doing so, the results and responses from my students were overwhelming. In a time when educators and education experts are struggling to find ways to engage all learners and differentiation has become a choice method to most districts, I was able to engage, educate, differentiate and increase understanding and retention by simply using something to which we are all already attached. Before I even begin to use songs in my soundtrack activity, I start the year off by having my students create the soundtracks of their lives. Additionally, each student must then describe why each particular song has a personal and sentimental meaning and has earned a place on the soundtrack of his/her life. This introduces students to our emotional attachment to music but also helps them learn a little about themselves. I, of course, share some of the songs on the soundtrack of my life; I play “Gone” and even “The Scientist” by Coldplay, and explain how these songs would lead me to tears. We all share a good laugh and I humanize myself (which is necessary for a comfortable and effective classroom environment). Then, they understand the purpose of the activity and are prepared to use it in class throughout the year.

Since I am a history teacher, I am going to provide a few examples of how to successfully and effectively use songs and soundtracks in class. First, in order to create any soundtrack, students must know some basic information about the person, place or event for which they will be creating a soundtrack. So, prior to the activity, I introduce the basic information surrounding the topic. For example, when we discuss the Reformation, we cover the basic concepts: causes and effects, major figures, events and dates. Once the students have a basic understanding, they then create a soundtrack for the event and have to list 10 songs, with a brief description of why each song would appear on the soundtrack to the Reformation. In the past, they have listed songs such as “In the End” by Linkin Park (which is a great example of the Humanist movement), and “Jesus Walks” by Kanye West (which can relate to the Protestant movement and the questioning of the Catholic church). I am always impressed by my students’ song choices and the variations of songs, artists and genres. The fact that a student can take a song that is completely unrelated to a specific event, and make it relative is a clear example of understanding and long-lasting knowledge. I had a student, who had graduated five years earlier, visit the high school during his college break and the first words out of his mouth were, “Mr. Ferroni, do you know that every time I hear “Move B****” by Ludacris I think of Manifest Destiny, and can recite all the major facts and events of it?” I could only smile in response.

The last example I am going to provide is for an historical figure. For example, let’s say that I ask students to provide a soundtrack or playlist for Christopher Columbus. Students would then list songs that would appear on Christopher Columbus’ iPod playlist (if he had an iPod, of course), and briefly describe why each song would likely be on it. For Columbus’ playlist, you may find everything from “Gold Digger” by Kanye West to “Down with the Sickness” by Disturbed, or even “A Whole New World” by Peabo Bryson and Regina Belle.

As I mentioned, this activity can be extremely effective in many subject areas. An English teacher can have students create a soundtrack for a play or book they are reviewing, or ask students to create a playlist and list songs that would likely be on Macbeth‘s, and even Romeo and Juliet‘s playlist; a creative writing teacher can have students find and discuss lyrics to their favorite songs; an art teacher can have students pick a song and draw or paint an image that they feel best represents the premise and emotion in the song. Finally, a science teacher can have students create soundtracks for specific topics of study, or even songs that would likely be on the playlist of a famous scientist. The options are endless, and even I have yet to scratch the surface of all the ways music and songs can be used in the classroom.

After the students complete their soundtracks (for any given person, place or event), we then create a class soundtrack/playlist. We even take it one step further and select one song to embody the overall theme for the topic of study. In a day when activities and education methods get replaced year after year with the “next big thing,” music will remain a constant to which every student (year after year) will form a connection and association, and the only thing that will change are the songs and the artists (and all current musicians and songs are, after all, merely revised versions of older musicians and songs).

In addition to being an incredibly effective tool, it will turn a growing concern into an education aide. In a day when teachers and schools are finding it nearly impossible to regulate and control cell phone use during school, this activity allows students to use their cell phones, scan their playlists and turn what is a distraction and annoyance to many into an effective and useful means of educating. I am no education expert, but I do have a unique ability to find effective ways to engage students and, as the proverb states, “teach the way they learn.” By using music and having students create historical soundtracks and playlists, I have had great success with nearly all of my students regardless of their learning levels.


Nicholas FerroniNicholas Ferroni is a revered educator and historian who mentors his mostly lower-income students with deep personal commitment and care. This former actor turned teacher, writer, and host was recently named one of the 100 most influential people in America for his commitment to education reform as well as developing a “Teach the Truth” campaign to incorporate more minority figures and groups into the high school social studies curriculum. Nick was also named one of Men’s Fitness Magazine’s “25 Fittest Men in the World,” an honor generally reserved for prominent athletes and actors. He has received national attention by numerous educators and doctors for his unique and innovative methodology in successfully reaching contemporary and urban students, and has been featured in various academic and scholarly journals. Nick is currently developing two history show pilots, one of which he will be hosting, and is currently working on his celebrity charity book titled The Awkward Album, which will reveal some of our most beloved celebrities’ awkward and insecure moments during their childhood, and show every child that everyone (including our most beautiful celebrities) goes through awkward and insecure moments in their youth. You can follow Nicholas Ferroni on Twitter @NicholasFerroni.

December’s Nominate a Hero Finalists!

Nominate Your Hero Here!

Congrats to Mark R – our Hero of the Month for December. You can read every finalist’s story below!

Name: Scott D.
Profession: Registered Nurse
Nominated by: Barbara S.

Described as an inspiration to all who know him, Scott is a Registered Nurse working as a home visitor with a hospice unit. Before going into nursing, Scott saved lives as a combat engineer & infantryman with the US Army, jump master, parachute trainer, rescue scuba diver and former Fire Chief. Scott also frequently volunteers to work with the homeless, buying them food and helping them find services and resources. He has also worked with the Veterans Association, attending military funerals and visiting homebound veterans. In his role as a hospice nurse, Scott often brings his beloved dogs with him on home visits. He even volunteered to adopt a veteran’s dog when the owner moved into an assisted living facility. Scott’s nominator, Barbara, describes him as ‘a true hero to his neighbors and friends’ who ‘has been there to help when no one else stepped up.’

Scott DresslerScott D. and his nominator, Barbara

Name: Mark R.
Profession: Firefighter & EMT
Nominated by: Jessica M., a former patient

Mark and Jessica met under the worst of circumstances. A driver crashed into a car carrying Jessica and her daughter, Kendra, on a backwoods rural road. Mark and his team responded to the scene. As responders worked on freeing Jessica from the vehicle, she remembers Mark crawling into the car beside her, assessing her medical state and updating her on Kendra’s condition. “He not only took care of me that day, he held my hand, made me human not just a patient,” remembers Jessica. Following the accident, Mark traveled to check on Jessica’s daughter after she underwent brain surgery. Even now, Mark continues to keep tabs on Kendra, responding whenever she has a medical emergency, even if he’s off-duty, and organizing fellow firefighters to help build a wheelchair ramp for her home. Seven years after their fateful meeting, the three remain close friends.

From Left to Right: Kendra, Mark, Jessica, Willy and Bill. Mark, Willy and Bill all responded to the accident.

Name: Marilyn M.
Profession: Educator
Nominated by: Kendra N.

Marilyn has dedicated more than 40 years of her life to Education. She got her start in the early 70’s, teaching deaf and blind students in one of the first programs developed specifically for these children. Marilyn then moved to a small Alaskan village to teach Special Education. For years, she traveled around Alaska evaluating and writing programs for severely handicapped children and teaching Special Education and Kindergarten.  After 30 years of teaching, Marilyn retired to Oregon and began working as a Reading Teacher.  Motivated by her own struggles as a young student, she has a passion for helping students learn to read and write. Her successful reading program has helped countless young students over the course of her career. Marilyn retired from teaching in 2002, but continued to pursue her passion for education by working as a teacher’s aide, reading assistant and librarian. She is still actively working and volunteering in the Oregon school system, where ‘her excellence in teaching and working with young kids has always been apparent to the kids, the parents, other staff, and administration.’

Marilyn and one of her students in Alaska in the 1980’s

Name: John B.
Profession: Firefighter & Paramedic
Nominated by: Lori B., his wife

The son of a Chief of Police and Registered Nurse, John knew he wanted to be a Fireman at age 2. John started his Firefighting career roughly 38 years ago and launched his nonprofit, Firefighters for Fun, just 8 years later. He now travels the country educating children with his fire truck and ambulance classrooms, passing out extensive resources and spreading his ‘If you can be Heard, you can be Rescued’ motto. The life-saving potential of John’s mission was proved just a few weeks ago, when a wheelchair-bound man was saved from a dangerous house fire after his neighbors were able to find and rescue him thanks to a whistle John had given the man just months earlier. John uses all his spare time, including vacations, raising money for Firefighters for Fun, even converting another old fire truck into a mobile restaurant serving up food and fire knowledge at state fairs to help raise funds.

John teaching children CPR using his HOTS (Helping Others to Survive) Ambulance Classroom


The Fun Stuff: Giveaway Winners!

Here at California Casualty, we care about

the fun stuff.

We know auto and home insurance isn’t anybody’s absolute favorite thing to talk about. But that doesn’t mean we don’t have some fun around here. For me, the most entertaining part of my job is…

announcing the winners of our giveaways!

No matter what we are giving away, no matter who wins, no matter where they live… it’s always a blast.

They’re also excited.
They’re always surprised.
And they’re always so grateful.
(Which is slightly ironic, considering our giveaways reward people who truly deserve it and are our way of saying thanks to them.)

We’ve recently announced the winners of TWO giveaways: Our “Work Hard, Play Hard” Polaris ATV and Our School Lounge Makeover.

The winner of our Polaris ATV is a very deserving volunteer paramedic and EMS instructor named Ellie Piatt of Huber Heights, Ohio.

Congratulations, Ellie!

When we headed to Ohio to surprise Ellie at a department meeting, we learned she’d never even so much as sat on an ATV before! But that didn’t seem to curb her excitement. Ellie says she plans to use the $10,000 ATV to help her Bethel Township Fire Department better help the community.

 Ellie, The Bethel Township Fire Department, and member of the California Casualty team all posing with the Polaris ATV

An extremely selfless volunteer paramedic!? I guess we shouldn’t have been surprised. But the genuine bigheartedness of the people we work with is always the biggest reminder of why we work so hard to protect these American Heroes.

Congratulations, Ellie, and thanks for continuing to volunteer your time, talents, and treasures to your community.

As if that wasn’t rewarding enough…

We also revealed our most recently completed School Lounge Makeover

This time, we had the pleasure of working with EON Designs to remodel the Teachers Lounge at Tusky Valley High School. (Tusky Valley is also in Ohio, what a coincidence!)

I had the pleasure of going out to TVHS in May to help surprise our winning teacher.

Kelly Gulling is a highly regarded and much beloved Chemistry and Physics teacher.

Congratulations, Kelly!

For the last 3 months, the EON Design team has been working hard to give the TVHS Teaching Team the Teachers Lounge they deserve. One with chairs that don’t break when you sit in them, enough space for everyone to enjoy the space, and a decor that is relaxing and soothing.

So here’s what the lounge looked like before the School Lounge Makeover

On Tuesday, we revealed the newly made-over TVHS School Lounge!

Are you ready for this?!… 

Doesn’t it look fantastic!? I really love the color…

And here’s Kelly, our winner, in the Lounge with her local Union President (far left) and the Principal at TVHS (far right).

I can’t tell you guys how great it was to see the Before and After of this School Lounge Makeover. The entire community at Tusky Valley High School was a pleasure to meet!

We hope you guys have a rockin new school year in your new lounge! Thanks for letting us get to know your community and reward your educators for everything they do.



Are you an Educator? Could your School Lounge use a Makeover? We are giving away TWO $7500 Makeovers next year! Click here to enter your school for your chance to win one


A Special Kind of Class: A TOP Education Blog

Part of the beauty of the blog world is the opportunity to bring people together, to help facilitate the sharing of ideas and resources.

This is especially true among our Education bloggers. While our Police, Fire and EMT, and Nurse bloggers also share resources and mostly support, educators love to share actual lesson plans, teaching ideas, and other day-to-day resources.

And the blog world is the perfect place to bring teachers who all teach a specific grade level or specific class together to really target the sharing.

This is especially true of today’s blog: An education blog about Special Education.


A Special Kind of Class.

Amanda from A Special Kind of Class is a Special Ed Teacher and rockstar blogger.

Not only does Amanda have awesome experience-driven tips for special ed teachers, but she also has great general teaching ideas and resources for all educators (like adorable Father’s Day presents).

And she catalogs it all with great pictures.

Like most of our Battle of the Bloggers, Amanda’s blog is a testament to her multi-tasking skills. She participates in Book Clubs with other bloggers and maintains a great TeachersPayTeachers site where you can buy some of her original teaching resources.

Want to know more about A Special Kind of Class? Here’s our Q&A with Amanda:

How would you describe your blog? It’s a blog about the life of a special education teacher.

What is the focus of A Special Kind of Class?  I hope to give tips to teachers for working with special needs students.  All the products I made can be adapted and I show how I do it.

Why did you first start it?  There were not a lot of special education blogs out at the time.  I didn’t have anywhere to go to for teaching ideas for my population so I thought I would write it myself.

How long have you been blogging? Just over a year.

What’s your favorite thing to write about? Adaptations I make.

How would you describe your blog ‘community’?  I am surrounded by a group of other teacher bloggers that are wonderful in supporting others that are just starting out.  They welcome everyone, share tips etc.

What has been your best experience as a blogger? Finding other teachers with classes like mine that want to share and learn for each other.

What have you learned? That I’m not alone teaching the children that I’m teaching.

If you win Battle of the Blogs, to which charity will you donate your $200 winnings and why?  The Starlight Foundation because they grant wishes to families and children with disabilities.

Is there anywhere else on the web we can keep up with you? Yes, Facebook.

Want to check out some of the tips on A Special Kind of Class? Click here! To vote for your favorite education blog, click here

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