Our Education Blogger is a public school teacher with over a decade of experience. She’s an active NEA member and enjoys writing about her experiences in the classroom.
Thinking about getting a pet for your classroom? You might be surprised how beneficial having a classroom pet can be! But before you run out to buy the perfect classroom pet, there a few things to think about.
Why Should I Have A Classroom Pet?
There are many benefits to having a classroom pet! According to Pets in the Classroom, pets provide learning opportunities, enrich the classroom experience, improve attendance, teach responsibility, aid in immune system performance, boost student morale, encourage nurturing behavior, build self-esteem, and strengthen social skills. Learn more at petsintheclassroom.org.
Do Your Research
Find out what kind of care the animal requires, what type of enclosure is preferred, feeding requirements, and other needs. Have the animal examined at your local veterinarian office (many vets will conduct an exam on classroom pets free of charge, just call to ask!). Also, research any diseases the animal may transfer to humans.
Keep Parents Informed
Be sure the parents of students in your classroom are aware you have a classroom pet. Some students may have pet allergies and must be seated away from the pet enclosure. It may also be wise to send home literature detailing the benefits of having a pet in the classroom.
Have A Plan For When School Isn’t In Session
Make plans for weekends, holiday breaks, and summer break. Where will the pet go? Who will care for it? Will students take turns taking it home on weekends? What items will need to be sent home with students? You might consider using an online sign-up system like SignUp.com to make these arrangements. It is also a good idea to send home care instructions with students who are taking the animal home.
Here are some of the best classroom pets, according to PetMD.com:
Bearded Dragon – gentle, can be held occasionally
Guinea Pigs – minimal care, easily handled, social
Rabbits – affectionate, social, some can be skittish and become defensive
Rats – affectionate, intelligent, minimal care
Fish – visually intriguing, stress and anxiety reliever
You Can Apply For A Grant That Will Help Fund Your Classroom Pet
Petsintheclassroom.org is an educational grant program that provides financial support to teachers to purchase and maintain small animals in the classroom. The program was established by the Pet Care Trust to provide children with an opportunity to interact with pets—an experience that can help to shape their lives for years to come. (Pre-K through 9th grade)
**Please remember, just like a family pet, an animal is a lifelong commitment. Consider adopting rather than purchasing an animal from a pet store. As the primary classroom educator, you are considered the animal’s guardian and caregiver and are responsible for the well-being of the animal, even when you are not in the animal’s presence.
This article is furnished by California Casualty, providing auto and home insurance to educators, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or www.calcas.com.
Our Education Blogger is a public school teacher with over a decade of experience. She’s an active NEA member and enjoys writing about her experiences in the classroom
As we observe Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, we have the opportunity to teach students about Martin Luther King, Jr., civil rights, and tolerance. We’ve curated a variety of videos, lesson plans, resources, and other activities to help you.
A teacher’s resource guide that provides activities for students in kindergarten through eighth grade to explore the rich history of the civil rights movement and the persona of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. This educational curriculum was developed by The Alonzo Crim Center for Excellence in Urban Education at Georgia State University. The curriculum focuses on building on students’ current civil rights knowledge and helping them to compare present-day realities to past struggles for justice in America and throughout the world.
Curriculum-focused service lessons for grades 3–5 and 6–8. Teach your students about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and inspire them to “lead in deed.” Classroom-friendly resources, including videos, news articles, photographs, book lists, and lesson plans to support your Common Core work.
The King Institute provides document-based lesson plans, online educational resources and professional development with emphasis on the modern African American Freedom Struggle. Our resources focus not only on King’s visionary ideas, but also the work of ordinary people who have made extraordinary contributions to liberation movements.
Examine Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy with lesson plans and videos. Use classroom resources to examine King’s impact on civil rights and his ongoing legacy with your students.
Join PBS LearningMedia in observing and celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr. Day with this special collection of resources related to Dr. King and his achievements.
Kelly is an NEA member and teaches highs school theater and drama. She strives every day to encourage her students to work hard and believe in themselves. Check out how she helped one student achieve his dream of a dance career.
Our Education Blogger is a public school teacher with over a decade of experience. She’s an active NEA member and enjoys writing about her experiences in the classroom.
Teachers are some of the sickest people I know. And I don’t mean the modern slang definition of “sick” as in “super cool” (although teachers are really cool). Because of the nature of our jobs, we are prone to illness, both physically and mentally.
When we have a physical illness, like bronchitis or the stomach flu, we take sick days to recover. Mental health issues are no different. If we don’t take time to address our mental well-being, work performance suffers, and the unaddressed illness can worsen. Treat your mental well-being as you would your physical health.
When Should I Take A Mental Health Day?
According to Amy Morin, a psychotherapist and author of “How to Know When to Take a Mental Health Day” (Psychology Today, July 2017), there are a few instances when you should seriously consider taking a mental day:
When you’re distracted by something you need to address
When you’ve been neglecting yourself
When you need to attend appointments to care for your mental health
What Do I Say To My Administrator?
Simple: “I don’t feel well enough to come to school.” No need to lie or make up an excuse. Just be honest.
What Do I Do On My Day Off?
Don’t sleep all day or spend hours watching TV, these can exacerbate any mental issues that may be going on. Instead, connect with friends or family, go for a walk, read a book, or take a short nap. If needed, take care of any pressing financial matters or accomplish important tasks you’ve been putting off.
Are Mental Health Days Considered Personal or Sick Time?
It depends on your employer. Ideally, mental health should be considered a health issue, just as a physical illness. However, many employers still don’t see it that way. Ask your administrator what your district or building policy is regarding taking mental health days as part of your sick leave. If you can’t take a sick day, consider taking personal time.
I am lucky to have an administrator who is empathetic and allows, and even encourages, teachers to use sick time to take mental health days. He understands his teachers need to be in their best health in order to do their best job.
Taking a day off for you mental well-being is essential to your overall health. So, allow yourself to take a day to recharge and regroup.
Our Education Blogger is a public school teacher with over a decade of experience. She’s an active NEA member and enjoys writing about her experiences in the classroom.
Teaching financial literacy doesn’t have to be complicated! We’ve got you covered with a breakdown of teaching financial literacy and helpful resources to get you started.
What is Financial Literacy?
Financial Literacy is the knowledge and skills needed to make informed decisions regarding financial resources. It includes long-term planning skills and everyday use of personal financial literacy knowledge.
Why Should We Teach It?
Many young people lack the most basic of personal finance skills. Students are entering “the real world” with little or no personal finance skills. It is the job of educators to teach students to manage their money effectively. In many states, personal financial literacy is a required standard. However, it should be taught to all students, regardless of state requirements. Students who are taught financial literacy skills are more likely to become financially responsible.
What Should I Teach?
Here are some topics to get you started: budgeting, saving, investing, credit cards, loans, interest, identity theft and safety. You can find basic lessons for even the youngest of students.
Secret Millionaires Club – Warren Buffett’s Secret Millionaires Club is an animated series that features Warren Buffett as a mentor to a group of entrepreneurial kids whose adventures lead them to encounter financial and business problems to solve. The program teaches the basics of good financial decision making and some of the basic lessons of starting a business.
I Rule Money – I Rule Money gives teens the answers to questions about money in a voice they understand: their own. I Rule Money digs into important financial topics without lectures, boring scripts or complicated explanations. Just real teens explaining money matters to other teens in terms they can all understand.
Lesson Plans
Money As You Learn – Money as You Learn provides teachers with Common Core aligned texts, lessons, and tasks that connect the Common Core to real life applications while also equipping students with the knowledge needed to make smart financial decisions.
Scholastic – Adventures in Math: Real-world math and money activities for grades K-8.
EconEdLink.org – CEE’s standards-aligned, active learning lessons provide step-by-step instructions and make your classes educational, engaging and fun.
Hands On Banking – The Hands on Banking courses include free instructor guides with classroom lessons and activities that will help you guide students through real-life scenarios and group discussions to teach valuable financial skills.
Money As You Grow – A resource for parents and teachers with activities and tips.
My Classroom Economy – My Classroom Economy is a program that enables any educator to teach children financial responsibility through fun, experiential learning. It’s a simple classroom economic system based on the idea that students need to earn school “dollars” so that they can rent their own desks. By bringing real-world scenarios into the classroom, students see the impact of their decisions to save, spend, and budget. Everything you need to build a classroom economy is available on this site—for free.
Consumer Jungle – Learning about personal finance isn’t always a good time. Fear no more. With all of these games, learning about personal finance will be like taking a vacation to Disneyland. Alright, maybe not that exciting but they might be better than those lengthy lectures from Mom and Dad. The best part — you can search by topic or recently posted. Kinda cool, huh?
Practical Money Skills – Ready to get your game on? Test your money skills and give your brain a workout with these fun and educational games.
The Great Piggy Bank Adventure – The Great Piggy Bank Adventure® online is a virtual board game that educates kids and adults on the importance of wise financial planning. Kids will learn about important financial concepts and use these lessons to complete the game and achieve their dream goals. While The Great Piggy Bank Adventure® is designed for kids from ages 8 to 14, fun-loving adults are encouraged to play with their kids and get involved in their financial education.
Sand Dollar City – Sand Dollar City is an underwater adventure that teaches children ages 8 and up to sink or swim in this virtual world. The story unfolds with your child being given the family‘s candy store. The challenge? Get the store out of debt while turning a profit and beating the competition. It’s real life lessons of business while having fun learning!
The Fun Vault – Find educational money games that are fun and free to play. The Fun Vault introduces kids ages 5 and up to money basics.
We want to hear from you! In the comment section, let us know how you teach financial literacy in your classroom.
Our Education Blogger is a public school teacher with over a decade of experience. She’s an active NEA member and enjoys writing about her experiences in the classroom.
I’m always searching for supplemental lesson plans and resources to accompany my prescribed district curriculum and materials. Since I’m on a limited budget, it’s always great to find them for free where I can. Here is a compilation of my favorite websites with free teacher lesson plans and resources. Enjoy! 🙂
ShareMyLesson.com– ShareMyLesson offers free lesson plans for all grade levels and subjects. In addition to teacher lesson plans, ShareMyLesson also offers free professional development opportunities. The website is easy to navigate and lessons are easily accessible. All you need to do is complete the free sign-up and you’re in!
LessonPlansPage.com – With over 4,000 free, teacher-created lesson plans, you can’t go wrong with this HotChalk’s Lesson Plans Page. You can even share your own lesson plans. Membership is free.
TeachersPayTeachers.com – Thousands of lesson plans created by teachers for teachers displayed in a simple format, offering lesson plans for all grade levels and subject areas. Membership is free, however, some lessons cost money. You can easily filter your search to include only the free lessons.
Teach-Nology.com– Over 30,000 free lesson plans and 8,000+ free, printable worksheets. All grade levels and subjects are represented.
KidsDiscover.com – High-Interest, nonfiction, science and social studies articles and lesson plans for grades K-8. The user-friendly format of the website is straightforward, making iit easy to find what you’re looking for.
TheTeachersCorner.net– A collection of educational worksheets, lesson plans, activities and resources for teachers and parents. The Teacher’s Corner offers free crossword puzzle maker, printable worksheets, word search maker, printable Sudoku puzzles, daily writing prompts, and lesson plans for all grade levels and subjects.
EducationWorld.com– The Lesson Library at EducationWorld.com is a compilation of free resources and lesson plan for all subject areas and grade levels. Games, webquests, and an article library also make this site a great tool for teachers. In addition to lesson plans, it is a wonderful teacher resource for all things education.
MyCalCas.com/Printables– We may be an insurance company, but that doesn’t mean we don’t love being creative! That’s why we’ve started building a library of free printable resources for teachers and education professionals to use in their classrooms, offices, or even at home.
What is your favorite website with free lesson plans?
For over half a century, California Casualty has been in the business of serving educators. Click here to learn about all the incredible benefits we offer!
This article is furnished by California Casualty, providing auto and home insurance to educators, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or www.calcas.com.