Ask any teacher. They love getting gifts, but there’s a limit to the number of coffee mugs and candles that any one person can enjoy. We’ve asked teachers what they really want, and they’ve answered. Here’s the definitive guide on the best gifts for teachers this holiday season.
Fun Classroom Supplies
Most teachers spend their own money on classroom supplies, so these are sure to be a big hit. Consider putting together a gift basket with a few items. Package them in a plastic container like a shower caddy that also may be used for organizing supplies for a practical twist.
We love these pens for their inspirational sayings and vibrant colors. But any set of quality pens for grading and notes will work. Don’t forget the Expo markers, too.
Post-it notes come in so many fun shapes and sizes. Not only are they useful for teachers’ organization, but they are also ideal for students sharing ideas in large group activities.
Personalized notes, including those that depict the subject area that teachers teach, can be fun. You can find personalized stamps and stickers, too.
Self-Care Items
Here’s how you can provide thoughtful gifts that promote self-care in the classroom and beyond. These useful items can make a teacher’s life much easier. For higher ticket items, consider going in with a group of parents or the class.
Elevate the teacher’s chair with this ultra-comfortable cushion.
Food & Snacks
Chocolate, baked goods, and gift baskets of food and snacks are always appreciated. Just be aware of any food allergies or dietary restrictions.
Gift Cards
Choose gift cards for the places that teachers shop, such as Target, Amazon Prime, Michaels, or Teachers Pay Teachers. During a busy holiday season, teachers would also appreciate gift cards from Door Dash, Starbucks, Dunkin, grocery stores, gas stations, and local restaurants.
These fun lanyards add some pizzazz to an everyday badge. Find one with your teacher’s subject area or interest.
Personal Notes of Thanks
Handwritten notes by students cost nothing but mean so much. They are among a teacher’s favorite gifts.
What to Avoid
In searching for the perfect gift, you will want to stay away from the following.
Avoid alcohol unless you know the teacher enjoys wine, beer, or spirits.
Let the teacher choose his/her own beauty products from hand creams to perfume/cologne, jewelry, and makeup. These are highly personal choices.
Stay away from apple motif items and desk display items that are essentially “dust collectors.” Chances are your child’s teacher already has more than they need.
Teachers also get a fair number of mugs, candles, and ornaments. They probably don’t need any more.
Do you have other great ideas for teacher gifts? Share them in the comments. See our blog on teacher stocking stuffers and how to thank a teacher for some more great ideas.
This article is furnished by California Casualty, providing auto and home insurance to educators, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or
If the winter months get you down, you’re not alone. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) affects millions of people, and it’s more than just the winter blues. It can affect your mental and physical health.
Here’s what you need to know about SAD, including how to recognize signs and symptoms, some available treatments, and how to help those around you if you think they suffer from this condition.
What is SAD?
Seasonal Affective Disorder is a type of depression. It is more than feeling sad or unhappy, and it is not a condition that can be wished away. Symptoms start in the late fall and continue into the winter months. They are most severe during December, January, and February. Generally, SAD resolves itself during the light-filled days of spring. (There also is a form of summer SAD, thought to be caused by the heat, humidity, and allergies. Summer SAD is much less common.) SAD usually starts in adulthood. It is rare among people who are under age 20. It is more common among women than men.
What causes SAD?
The exact cause is not known, but it is thought that SAD is linked to reduced exposure to sunlight. Light stimulates the hormone, serotonin, in our brain which makes us feel happy. Increased darkness on the other hand prompts the brain to make more melatonin, causing sleepiness and reduced energy.
What are the signs of SAD?
SAD can affect how you feel, think, and behave. The symptoms are persistent and can be severe. While not every person experiences all the symptoms, here are some common ones for winter SAD.
Losing interest in activities: If the activities that usually interest you lose their appeal, that’s a symptom of a low mood or depression.
Low energy and sluggishness: You may find it difficult to muster the energy to do the most basic tasks. You might experience extreme fatigue.
Sleeping too much: You find yourself sleeping more than usual, and you have difficulty waking up. You may experience daytime drowsiness.
Appetite changes: You crave the mood and energy boosting comfort of carbs. However, overloading on carbs can lead to weight gain.
Difficulty concentrating: You may be unable to focus and have trouble thinking clearly.
Negative thinking: You may feel hopeless, worthless, or even suicidal. You might be anxious and irritable.
What are options for treatment?
Without treatment, SAD can last months. However, most people who seek help can see improvement in a matter of weeks. The symptoms of SAD may look like other mental health conditions, so it’s important to get a diagnosis. A doctor or mental health professional can diagnose SAD and offer options for treatment. Treatments may include:
Light therapy: This involves sitting in front of a special light in a lightbox or panel for a specific amount of time each day.
Sunlight exposure: Spending more time outside during daylight hours can help. Consider a daily walk or outdoor exercise.
Psychotherapy: Talk therapy can help you to understand SAD and manage its symptoms from anxiety to depression.
Medications: ln some cases, antidepressants may be prescribed to correct the chemical imbalance caused by SAD.
Here are some ways to help prevent SAD.
You can take steps to prepare for winter SAD, which may help to reduce its effects.
It may be tempting to go into hibernation mode when it starts to become dark early. However, that can perpetuate the feelings of depression. Instead, plan activities to stay social. This will help to boost your mood.
Exercise regularly. If you can exercise in the sunlight, that’s a double boost.
Eat a healthy balanced diet. If you’re tempted by carbs for a quick energy boost, go for complex carbohydrates instead. For example, choose whole grain breads and fruits over sweets and chips.
Maintain a consistent sleep routine. Avoid excessive amounts of caffeine and alcohol, especially before bed.
Finally, seek professional help if your symptoms persist. SAD is treatable, and fortunately, does not last forever.
This article is furnished by California Casualty, providing auto and home insurance to educators, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or