Renae H- Educator | November NAH Finalist

Renae H- Educator | November NAH Finalist

Voting is now closed. Click here to view the winner announcement and read all the hero’s stories!

Renae’s passion for education leaves a lifelong impression on students and families. She is always warm, welcoming, and smiling, always asking how everyone is doing. Her attention to the little things that creates a close bond with her students. Renae has implemented a daily reading program for her students, encouraging reading every evening after school.

She embraces diversity among students. Each week, students bring photos, traditions, and activities about their families to share with classmates. At the end of the year, Mrs. Harris give special gifts to her kindergarteners to remember the year, including a special book about future plans and reaching your goals, no matter how hard the road may be.

She writes a special note to each student inside the book. She also gives a special CD with recordings of activities from the year spent together. Mrs. Harris fills her classroom with love, fun, respect, understanding, and caring. Here’s an excerpt from one of her notes to a student, to show you how special she makes each of them feel:

I’m glad I was your teacher,
I’ve come to love you so,
I can’t believe the end is here,
I hate to see you go.
Remember all the fun we had,
in all the things we did.
But most of all remember,
You’re a Very Special Kid!



Kathy B – Nurse | November NAH Finalist

Kathy B – Nurse | November NAH Finalist

Voting is now closed. Click here to view the winner announcement and read all the hero’s stories!

To her patients, Kathy is considered family for the care and love she gives. Kathy had such a large impact on those in her care, one of her patients wrote to us. This patient, at a young age, went through a bone marrow transplant and chemotherapy. She says Kathy was the best nurse, going above and beyond to give her superior care.

As this young patient struggled with seeing others in similar situations pass away, Kathy was there to keep her spirits up – offering encouragement and a shoulder to cry on. Once she was healthy again, Kathy helped her restart her college dreams, even helping to locate scholarships. To this day, Kathy calls and emails her patient to make sure she is doing well.

Kathy goes above and beyond, making a personal connection with her patients and following through after treatment ends. She is an inspiration for her fellow nurses, and our nominee for hero of the month!


Joe K – Volunteer Firefighter/Deputy | November NAH Finalist

Voting is now closed. Click here to view the winner announcement and read all the hero’s stories!

Joe has been a volunteer firefighter, EMT, and reserve deputy for what some say seems like thousands of years. His passion has always been with helping people. Joe started as a charter member of the fire department in 1974. He is the only original member still active today.

Joe still actively participates in training, responding to alarms, as well as acting as a mentor to many new firefighters.  He’s not satisfied with just being an important part of his local fired department, though. As a reserve deputy, Joe has had countless encounters with criminals, including one arrest linked to a string of incidents surrounding a local methamphetamine ring.  Joe continues his day job, and dedicates his evenings and free time to volunteering at the Sheriff’s Department and Fire Department.

Joe is a true hero – selflessly protecting his community, taking care of his fellow firefighters, and making the news on occasion!

Joe Kenworthy

Dan T – Educator | October NAH Finalist

Voting is now closed! Click here to view the winner announcement!

Be sure to read all our hero’s stories here.

Dan is a full- time educator and a full-time family man. His daily life isn’t an easy one.  He cares for two family members with serious illnesses, while working multiple jobs (as teacher, private tutor, and teacher’s assistant for an on-line university) to provide food, shelter, and pay medical bills.  He doesn’t let stress prevent from living out his passion, however.  Dan has been teaching for over 20 years. He brings his full spirit and character to the classroom every day, leaving stress at the door. Dan constantly challenges himself and others, working to make sure that every day is better than the last for his students. Dan’s continued work in the classroom is an inspiration – and his selfless love for his family and devotion to his students makes him a hero.

dan T

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