As the weather starts to change once again, we look towards the fall season. This means it is important to remember to prepare your house and family accordingly for the season change. Preparing for fall can help save money, and protect your family and home. Check out these tips about preparing your home both inside and out, along with family (including pets).
Inside the house
Service your furnace / air conditioner. Be sure to call your local heating and cooling company to service and make sure everything is working properly. Double check furnace for any leaks. This will save headaches and money later when the temperatures drop.
Check to make sure your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide monitors are properly working. It’s important to know the alarms work, and that fresh batteries have been installed. Replace any fire extinguishers that have expired with new ones throughout the home.
If you keep emergency kits, make sure they are full and stocked with small medical items, water, flashlight with fresh batteries, and any supplies needed. There should be enough to last you and the family about a week.
Stock up on winter supplies. If you live in a climate where it snows frequently or ices, stock up on shovels, ice scrapers, sidewalk salts, etc. If your climate features heavy rain or hurricanes, make sure you have plenty of tarps, bottled water, duct tape, etc.
Use caution with space heaters and fireplaces. Place a fireplace screen in front of fire to prevent sparks from flying out. Never leave a burning fire unattended, and make sure the fire is out before going to bed. If your space heater requires ventilation, make sure it vents to the outdoors. Never use a stove or oven to heat home. Always allow three feet of empty area around the space heaters.
Outside the home
Reconsider burning the big pile of leaves. Check with your city’s regulations. It may be illegal to burn leaves. Burning leaves produce dangerous and cancer-causing chemicals according to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). If you are going to burn the leaves, wear a protective mask. Make sure that you are far away from the house or any other structures. Double check the weather forecast for the day for windy activity.
Watch for power lines if trimming trees in the yard. Look and survey your yard area for power lines hanging above. Notice the placement of your ladder and trimming tools.
Use caution while using a ladder. If you have to clean leaves out of the gutter, remember to have on appropriate footwear to avoid getting caught in between steps. Watch the steps for water or moisture to avoid slipping and falling. Make sure the ladder is secure and placed before climbing.
Check all of the outdoor lighting fixtures. Make sure they all are working properly and secure. Outdoor lights are also effective deterrents for crime.
When you’re cleaning up your yard, prevent injuries by standing straight and upright while raking leaves. Pull from your arms and legs, lift bags with bent knees using your legs, not your back, for support. If you’re using a leaf blower, wear appropriate clothing, eye protection, and tennis shoes or boots to prevent injury.
Go get a flu shot. There are still possibilities of getting sick after receiving the shot, but it will protect you from severe complications.
Not just for employees returning to work, wash your hands. Use hot water, plenty of soap, and scrub for at least 30 seconds.
Bundle up if it is cold. Wear a jacket and dress accordingly.
Pets. If your furry friend lives outside, feed them more in the cooler times to help them retain body heat.
Keep an emergency kit in your car. If you haven’t already, make up an emergency kit and keep in your trunk. Some are in stores already made-up. To make your own, include a flashlight with fresh batteries, first-aid kit, jumper cables, windshield washer fluid, and basic tools.
Voting is now closed! You may still share the heroes’ pages, but votes will not count. Congratulations to Officer Mansfield, he is our August Hero of the Month! Stay tuned as we announce the finalists for September!
How to vote: Read the stories of each hero (see the links below). Then, simply share the page of your favorite hero on Facebook, Twitter, or Linkedin. At the bottom of each page, you’ll see “Sharing is Caring” and an arrow pointing to the buttons that will share the page.
We’ll announce the winners on September 2nd, so get to voting!
Voting is now closed! You may still share the heroes’ pages, but votes will not count. Congratulations to Officer Mansfield, he is our August Hero of the Month! Stay tuned as we announce the finalists for September!
Michael knew he wanted to be a firefighter from a young age. His family says he has always had the compassion and drive to help people. Michael got his start around the fire community when he served as a Police, Fire and EMT dispatcher. He used the experience to start learning about firefighting. From there, Michael joined the Fort Smith Fire Department, where he served for 11 years.
While working for the fire department in July 2009, Michael got a call that changed his life. He was called to a two-story building on fire-with two people trapped inside. Michael immediately rushed into the burning building to rescue both men. One man managed to escape, but the other was unconscious due to smoke inhalation.
Michael was able to pull the man from the burning building. He was rushed to the hospital, and recovered after a few weeks. During the rescue, Michael sustained severe shoulder injuries, leading to multiple surgeries and eventual retirement. He then went on to start a company with his wife.
Voting is now closed! You may still share the heroes’ pages, but votes will not count. Congratulations to Officer Mansfield, he is our August Hero of the Month! Stay tuned as we announce the finalists for September!
LaVees’ coworkers and friends say that ‘Best’ is more than just her last name- it also perfectly describes her care for the teaching profession and her students. LaVees started her teaching career at a middle school with many social-economic challenges. Wanting to motivate and reward her students, she took it upon herself to create student recognition programs. She also served as the Associate Student Body Advisor.
In just three short years, coworkers say she transformed and organized student programs into much-needed ‘student affirming machines.’ Now working at the high school level, LaVees is frequently visited by past students hoping to catch up or share their successes with her. Her personal determination as an educator to make a difference has transformed LaVees to be an inspirational role model. Now teaching in the English department, she has broadened her school’s range of literature. Her coworkers say LaVees ‘moves forward with deep conviction about the possible impact she could make on both students and staff.’ From all accounts, she is making quite the impact indeed.
Voting is now closed! You may still share the heroes’ pages, but votes will not count. Congratulations to Officer Mansfield, he is our August Hero of the Month! Stay tuned as we announce the finalists for September!
Emily has been working as a Trauma and Burn Intensive Care Unit nurse for 3 years now. Emily had such a huge impact on one of her patients and his family, multiple family members wrote to us about this extraordinary nurse.
It all started when the victim, a young man about Emily’s age, was admitted to the hospital. He was unconscious and had no family present at the time. Not wanting him to be alone or his family to worry, Emily and her charge nurse got to work searching for clues on how to find and alert his family.
They were able to track them down, and they immediately traveled the 120 miles to visit their son in the hospital. Throughout the patient’s stay, Emily cared for him and his family as she would want someone to do for her. Even though the patient was still unconscious and in a coma, Emily talked to him frequently, kept him company, and encouraged his family to do the same.
With all of this happening right at Christmas time, Emily said she could not imagine the family’s stress. Emily remainedright by their side, checking in on her own time, bringing Christmas baked goods, and comforting the family to her best ability. His mother and grandmother remember how gentle, patient, and caring Emily was throughout the whole experience by easing their fears and calming their nerves. Emily says she takes pride in getting to know people on a personal level.
Knowing she has impacted someone’s life positively is what she loves about her job. As for the patient’s family, they could notsay enough positive things about the incredible difference Emily’s beyond-the-call care made in their lives.