In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, many homeowners are dealing with Flooding damages.

We wanted to provide you with some basic Flood Insurance information* so you can be sure you are fully protected:

  1. Standard homeowners insurance does NOT cover flooding: Your homeowners insurance policy will not cover flooding damage. Only Flood Insurance covers this kind of damage. To learn more about Flood Insurance through California Casualty, click here or scroll down to read more.
  2. Flood damages are expensive: Just two inches of water could result in more than $7,000 in damages. The higher the water, the higher the costs.
  3. New Policies take 30 days to kick in: If your home is at any risk of flooding, protect it now. Flood insurance policies take 30 days to take effect.
  4. Flood insurance offers two types of protection: Flood insurance protects your building and the contents inside of the building. Neither type protects the land they occupy. 
    1. Building Coverage includes:
      1. The insured building and its foundation
      2. The electrical and plumbing systems
      3. Central air conditioning equipment, furnaces, and water heaters
      4. Refrigerators, cooking stoves, and built-in appliances such as dishwashers
      5. Permanently installed carpeting over unfinished floors
    2. Contents coverage includes:
      1. Clothing, furniture, and electronic equipment
      2. Curtains
      3. Portable and window air conditioner units
      4. Portable microwaves and dishwashers
      5. Carpeting that is not already included in property coverage
      6. Clothing washers and dryers

Securing Flood Insurance through California Casualty: 

We provide flood insurance through  the National Flood Insurance Program to offer you the best rates and service. It was created by Congress in 1968 to help property owners protect themselves financially against flood damages. To learn about the program, click here.

*These represent typical coverages, you should speak with an agent to verify what is and is not covered


California Casualty

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