Did you know there is actually a way to save money on your insurance policy?
These 10 Auto Insurance Tips could help you save and keep more money in your pocket each month:
Combine your insurance.
Insurance companies like California Casualty offer discounts when your home or renters insurance is combined with your auto insurance.
Increase your deductibles.
Sure, the amount you will pay will be a little more if something happens to your vehicle, but the amount you’ll save each month could add up to much more, especially if you are incident-free for a number of years. Just make sure you have an emergency fund to cover that higher deductible.
Check for good driver/good student discounts.
Speaking of incident-free, when’s the last time you had an accident or a moving violation. Most insurance companies will give you a good driver discount, but make sure you tell them. The same goes for students who get good grades.
Take a defensive driving course.
When’s the last time you refreshed your skills? You may qualify for a discount after showing proof that you have completed a safe driving program.
Check insurance costs when buying a new vehicle.
Many vehicles will cost you less; others will increase your premiums. It depends on numerous criteria from the power of the engine, its safety rating and the loss history of the vehicle.
Clean up your credit.
Many companies look at your credit score and how well you do in paying your bills. The better your credit score, the better rate you are likely to receive. Clean credit also helps when you want to buy a new car, rent or buy a home, etc.
Cut your driving.
Ride a bike, join a carpool or move closer to work. How many miles you drive each year can affect your rates; the less you drive, the greater the possible discount.
Pay your premium in full each year.
Not only can you get a discount but you will avoid monthly service charges.
Get a policy review.
Has your commute changed? Did you install a security device? Did you get married? All of these can lower your rates. Talking with your insurance advisor at least once a year is the best way to make sure you get the discounts you’re entitled to. Follow this insurance coverage checklist.
Compare your current insurance to California Casualty.
We are pretty certain that when you stop and compare benefits and prices, California Casualty will be right there with the best of them. Why? We are a 100-year-old, policyholder owned company that provides auto and home insurance to educators, firefighters, LEOs and nurses with exclusive benefits not available to the general public.
Related Articles:
4 Ways to Save with a Teen Driver
This article is furnished by California Casualty, providing auto and home insurance to educators, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and nurses. Get a quote at 1.866.704.8614 or www.calcas.com.
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