Wiggle bottom, man’s best friend, cuddle bug, fur baby, smoochy pooch. We could go on and on about the crazy names we give our dogs and how much we love them. They give us joy and companionship, a reason to exercise, even someone to cry to; and ask for so little in return. Our dogs are a constant source of love and throughout their lives, our little fur balls teach us responsibility and some of the greatest life lessons.

Here are a few we’ve learned from our perfect little puppers:


Express Gratitude.

  • Whether it’s with a big, slobbery kiss or just a nuzzle of their head, dogs always let us know that they love us and are thankful for us.

Love Your Neighbors.

  • Does your dog get super excited when you mention the word “walk” or “park”? That’s because they love socializing. All friends are great, no matter age or breed.


Leave the Past Behind You.

  • Rescue pets are the perfect example. Some go through things we could never even imagine before they become a new member of the family. They live in the moment, soaking up all the happiness that comes from giving and receiving love.

Bodies Come in All Shapes and Sizes.

  • Big, small, short, tall, hairy, wrinkly, droopy; we love them all. Dogs aren’t embarrassed, and we shouldn’t be either.


Love Unconditionally.

  • No matter what we do, or how bad of a mood we come home in, our dogs are always there greeting us with a wagging tail. Their love never waivers, no matter the circumstance.

It’s OK to take a Break.

  • Taking time to relax and recharge is SO important. Dogs know when they need to rest. They have no problem letting themselves take a break, so they can be at their best when they wake up.

Focus on the Positive.

  • Have you noticed how your dog is never in a bad mood? That’s because instead of dwelling on how they just got in trouble for trying to eat out of the trash can, they are thinking about the walk they get to take after dinner. Always, look on the bright side.


Be Open to Adventure.

  • Your dog is your ride or die. They go with you everywhere without complaint, and they have some of the BEST times and experiences because of it.

Family Doesn’t Have to Be Blood.

  • Family is love. If you love them, they will love you. No, if’s, and’s, or but’s about it.

We can learn so much every day by watching our dogs. They are loyal, they don’t discriminate, and they see everything in a positive light. Can you imagine how positive the world would be if everyone learned their life lessons from dogs? So, next time you are having a bad day or get into an argument with someone you love, ask yourself how your dog would handle the situation?

Life is all about perspective. 

California Casualty

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