
Most of us love to get the morning (or evening if you work shifts) started with a good cup of coffee or tea. As you go through your day, have you noticed just how many mugs have a slogan or saying on them. It seems that what’s on our cup often gives a glimpse of who we are and what we think.

After doing a little research, we’ve assembled a list of some of the best sayings we’ve found on nurse’s mugs:

  1. Nurse: the first person you see after saying “hold my beer and watch this”
  2. How I take your temperature is directly related to how nice you are to me
  3. On a scale of 1 to 10, rate the pain of coming to work
  4. NURSES: We can’t fix stupid, but we can sedate it
  5. Caffeine PO Q4H PRN
  6. RN (Rescue Ninja)
  7. I’m a Nurse, what’s your superpower
  8. What happens in clinicals stays in clinicals
  9. Yes I’m a nurse – no I don’t want to look at it
  10. Behind every stable, well-adjusted nurse….is a patient waiting to change that before the shift is over
  11. DO NOT make me use my nurse voice
  12. Nurses are here to save your butt not kiss it
  13. Don’t mess with me, I’M A NURSE: I get paid to stab people with sharp objects
  14. I’ve seen it, smelled it, touched it, heard it, stepped in it – Retired Nurse
  15. I hate being sexy but I’m a nurse so I can’t help it
  16. Do us a favor, stop watching Dr. Oz
  17. Run, the Joint Commission is coming

What’s on your favorite mug? Feel free to share it with us.

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