October is National Fire Safety Month – and we wanted to share some tips for keeping your home safe from fire. Thankfully, we have a lot of Firefighters (and some other really smart people) on our Facebook page – and I asked them to share their tips with us!

Here’s what they came up with:

  • Keep debris and brush away from your home
  • Always have a water supply handy near a burn pile
  • Don’t leave burning candles unattended
  • Create home escape routes and a safe meeting place, and practice them!
  • keep dryer vents cleaned out
  • test smoke alarms regularly
  • keep fully charged ABC fire extinguishers handy
  • eliminate extension cords
  • turn ceiling vent fans off when leaving the room
  • turn off the stove 🙂
  • check for frayed/worn wiring
  • keep space heaters away from flammable items
  • don’t let candle tins burn too long
  • don’t leave flammable materials near the stove

And last, but not least – don’t play with matches!

Thanks to all our wonderful Facebook Fans for helping me out!

California Casualty

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