Our Education Blogger is a public school teacher with over a decade of experience. She’s an active NEA member and enjoys writing about her experiences in the classroom.


Many educators turn to Facebook or Twitter for the latest in teaching strategies, materials, ideas, and news.  But did you know there are hundreds of online communities just for educators?  Using these social communities, you can network with fellow teachers, expand your personal learning network (PLN), discover and share resources, and cultivate peer-to-peer relationships.  We’ve compiled a list of our favorite online communities for teachers.


Classroom 2.0 – The social network for those interested in  Web 2.0, Social Media, and Participative Technologies in the classroom.  Participate in discussions, receive event notifications, and connect with colleagues.


Edmodo for Teachers – Need ideas for a Common Core, Science, or Spanish lesson? Just ask; our global community of educators will share resources in minutes. No matter what your grade level and subject area, we’ve got you covered.


Discovery Educator Network – The Discovery Education Community is a community of practice focused on connecting educators to their most valuable resource, each other. Whatever your role in education, you deserve a supportive learning environment that helps you improve your practice, provides valuable networking opportunities, fosters the sharing of great ideas, and focuses on the joy of teaching and learning.


EdThena – Video tools designed to enhance professional development for teachers through classroom observation and online collaboration.


Common Sense Educators – Common Sense Educators make up a community of like-minded folks who believe in the power of technology to transform learning and who believe that digital citizenship is an essential foundation for effective digital teaching.  Anyone who is an educator – whether a classroom teacher, tech coach, librarian, homeschool teacher, preservice teacher, parent coordinator, or more – can become a Common Sense Educator.


Educator Innovator – Educator Innovator provides an online hub for educators and organizations who value open learning and whose interests and spirits exemplify Connected Learning.


The Current – The Current is an open publishing site of Educator Innovator and provides a forum for the sharing of resources and stories about what we as educators are observing, doing, and reflecting upon related to Connecting Learning and teaching.


Teaching Channel – Teaching Channel is a thriving online community where teachers can watch, share, and learn diverse techniques to help every student grow.


Educators Connect – EducatorsCONNECT is an online community where teachers can socialize, form friendships, share teaching tips, classroom experiences, lesson plans, job opportunities, and more.


Edudemic – Edudemic covers the latest research, news, and resources for educators.


Better Lesson –  Search over 1M instructional resources contributed by high-performing teachers from across the country. You’ll find complete lesson plans and units, as well as a wide variety of creative instructional materials.  You can even add your own instructional resources.


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