NAH July Vickie Wilson

Vickie is a dedicated nurse, and has a big humanitarian heart. Vickie has been involved in many aspects of local and global humanitarian services most of her life.  One reason Vickie is an above average nurse is because she goes beyond the call of duty. Rarely does she say no to an opportunity to promote the service of the organization in which she is a part. She has participated in many works in East Africa; whereas, she has organized: health care to villagers and orphans, built (with help of supporters) a primary school, built latrines, facilitated the building of wells in rural villages of Kenya and taught infection prevention principles.  She also worked in Haiti after the 2010, 7.0 magnitude earthquake located 15 miles from Port-Au-Prince. Her responsibilities included helping the populace to find shelter and provided healthcare screening to injured victims.

Vickie actively supports and leads the annual February,  “Wear Red Day” activities in her community to educate women about heart disease. Heart disease is the number one killer of women in the US. She is also involved in helping foster care youth of the county in which she lives, to acquire life skills and plan for a good future. Friends and colleagues say she is very easy to talk to, compassionate, and an excellent leader. She is well respected by colleagues, superiors, and her community.  In 2014, her community awarded her the Outstanding  Women of Silicon Award. Vickie is married and has two sons.


California Casualty

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