There’s nothing like a cool dip in a pool on a hot summer day, but calm waters can be dangerous for children. The Consumer Protection Safety Commission (CPSC) reports that nearly 400 children under the age of fifteen drown every year in a pool or spa. Unfortunately, the 4th of July traditionally sees an increase in the number of pool and spa drownings.
Teaching kids to swim and maintaining proper supervision are essential in preventing water tragedies. The CPSC has teamed up with USA Swimming for a concerted pool safety campaign. “Pool Safely” offers these top 10 stay safe tips around pools and spas:
- Never leave children unattended near a pool or spa and watch them at all times
- Teach children basic water safety
- If a child is missing look for him or her in the pool or spa first
- Keep kids away from pool drains, pipes and other openings that could trap them
- Make sure any pool or spa you use has drain covers that comply with federal standards
- Lean how to swim and teach your children to swim
- Learn CPR for children and adults
- Install a four-foot or taller fence around the perimeter of pools and spas and use self-closing and self-latching gates – ask your neighbors to do the same if they have pools
- Install and use a locking safety cover on your spa
- Have lifesaving equipment such as life rings, floats and a reaching pole available and easily accessible
Keep in mind that air filled or foam toys are not water safety devices.
Some excellent learn to swim programs can be found at SwimAmerica, your local YMCA or at the American Red Cross.
There are insurance implications for those with pools. Having one is considered an “attractive nuisance,” increasing liability risk. Most companies will require it be completely fenced with a locking gate. Many companies will not cover liability from diving boards or slides, and some companies may disqualify you for homeowner insurance. Because of the increased danger, the Insurance Information Institute says pool owners may want to increase their liability coverage to at least $300,000 or $500,000.
If you have a pool, make sure you have sufficient liability coverage from your homeowner’s insurance. Call a California Casualty advisor today for a policy review, 1.800.800.9410 or visit
Sources for this article:
- Music & Arts Grant Recipients – 2024 - December 13, 2024
- Understanding Auto and Home Insurance Rate Changes - December 3, 2024
- Educators Receive $1,000 Athletic Grants from California Casualty - May 22, 2024