Time is a precious commodity for most of us. We are busy working, getting children to appointments and events and trying to maintain a home life. Since time is short, you should get the best value for it, and a new survey by Insurance.com finds shopping for auto insurance gives the best time-per-dollar payback of goods or services available.
Insurance.com talked to to 2,000 women and men under age 25 who said auto insurance had the best payback with an average of $540 for ten minutes of effort, or $54 per minute.
Cellphone plans were second with an average annual savings of $179 for 97 minutes of shopping, a per-minute savings of $1.86.
Cable or Satellite TV netted a savings of $1.72 per minute followed by new car shopping at $1.29 per minute.
So how do you pick who should insure you? Ehow.com offers these pointers on choosing an insurance company:
- Determine how much coverage you really need. A new vehicle with a bank loan may be required to carry full coverage but a rebuilt beater may not.
- Know your driving record. It will affect your premiums.
- Evaluate insurance companies using the BBB and rating services like JD Powers A.M. Best for reliability.
- Call body shops and ask how the company is to work with after a claim.
California Casualty sets a high standard for auto insurance companies with a 99 percent customer service rating and a claims satisfaction of 96 percent. California Casualty also provides the best value with exclusive benefits to group members and associations that are not available to the general public: professional discounts and highly competitive rates, flexible payment plans including EZ Pay and summer and holiday skips and reduced or zero deductibles for vandalism and collision that happen to your vehicle at the place where your work.
For maximum savings and satisfaction, call a California Casualty advisor today for a policy review and comparison at 1.800.800.9410.
Sources for this article:
- Music & Arts Grant Recipients – 2024 - December 13, 2024
- Understanding Auto and Home Insurance Rate Changes - December 3, 2024
- Educators Receive $1,000 Athletic Grants from California Casualty - May 22, 2024