May 6-12 is…

National Teacher Appreciation Week!

To celebrate, we’re digging around for some of the best education-related stuff we’ve seen. Check here as the week goes by for some of our favorite education stories, videos, quotes and resources.

To kick things off, check out one of the best homages to teaching that I’ve ever seen. Click on the TED talk below to watch.



‘I am a teacher. I am not extraordinary. It is my job that is extraordinary. It is my students who are extraordinary.’

Check out one Chicago teacher’s reflections on what makes her job so great: her students. Read the full article here.


Teaching is an art.

Teacher Day_____________

Our job is to teach the student we have. Not the ones we would like to have. Not the ones we used to have. Those we have right now. All of them.

–Dr Kevin Maxwell


California Casualty

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