Elden Elmer has volunteered with South Knox Elementary for over the past 14 years. He spends about 3 days a week helping in the kindergarten classrooms, going on field trips, and helping raise funds for the kids, including lunches.
Since the school is short staffed with parents helping, Mr. E is able to provide a helping hand when needed whether it’s laminating and copying or helping tie-dye shirts with the kids. He helped collect money from his local church to help with the school book fair. Colleagues say that he always has a positive outlook on life, and he says that it’s fun to work with all the kids.
Deb Fell is said to be a phenomenal Special Needs educator, mastering the art and craft of teaching using her Irish charm to calm students during crisis thanks to her “Hakuna-Matata” approach to life and school. She is not seen by most as a boss, but more like a marvel inspiring those around her. She tutors and helps new teachers learn the most important lessons at hand to be successful educators themselves.
She recognizes that for new teachers it’s that “street smarts” are more valuable than “book smarts” taught in any education class. Deb is passionate about continuing one’s personal education to continue success in the field and is not one to shy away from a learning opportunity. Deb took a trip to Guatemala for a course to further her knowledge of Spanish.
Corporal Phil Arnzen and Deputy Austin Smith are nominated for their bravery, courage, and for going above the call. Both were dispatched to an accident call to where the vehicle had left the road, overturning into a ditch full of water. One of the occupants from the car was pinned under the vehicle, placing them under water, trying to keep their head above it.
Arnzen and Smith then paged for the local volunteer fire department. With no time to wait for the other medical units to arrive, both officers decided to lift the car off the victim, being only option left to save a life. They were able to lift and move the 2,800 pound vehicle, in fact saving the victim’s life. Corporal Arnzen and Deputy Smith were both awarded a Certificate for Valor and Bravery for their actions.
Shira Coleman is a tough nurse that does whatever it takes to give her patients the best care possible. She first became an EMT and from that her passion grew stronger. She wanted to be a nurse. Shira is a full-time charge nurse in the ER, and sexual assault nurse examiner, helping with forensic cases.
She has helped save many lives during the aftermath of the Aurora shootings, staying calm and collective helping anyway she could. Along with being nominated for the Nightingale Award, she is working on a new protocol for her hospital for mass casualty incidents. In addition to being a busy nurse, she is a great mom.
Russell is an outstanding firefighter, making an impact to many lives. He is the Vice-President of the Portsmouth Fire Fighters Charitable Association where he organized a fundraiser, Sarah’s Ride, for fellow firefighter Sarah Fox while she fought breast cancer. The ride Russell organized continues as memorial following the loss of Sarah in 2011, it hosts over 300 motorcycles and more than 2,000 people in attendance. Funds from the ride continue to do good things in the community including sending young women to Camp Fully Involved, a week-long firefighting school held each summer.
As Captain of the local “Movember” team, Bros with Mo’s, Firefighters were able to raise $17,000 for cancer research. Russell also organized fundraisers for a second firefighter, Jeff Bokum who lost his battle with cancer in 2012. Russell remembers both Sarah and Jeff through a cancer awareness program he developed for firefighters. The program is delivered through a team of dedicated volunteers across New England. Along with being a busy firefighter, he is also a dedicated husband and father of two young ladies.
Francis is a full-time firefighter and part-time nurse at Cancer Treatment Centers of America in Philadelphia. Before serving in these life-saving capacities, Fran was a Paramedic. Firefighting runs in Fran’s family. His father was a retired Philadelphia Fire Department Captain who served for more than 30 years.
On July 4, 2012, Fran entered a smoke-filled home and heard a woman in distress on the 2nd floor. When Fran found her, she was trapped, panicked and out of breathe from breathing in too much smoke. In a split-second decision, Fran took a big breath, removed his tank and put it on the woman. Both got out safely, although Fran was hospitalized for smoke inhalation. Fran later met the woman he saved, and presented her with about $500 of his own overtime pay to help her and her family.
On April 9, Fran was injured in a warehouse fire. He was inspecting an adjacent building to the warehouse when the wall and roof began to fall. Fran was buried in the rubble but managed to dig himself out. Two of Fran’s Ladder 10 firefighter brothers, Lt. Robert Neary and Firefighter Daniel Sweeney, were killed in the fire and and Firefighter Patrick Nally sustained serious injuries. Fran was able to return to work 3 weeks later. Fran donated his Hero of the Month prize money to the Philadelphia Firefighters Local 22 Widow’s Fund and the assistance in healthcare fund at the Cancer Treatment Center of America .