Teachers and students alike have been working hard all year long and they’ve finally reached 100 days together in the classroom. It’s time to celebrate this milestone!

Here are some fun activities you can do in your classroom when you reach 100 days of school.



100 days of school

1. Make 100 Days of School Shirts

Celebrate 100 days of school by having your whole class sport 100 day shirts! Here’s how it’s done- have each student bring in a plain t-shirt (or an old shirt that they don’t wear anymore), purchase or have kids bring in easy supplies like bandaids, googly eyes, puffballs, beads, yarn, stickers, etc., and let kids go to work on creating their shirt. The only rule is that whatever they are using- they need to use 100 of them for their shirt to be complete!

For virtual students: Have each child make their own shirt during class one day together, and then show them off on-screen by wearing them together on the 100th day.

Pro Tip: If you don’t want to purchase extra supplies, just use markers or paint and have each child draw their design!



100 days of school

2. Dress Up as 100-Year-Olds

Want to do something a little more silly that your class (and fellow teachers) are sure to enjoy? Host a 100-Year-Old dress-up contest! Students can come to school dressed in their best 100-year-old costume. To make it even more exciting, host a contest with a prize for the “oldest” looking student. Who wouldn’t want a few miniature Golden Girls running around their elementary school all day? 

For virtual students: Have each student dress up and show off their look on camera and host a virtual contest on who looked the oldest.



100 days of school

3. Play a Game!

There are hundreds of game options that you can play with your students to celebrate 100 days! If you want to keep it educational you can try playing one of these:

Roll to 100 Dice Game

Number Scavenger Hunt

100 day M&M Sort & Graph

Guess the Jar – What 100 Items Looks Like

For virtual students: Send worksheets via email and have them color in digitally or print out at home. Click here for a free online dice roller.



100 days of school

4. Make the Day a Little Sweeter

If your school lets you have snacks in the classroom, try some of these fun activities to help make the 100th day a little tastier! If your COVID protocols forbid eating snacks in the classroom you could always try these activities with individually wrapped candy like Tootsie Rolls, Hershey’s Kisses, mini candy bars, suckers, Laffy Taffy, etc and have kids wait until they get home to eat them. OR use other objects in their place like beads.

Make 100th Day Trail Mix

Create a 100 Days of School Edible Necklace

100 Day Snack Sort

If you can have snacks, you should definitely try having your kids do this Tootsie Pop experiment!

For virtual students: You can let parents know ahead of time what projects that you plan to do and the supplies your students will need, or you can have students count out food objects (or any object) they already have at home to sort.



100 days of school

5. Decorate Your Classroom

A fun activity and a bright addition to your classroom, having your students help create 100-day decor for doorways and bulletin boards will not only help you out when it comes to thinking of new ideas, but it will also help show off your student’s love for your school! Or if you want to surprise your students when they walk into the room on the 100th day with special decorations click here for ideas.

For virtual students: Have each student make a virtual background celebrating 100 days of school. They can create a photo of their favorite lesson so far or write what they have loved the most about their school year. The best part is, is that you can have them create whatever you would like to celebrate!



100 days of school

6. Get Up and Get Moving with STEAM! 

Get your students out of their seats and having fun with these fun activities that require them to build using their STEAM skills. You could even set them up in stations where students have to go and complete each activity:

Build a 100 Cup Structure

Create a City with 100 Legos

Make a Self Portrait with 100 Paper Clips

For virtual students: Have your students take pieces of paper and cut them to where they have 100 pieces, and then have them create a self-portrait using the blocks. Each student can then take a photo of their creation and show them off to their classmates.



100 days of school

7. 100 Items

Have each student bring 100 items from home that they can show off to their peers! This is the perfect chance for students who collect objects like action figures or sports cards to show off their hobbies. Students can even vote for their favorite item and the best one can win a prize. Just be sure to send home a note to parents beforehand letting them know your plan and size limitations. No one wants 100 goldfish bowls brought into their classroom…

For virtual students: The rules can stay the same, just do your show and tell virtually.



100 days of school

8. Take it Easy with a Good Book

Finish off your 100-day celebrations by reading a book (or books) together as a class that features the number ‘100’. Check out our favorites here.

For virtual students: Hold your reading virtually.


Happy 100 Days! Keeping pushing, you are almost done 🙂

And for more 100 Days of School classroom celebration ideas check out our Pinterest Board “Teachers Celebrate 100 Days of School”.


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