Is it time for break yet? We’re counting down the seconds.

While some may already be enjoying their time at home with friends and family others are in the classroom right up until Thanksgiving day. Your main goal is to keep students busy and on-task, but even that’s becoming more and more of a challenge…

You don’t want to lose the momentum you have had all semester with your class, but truthfully you are equally as eager for the Holiday and time away from the classroom. It may feel like there’s no end in sight right now, so here are a few tips along with a few memes (of course) on how to keep your student’s behavior in check and enjoy these last few days.


thanksgiving break

1. Don’t talk too much about break… at least not to your students

It’s easy for students to get lost in the anticipation and lose sight of how much time is left to learn before you actually leave for Thanksgiving break if you keep mentioning it. That’s why it’s best to wait until at least a few days before to start talking about break. That’s not to say you can’t mention it to your co-workers 😉


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2. Stick to your normal routine

The mid-semester blues have set in; the point where teachers start to let up and loosen classroom rules. More chairs are being tipped back, GoNoodle is becoming the go-to, and all other classroom rules are starting to fall by the wayside. But, its crucial that you stick to your normal rules and routines. Your students will be able to see you letting up and chances are they will take advantage of that by starting to act up and distract your class. Hold firm in your routine as long as possible. This doesn’t mean you can’t work in some fun Thanksgiving games and activities, just don’t let the whole day (or week) become a free-for-all. Because we all know, once you lose a child’s focus before break it’s hard to get it back.


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3. Don’t overwhelm yourself

Get prepared before you leave, but don’t overwhelm yourself with all of your grading and lesson planning at once. Remember, after Thanksgiving break you still have a few weeks left before the semester ends. Instead of trying to do it all, take care of everything that needs your immediate attention before you leave and make a solid plan on how your next few weeks will be when you return. This way you will be able to prioritize your work and keep on track before Christmas break.


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4. Try to over-plan your break before it gets here

There is nothing worse than having a break that is so jam-packed you don’t have any time to relax and enjoy yourself. These days leading up to break when friends and family are texting and calling wanting to make plans, make time for them, but be careful not to make your schedule so full that you don’t have time for yourself. Remember, it’s okay to say ‘no’.


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5. Think positive

This school year has been stressful for so many teachers, with the lack of subs, COVID protocols, the switch between in-person and remote teaching, etc. You work hard every single day and you’re exhausted, but you’ve got this! You have earned this much-needed break. Don’t feel guilty for looking forward to it or Christmas break as much as you are.


Have a happy and safe Thanksgiving break!


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