Having a good parent-teacher relationship is vital for helping the year go smoothly, especially in the middle of the school year. Here are eight things teachers wish you knew and would tell parents if they could, but usually don’t.
- Attending meetings and conferences helps both of us.
There could be new policies and procedures to explain, or just a chance to talk about what a teacher is seeing in the classroom compared to the child at home. If you miss out you might miss important information, or what sort of homework/schedule to expect.
- If your kid is having a bad morning or week, let me know.
You don’t have to go into detail, but it can make it much easier if your child’s teacher knows your little one might be feeling a little bit off.
- I can tell when your child isn’t getting enough sleep.
Educators are noticing that kids just don’t have bedtimes like they used to. Letting your child stay up too late watching TV or playing on the computer can have an effect on their learning and on the classroom.
- I buy school supplies with my own money for a reason.
Yes, it’s a sad truth; many schools just don’t provide teachers with the budgets or supplies they need for their classrooms. Take care not to lose that sturdy folder (filled with helpful memos) that the teacher sends home with your kid every day. Also, if he or she asks you to chip in for supplies, do what you can.
- If you have young children, don’t trust them to tell you everything that happens at school.
Check their backpacks for homework assignments, permission slips or notes home. Take advantage of parent-teacher conferences to get some undivided time with the teacher.
- When your child gets older, it doesn’t mean you can start being less involved.
In high school and middle school, you might be tempted to ease off the gas when it comes to checking in on what your child does at school. But teachers report that setting a positive example, and taking interest in your kid’s education, is still critical in the later years.
- I work on the weekends.
If you still believe that teaching is a part-time job, educators would like to remind you that they regularly put in extra-long days and catch-up on classroom prep on the weekend. teachers wish you knew
- You can ask me anything.
If there’s one thing teachers want from their students’ parents, it’s more communication. Teachers view education as a collaborative process between them and the parent. So, if you have a question or concern, definitely speak up! The clearer you are with each other, the easier and more productive the year will be.
Like every career today, educating children is ever-evolving. You can find all kinds of great classroom resources and tips at our blog, https://mycalcas.com/category/auto-insurance-for-teachers/ or at https://mycalcas.com/category/teachers/.
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