Quick updates for Friday

TGIF! I hope everyone out there had a great week.

I want to remind everyone that we are giving $5k to some lucky educators in Colorado. There is still time for you to enter and win (provided you are a CEA member in CO) – go to School Lounge Makeover to get your chance to win!

We also teamed up with Identity Theft 911 to provide all of our Facebook fans a great guide to protecting yourself at tax time. We’re not advertising just yet, so I wanted to give blog readers first crack at it. We’re going to share a lot of Fans Only content in the coming year – so click that “Like” button and bookmark that page! Go here to get the guide.

Favorite Super Bowl Ads?

For many, the highlight of the Super Bowl is the commercials shown in between the game action. While a lot of people are saying the commercials were a bit of a disappointment this year – there were still a few gems shown last night.

After conducting a very informal and unscientific survey around the CalCas offices in Leawood, KS – I determined that the Volkswagen spot featuring a young Darth Vader was the favorite amongst employees.

What was your favorite ad? Share away in the comments or on our Facebook page.

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